Okay, I've submitted a few stories, but I have some questions that remain unanswered:
First, I work over my stories quite a few times, but after I cannot be sure that they don't have errors. So, how do I find an editor?
Second, I submitted a multipart story to Fictionmania. I was thinking about re-submitting it here. I have noted that some stories appear both on Big Closet and on Fictionmania. Is there any protocol about submitting a story on both sites? Is it considered "bad form?"
Now a comment: I find it difficult to search the site for a particular key word or category. I wish that this could be done by being able to go to a keyword or category search from the home page. Likewise, I cannot figure out how to search for a title in the same manner. I will take any and all suggestions.
well an editor?
post a few stories and ask right here once and awhile...sometimes they jump right at you!
Cross posting---
I started at fictionmania and got HAMMERED the first few posts. I was learning but have got lots better over time!
BUT (I scream) do post here, as a new author! you will get better positive feedback from the readers here than anywhere! Both in comments and PM's plus the lovely KUDOS! And only here can you track your 'reads' per day!
searching is a drill down style that has to get some practice at to learn well, just keep hunting and you will find authors that have what you want.
ask questions here or PM me direct....I am on most of the time torturing my Drow!!!!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Welcome to our little corner of the universe :)
As far as errors, none of us are perfect and we are not getting paid to make sure the stories are perfect. We all understand this and the most you will see in comments about any error will be helpful posts from readers.
As to finding an editor, ask for volunteers but remember that all of us have day jobs and it may be difficult to find someone that had the time and the ability to edit for you.
Many stories here on BC can also be found on other sites such as Fictionmania, Whateley Acadamy, Storytime, etc. I post to a couple of these other sites myself although since BC is my favorite it always is first in line for anything new I write, and the other sites I tend to post later when I have the time and patience to format the story to appear correctly on the other sites.
Keyword search, you’re better off someone else describing that one as I am no expert in that area
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
For an editor, ask someone
For an editor, ask someone directly, or Blog you're looking for help.
Erin is the one to ask about multiple sites, but several stories have been on both sites.
The search function is not like 'Fictionmania'.
Has this been helpful ?
Hugs, Karen
posting Stories
I have only started posting stories this year and post to FM and BC and my first few
stories got comments and e mails or PM all with constructive comments and advice on
proof reading and getting an editor
I proof read three or four times and also have a friend who offered to edit and comment before posting and we both still miss things that our readers notice
He also posts on this site and we share comments and ideas and it helps
You can ask for a proof reader or edit and see what happens
All you really have to do is just be you
There is a category search on the Home Page
It's right at the top and I find the search easy to implement.
Unfortunately, the results are not so useful as you'll usually get bombarded by multi chapters of the same story.
Heaven help you if you search on a category used by Bike since you can't see the Wood for the Bikes!!! Although Bike obviously has the highest number of episodes, there are hundreds if not thousands of stories that produce the same problem. If only you could see only see the title page for multi part series, it would be a very useful search. As it is, I rarely use it.