Sometimes, being Bipolar can be a real bitch.
And sometimes, the demons in my closet come calling a little too loudly.
Today appears to be one of those days. My muse has fled, and, once again, the Beast takes over. It was an enjoyable ride, as it was. I don't know when Haylee will return, but hopefully it will be soon. I really like her, and sometimes wish she could stay just a little longer.
C'est la vie!
I hear and understand that
I swing back and fourth with almost clock like precision. My trick is to know when to focus on what type of activities because when my beasts come out there are some things I can do...and when they sleep there are others. If I can ever learn how to flip the switch at will it will be a blessing instead of a bane.
bi polar
just sat in on a psychiatrist visit with a close younger relative who has recently been diagnosed as Bi Polar. Its difficult to understand and the medication seems to have very serious side effects. Just wish I could get my head around it! no doubt I will in time. May your muse return soon.
Bipolar myself
In my case, I'm mostly depressive, with occasional swings into mania, and I haven't used any meds since 1999. I'm not sure how the heck I've managed to cope for all those years, but I have only had a few really serious problem times, and those were overcome largely through the help of a few people I knew. I haven't had a serious depressive episode for nearly ten years, and my manic ones are usually mild.
You all must forgive me. Today is NOT one of my better days.
Physically, I hurt. Lots. I'm still not quite over the surgery, or adjusted (yet) to my new 'device'.
Emotionally, I'm drained. My past demons are rearing their heads, and, in all reality, I just don't care. I don't have the energy to fend them off today.
Socially, I feel like an outcast- a cast off that society doesn't want- or needs- to acknowledge.
If I had a rock big enough, I'd crawl under it and hide- possibly forever- never again revealing myself...
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V