Trans on cover of National Geographic

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Okay, I was only going to post the article but my blood is boiling. The ill informed, self righteous bigots are already out with their lies, and regurgitated false medical science. I'm sure everyone here can find the filth without my help. BUT just in case you're lost grab your air sick bag and give this one a go. How many minds are going to believe this tripe thinking it is factual science????????

So let's go with the one's doing a blurb about the magazine.

National Geographic just announced its January 2017 issue will be entirely devoted to gender—and the magazine included its first known trans person on the cover.

A stunning photo of 9-year-old Avery Jackson will appear on the subscriber’s edition of the magazine, which can be found below. “The best thing about being a girl is, now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy,” Jackson says in a caption accompanying the cover image, shot by Robin Hammond

I'm going to go sit with the cats and chickens and wonder why I joined the human race? Intelligent species my .....


There are a lot of

Numbskulls responding in that thread.
If you ignore them then they'll go somewhere else to vent their ill informed speens.
Don't stoop to their level of knuckle dragging Neanderthalism.

Good parenting

Happy she get to be a girl at a young age and enjoy all the little things girls do plus she gets to be on hormones early.
Good job MOM for letting her be who she is.


Frank's picture

The part that catches my eye is where she says how nice it is not to have to pretend to be a boy. I've often wondered how society creates theses prisons. Or in conjunction of society/family expectations vs the freedom to express themselves as they feel.

It is like cross-dressing. A big difference between clothes is that women's clothes are cut to conform to the female body. So when I a man/boy puts on a dress it looks wrong physically in addition to society's wagging finger that you are an evil person! ;) Girls on the other hand can wear anything male. A Large shirt becomes a dress. Pants she can be a little girl playing her Dad again...

Its not fair but that is often how it is.



Child Abuse: a drabble

laika's picture

Two moms are on a park bench while their kids play on the swings.

"You have a beautiful daughter."

"Thank you."

"She seem like such a happy child."

"She is now, ever since we let her be who she really is. She was miserable trying to be a boy. I'm so glad she trusted us enough to tell us. It was a shock at first, which it shouldn't have been, there were signs all along."

"What??? You let HIM run around like that? You talked him into this, didn't you? With your sick twisted agenda blah blah blah blah- THAT'S CHILD ABUSE!!!!"


(I'd post that as a story but then i'd have to come up with
something better than blah blah blah, and i'm kinda busy...)
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Where Do They Get Them?

joannebarbarella's picture

These blatant lies and false statistics? And then pretend that they are "scientific evidence".

And why do they always blame "The Left"? The hate that spews across those articles is not promulgated by The Left. I know many here would not consider themselves to be at that end of the political spectrum either.

I will definitely go looking for the issue of National Geographic.

NAt Geo comments

The question is if the comments are Nat Geo or are actually from the daily wire and the uninformed/misinformed individual that wrote the story. The comment about the suicide rate completely overlooks the issue of non-acceptance within society and in many families that cause the problem. Amanda Prestigiacomo is the auto and is obviously a uncompromising "Bitch" concerning having no humanity towards those that she does not consider her equal.

The comments are not necessarily those of Nat Geo.

National Geographic was just bought out by

Rupert Murdoch now owns National Geographic, or rather 20th Century Fox does and he owns them. The last thing I want is to have my privacy invaded and be paraded around like a Carnival freak.

Just to clarify, Fox bought

Just to clarify, Fox bought the rights to publish National Geographic magazine from the National Geographic Society. The NGS is still a non-profit educational and scientific organization.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Fox a News agencY ???

Now that is a laugh. Rupert Murdoch owns Fox since their pervert manager had to grab his marbles and run.


Conversation I had in Crawley, with a salesman.
"Hello, are you interested in a new Sky package?"
"No thank you"
"We have some great offers"
"I don't have a television"
"And I wouldn't give Rupert Murdoch the rising water vapour from my fresh liquid bodily waste"
"I wouldn't give Murdoch the steam off my piss. Have a nice day..."

They are persistent aren't they?

I had almost the same encounter in County Mall with Sky chuggers.
I was out Christmas shopping with my mother. She was in a wheelchair.
He went straight into the 'there are plenty of great movie premieres on over Christmas. If you sign up today then we can get it installed before next weekend."

My response was
"I might get round to considering it about 10 years after Rupert is dead, burried and is rotting in hell."

The man spotted another 'sucker' and left us too it.

I won't give any Murdoch owned or controlled company a penny.

County Mall

I didn't realise we lived so near each other. Yes, CM indeed. They seem to have been there since the Cambrian era.

I Did A Little Research

joannebarbarella's picture

The adverse comments about LBTG come from a man called Ben Shapiro who is the Managing Editor of Breitbart, which is a very Right-wing "News" outlet that does not concern itself with truth or genuine evidence.

Bannon ran Breitbart, until

Bannon ran Breitbart, until he left to join the Trump white house, and Bannon tried to make it a "forum for the alt right" i.e. neo-Nazis.

Some people are named Richard

Some people are named Richard Head.?.But the Mr Dick Heads of this World seem to have a lot to say mostly crap.


Percentage Trans Satisfied

BarbieLee's picture

Thus far, the largest evaluation has been a survey of Dutch transgender patients (10). Among the 1,285 patients surveyed, 1,280 were satisfied.

Despite all the lies and propaganda from those who have such a slim hold on their own sexual identity, the success is better than 99 percent with treatment. Double dog dare anyone to find any better results from any group who has had medical treatment for one reason or another.

The AMA is now overwhelmingly on board with fundamental brain differences being the root cause of transsexuality. And the APA (both of them) both state that the most effective therapy statistically for transsexuals is transition.

One of the most important of these is brain differences concerns the BST in the hypothalamus. “In the hypothalamus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) is thought to be important for gender identity. One study showed that male-to-female transsexuals had decreased BST staining identical to that for genetic XX female subjects (8). In contrast, genetic XY male subjects had significantly increased BST staining. BST staining was not influenced by sexual orientation or sex hormone levels.”

Okay, I'm off my soapbox
Hugs people

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

4.2% seem favorable

I cruised the article; you have to subscribe to get the whole thing, and the comments seemed nutty but I generally just love to dine on Fundamentalist Christians because I know the Bible well enough to use it against them. Having said that, looking at the "clicks", it seems that around 4.2% very angry at us, while 95.8% are favorable toward us. Not bad girls.
