Transgender documentary spills beans
Last night a BBC2 documentary on transgender activism spilled the beans about the psychological complexity of 'gender dysphoria' and how it can be treated.
After the programme - I have been sent this ugly rant. Please respond with restraint.
issues about Brutal Britain, Homosexuality, Militant Atheism, Persecuted Church, Sex Education - by 'Stephen'.
Comment by Alys [I have NOT yet watched the programme.]
I know this is hateful stuff but the reaction should not be to say 'Everything written here is vile and wrong' but sure as eggs some of this is ugly and prejudiced and biased. Which bits are 'right but exaggerated'???
Please don't just agree that this is all nasty. Do mermaids exaggerate? How many have heard a 4-year-old say 'trapped in the wrong body' - though they might say 'i'm a girl' [with a genital mistake.] AP
Fifteen years ago it was middle-aged men, very often fathers, deciding they should have been women all along, who formed the backbone of the miniscule transgender movement. They were so few, and so off-the-wall, they were a mere add-on to the homosexual network. Even bisexuals took precedence among ‘LGBT’ activists.
But now the focus has shifted to the school. Four year-olds are coming out with the ‘trapped in the wrong body’ mantra. Last night (12th January 2017), a BBC2 documentary explored the culture war between the ‘gender affirmative’ mainstream and the traditionalist dissidents. The iplayer version of ‘Transgender kids who knows best‘ is available for 29 days.
Gender Affirmative
‘Gender affirmative’ blindly accepts what the child is saying. It objects to any idea of a psychological or emotional root to the child’s gender dysphoria. It objects to there being any parallel dysfunction in the child’s mind. It allows the child to progess to hormone treatment which blocks the onset of puberty and from thence to full hormone treatment and ‘sex reassignment’ surgery, which is irreversible.
Crucially, ‘gender affirmative’ holds the levers of power in the UK and in Canada, the focus of the documentary. The documentary gave time to Ontario Politician Cheri di Novo to set out her pro-transsexual views. In November 2016, MIss di Novo marked ‘International Trans Day of Remembrance’ raising ‘the Trans Flag at the Ontario Legislature for the first time in history’. Later that month she celebrated the All Families Are Equal Act. This is where law-making becomes ‘LGBTQ’ activism, in which Miss di Novo excels.
Dr Zucker is a Transgender Opponent
But the film also gave a welcome platform to Dr Kenneth Zucker. He ran Toronto’s Child Gender Clinic for thirty years and helped many children accept their God-given biological gender. In the documentary he said a “whole range of psychological issues can manifest themselves in a child’s desire to change their gender”. Dr Zucker said a majority of the children he had treated also had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or were on the autism spectrum, or had other psychological problems. One girl he treated had seen her mother murdered and began to think if she had been a boy she could have prevented it. So she then hated being a girl.
There was a heartbreaking moment when a girl described how she had undergone a double mastectomy as part of gender reassignment surgery before realising she wanted to remain as a woman. A creepy activist female-to-male transsexual and psychotherapist called Hershel Russel made light of the case. ‘There are very few,’ she said.
Susie Green's own son wanted to be a girl. She is now chief executive officer of the ‘trans’ agitators Mermaids Foundation. She told the paper: “We’ve had real concern that this is going to cause them to be targeted, because it supports this idea of trans children being mentally disturbed or that they can be cured. Parents are very afraid.”
But parents outside activist groups are relieved someone is sticking up for them. There was an uplifting story in the documentary of a family who resisted their daughter’s claims that she was a boy. They attended Dr Zucker’s clinic. Showing her she could play ball games and take part in rough sports transformed her life. She is now a happy adolescent girl.
Mermaids has been criticised itself for ‘bullying’ parents and schools in ‘gender affirmation.
In 2015 Dr Zucker was sacked and his clinic closed when his approach fell foul of the spirit of the age. His work was “not in step with the latest thinking”. the BBC defended his inclusion in the programme. They said: ‘He believes he was fired for challenging the gender affirmative approach.’ Five hundred of his colleagues signed a letter supporting him.
At the very end of the programme, ‘Warner’, a small boy dressing up as girl with the full approval of his misguided parents, said he thought there were ‘a couple of pieces missing’ in his brain.
But surely our whole society is now a few sandwiches short of a picnic. We sack doctors trying to help young people. We browbeat parents into ‘gender affirmation’. We allow adult activists to impose damaging hormone treatments designed to block puberty on children who know no better. We allow surgeons to mutilate bodies and physicians to interfere with young people’s biochemistry. And we do all this because it is politically correct.
I saw the programme
and thought it was reasonably balanced and some of the time I would probably agree with Dr Zucker. Even in the UK where gender affirmation is widely used, the clinicians monitoring it are not just responding to political correctness and like Zucker are good at sizing up their patients.
