On Thursday evening (BBC2 9pm) a programme will be aired in the UK that will appeal to transphobes across the planet. Discredited Dr Kenneth Zucker is quoted as an expert concerning young (pre-teen & teen) transgendered children. One suggestion is:
“A four-year-old might say he wants to be a dog. But do you go out and buy him dog food?”
Mermaids is said to be very concerned and were not asked to participate in the programme.
Programme page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b088kxbw
Radio Times review: http://www.radiotimes.com/tv-programme/e/fhs29c/this-world--...
I'll be recording this as an mp4 but don't know yet if my blood pressure will stand watching it.
Kenny plays the victim
I find it ironic that Dr. Zucker claims he's the victim of the "politicization" of gender issues by trans activists. I can't think of a more blatant example of the politicization of science than Fox New's favorite transgender denier, who's been on this crusade of his for decades, using language that clearly marks him as a fanatic with an agenda ...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Dr. Zucker
For some of his story, as related by Lynn Conway who was in some sort of legal action with him, go to Lynn's site at University of Michigan. She has a well documented history with the x-Director of the Toronto, ON, clinic that he used to head.
May the sun always shine on your parade
I think...
That the only thing worse than a hipocritic religious nut, is junk science. Do I think that more research is needed as to what causes someone else to have gender dysphoria? Absolutely. But idiots like zucker think they know everything. So rather than do real work, they politicize the issue. Too much real science has proven that gender dysphoria is real. I read some where that it could be likened to phantom limb syndrome. If your brain is female, it's looking for a female body, female hormones. So if your male, but have a female brain, your gonna have issue. Just like when someone loses a leg, but still feels it. My point is, that even though things are getting better, transgender still has this negative stigma, and idiots like zucker just try to play into the ignorance of the transphobics so that he can feel important and justified.
Dr Spack, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Boston Childrens hospital
This is a much better example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtkJlqTCPNU