My Little

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I just put a new story up a little while ago, and in the process, it seems I rediscovered my little. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of her since late 2005, so more than eleven years have gone by, yet it seems I woke her up, so to speak, simply by using the name Jessica in my piece.

As I said, I hadn't had her come out for so long that I actually forgot her name, which is Jessica. What makes it even odder, at least for me, is I've read who knows how many stories featuring someone named or renamed Jessica, or written by someone named Jessica.

So, I finished writing the story, posted it, and started bawling quietly here at my desk. I thought it was under control a few minutes later, so I typed up a comment, posted it to the story, then started bawling again. This time the crying, mostly silent again, lasted about ten minutes.

As I said in the comment, I have a feeling that my little is going to come out again some time soon. I'm not sure how to handle it.

I'm curious as to how many others here have littles of their own, and how they cope with them.

If there is a group of some kind for littles here, I'd love to join it, to be able to talk with others who know and experience it.

Anyone that wishes to discuss littles in private can send me a PM.

Damn, but I still feel like I need to cry again. I haven't felt like this for ages, crying is VERY unusual for me at any time.



That's wonderful mew! I'm also a little :D

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D