See my blog below.
It has all got so political and the activists are so angry and loud, I'm glad I'm no longer part of it.
Polarising the issue is so wrong
Polarising the issue is so wrong. The reality is that the process is usually more like: parents - general practitioner - psychologist/psychiatrist - specialist clinic. Most specialist clinics statistics show that less than half of prepubescent children progress to hormone treatment by the age of 18.
Whether the individual undergoes gender affirmation treatment is irrelevant. Helping kids cope with life and getting them to enjoy and fully participate in life is the objective.
The polarising and politics do nothing to help. A framework of medical specialists and population awareness of the existence of the issue and the framework that exists and is developing is what is needed. The only other ingredient is tolerance and respect for your fellow human being.
i have not seen it as i am in the US
TW molestation
But i have seen stuff from this "Dr Zucker" recently, he reminds me of Dr Paul McHugh formally of John Hopkins (fired), and ex dr Ben Carson (license stripped in all US territories). while what i saw here, the part about some kids having trauma, or just not stereotypical of their birth sex/gender, i can agree with that. that some activists go overboard, and some parents, i can ALSO agree with that. the FtM who wasnt, i have heard several cases, yet NONE of them will admit they did it under treatment FOR being trans. after all, in a LOT of places, double mastectomies for cancer are NOT unheard of, just precautionary even (Angelina Jolie started a trend on that one) now this says it was part of SRS, so i am assuming she WAS under treatment, if so then the two therapists need to be investigated (the UK and canada both use the WPATH standards right?) for failing their patient. dont get me wrong, they might NOT have been at fault, humans are very capable of being so self convincing, they can convince others
i DONT think making it into seemingly a CRIME for parents to listen to their child and get them checked out, also several of the statements are VERY misleading such as this line "It objects to there being any parallel dysfunction in the child’s mind. It allows the child to progress to hormone treatment which blocks the onset of puberty and from thence to full hormone treatment and ‘sex reassignment’ surgery, which is irreversible." it doesnt object in the mainstream, it only objects to people like Zucker/Carson/McHugh who automatically assume that it IS some mental issue ONLY (such as the "god-given sex comment), totally different from what this line says, also, no "child" goes onto blockers UNTIL puberty, while its talking about a 4-yr old, it can be easily misread, as it has been in other places thinking a 4 year old is starting "sex change treatment" when its not that at all. twisted words make bad perceptions.
while i knew at 5 and tried for years to get others to believe me, the only ones who said they did had ulterior motives, and nothing to do with helping me transition. after that (around 10) i repressed things for over 30 years, it took the death of my mother for me to recall those memories. at her memorial i learned one of the three from back then was in jail for doing similar to his 3 sons. as we all know, pedophiles do not take sabbaticals of 20+ years, so no telling how many more he got away with. so i have only been consciously aware of who i am, after decades of not understanding why i didnt fit in, so maybe my perceptions are off kilter? when i recalled things, i looked online for information, found sites, good and bad, and the good ones all basically said, see a therapist. living in a small conservative christian american town, we dont have a plethora of therapists, and NONE who are "gender specialists" i had three choices, and i feel i hit the jackpot on the first try. remember no insurance for most of us here, so i paid cash, and still do. i sent her a 4 page email (when printed out) recalling all i could how i felt, then and now and basically asked if she could help. well she did. she has a PhD, so not your average everyday counselor therapist, only a little experience in trans but has a cousin who was FtM, a friends child was MtF, etc. she learned from me and she helped me as we went along. she was thinking trans in 3-4 months, it took me almost 9 to finally admit it. She wasnt forcing me, far from it, i didnt know her belief until that time. dont get me wrong, i dont doubt there ARE some out there that are biased towards finding someone is trans, for whatever reason, but i think it is fairly rare, who would risk their career, livelihood and freedom just to prove their point or sell a book?
based on crap from these kinds of doctors online i was worried the molestation was influencing things (they used my claims to help keep me compliant to what they wanted, including providing me cloths) so when i hear this stuff, i can see how it is possible, but that they make it seem like MOST if not all are based on this is pure egotistical hogwash. while i agree a lot of young kids have phases and are NOT trans, does it hurt, if after months of INSISTENT, PERSISTENT & CONSISTENT (key indicators for trans) claims to have them professionally evaluated? i would say NO, but others prefer to go to religious counseling, reparative/conversion therapy (such as our new VP elect was a champion of, EST for kids, it makes me ill just thinking of it), throwing them out of the home to "teach them a lesson" or just good old fashioned beating them until they agree, or they are killed.
Teresa L.
Dr. Zucker
I met him and the rest of the staff at that clinic back in '95, his decision after I had been assessed there was that I wasn't actually gender dysphoric, just pretending to be "that way", and whether I wanted to or not, the chance of my succeeding was rather low in his estimation.
Funny, I had doctors when I was barely four years old say that I was clearly gender dysphoric. I was dealing with it back when I was a small child, not understanding what was going on or knowing anything could be done, yet Zucker comes along and says it's all bullsh*t.
I knew something was definitely wrong before I entered my teens, the three male-to-male rapes I experienced when I was 15 only strengthened my resolve that something needed to be done, and what I end up with is Zucker who works to get people to deny their own needs.
As for the just pretending crap, if that were the case, then why do I still feel the need all these years later? *shakes head*
The not succeeding part was actually fairly accurate, I've always had dense, heavy beard growth since my beard first started coming in when I was 17. I've never had the money needed to be able to do either electrolysis or laser electrolysis, so that hasn't been an option for me. I can't count how many foundations or similar I've tried over the years, I can't find one that actually matches my skin, it's either too light and makes my skin look greyish in colour, or it is too dark and it makes me look like I'm trying to fake being black or fully Amerindian.
The humorous part of that is that I'm actually 1/8 Amerindian and either 1/16 or 1/32 black, there's been some mixing in the family tree.
Anyway, to put it bluntly, after seeing Zucker and his 'we can't help you' brigade, I have had as little to do with that clinic as possible. The stories I've heard about him and his activities there make me sick to my stomach, but I'm not absolutely sure if they're true or not, so I won't get into specifics beyond the premise that he was supposedly doing things with his patients that were not appropriate in the least.
I wish like hell I had had the help that many kids in Canada and the UK are getting now, but no, everyone told me I was full of shit. *shrugs*
For the record, the clinic where he worked approved MAYBE five to ten people per year, out of at least several hundred, possibly a thousand or more. Any person's chances of getting anywhere by going through that clinic was minimal at best, and cases like mine were likely all too common, then factor in that it was the only clinic available at the time for people in central Canada, and possibly the whole country.
Just read an article about the clinic he worked in, several times in the article, Zucker tells parents the child is likely gay, not transgender. Yeah, that's a great way to help kids, deny their statements/assessments of gender dysphoria and tell them the child is gay. It makes me sick.
Its one thing to err on the
Its one thing to err on the side of caution, its another to discount what a patient is saying entirely and assert another cause, and convince the patient that you are right.
That programme
There were a lot of slanted aspects to it. The pre-publicity stated unequivocally that children receive HRT and surgery--they do not. The internet publicity still repeats the 80% desistence* lie-by-distortion. There was the usual concentration on MtF, make-up, clothes and dolls.
Zucker's expressed 'mission' has been to stop people being trans. Previously, he has worked to 'cure' people of being gay. That is why he was kicked out, not because of some powerful trans lobby**. I found a real lack of balance in the programme, and a linguistic analysis of the voice-over's adjectives is telling: shocking, painful, frightening, etc, etc. As for the autism comments, well, bollocks. I have known what I was since I was two and saw my younger brother's penis. I have "consistently and persistently" held onto that knowledge for 57 years, and because I wanted to survive I learned to hide. The thing about ASD is that it removes or reduces the ability to read other people, so that hiding doesn't happen.
*There are two distortions that come out of a couple of surveys done in Sweden and Holland. One is suicidal ideation, where transphobic sources say they show that suicide rates are elevated post-transition. That is not correct. Post transition, suicide rates remain higher than the general population but are REDUCED compared to pre-transition. The claims for 80% desistence, as explicitly stated by the BBC, are that almost all children with gender dysphoria grow out of it. That is not true. The survey actually says that 80% of gender-nonconforming children grow out of it, but those with GD do not. G-NC means all children who don't behave in a stereotypical way, such as tomboys, boys who like fashion or dolls, girls who enjoy playing football or rugby, boys who like princess dresses.
**The secret trans political cabal are currently flat-sharing with the Elders of Zion, the Illuminati and a group of giant shapeshifting lizards.
Been full time since 03 Being
Been full time since 03 Being trans gender not a cake walk.I think helping kids carefully can help them wish I HAD THAT HELP back in the day.I use buck get dressed all sorts.Tried to be a real man?. Join the Royal Navy then I left and went inti the Merchant Navy but its all way there. After still triedbeing a real man? did Door work Car repos Fork Truck Driver.Now work as Carer and do cleaning part girls jobs don't pay as much as guys jobs so work harder for same cash price you pay for the right to skirts.I think some people are to Trans what they were to gays few years back. Let hope these kids have easier time that an old 60 year bird did.
For buck mean bunk off school
For buck mean bunk off school sorry