To begin with Tree Hugger is a story I began more than a few years ago and had been forgotten. Lost in an archive until...
A few weeks ago I had a catastrophic computer failure. My motherboard died. That computer had some <cough> exotic parts in it that let it our preform everything built for its first 5-6 years of life and even after 13 years of perfect service allowed it to keep up with all but the high end gaming PCs built today.
So the old motherboard, RAM, CPU and CPU cooler were replaced and I'm only mildly over clocking the new CPU to 4.10 Ghz for now. I am a stickler for backing up so of course nothing was lost, but in going thru the back ups many forgotten stories were found.
Something bothered me about Tree Hugger when I was setting up the first post of that old story. I could not put my finger on it, so I went ahead and posted it to see if anyone could see what I was missing. Well someone did point out a problem they saw and as soon as I read his remarks I realized that was exactly what was bothering me about the story too.
So I'm sorry to say it may be some time before I get back to Tree Hugger, as I plan on going through with a complete rewrite of the story, including the first two chapters that are in the current post. So for now I will be sitting that story on the back burner while I get caught up on Kelly's story and Super Soldier.
Early 90s.
A friend who worked for INTEL helped me build a desk top back in the 90's that was overclocked and it lasted for about 6 years I think. Can't remember much else about it though. Maybe the speed was around 2.6? These days desk tops are so cheap and things advance so fast that I don't bother building anything, especially since win10. I'm not a software lady, but hardware is fun. :)
I want to do a three screen computer, but that may not happen.
Actually Gwen
I went from 4 monitors (the computer could have ran a total of 9 monitors) down to 3 with the rebuild. I would be lost with any less. The i5 6600k CPU in the new innards is rated at 3.5ghz, I just bumped it slightly higher today up to 4.2ghz and I am aiming at 4.6 maximum, just want to go in small steps making sure it stays stable and cool.
Win 8 I hated, the jury is still out on Win 10. I'm still running 7 ultimate in this one, as it will never get upgraded due to some serious modifications I did to the operating system.
I would like to say I'm a hardware guy, but honestly I do everything from hardware repair to modifying both software and OSes, to programming.
As far as going with 3 monitors, something along the lines of a nVidia 650ti has 3 outputs that can all run at the same time.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Hardware guys unite!
I work on hardware most of the time and software as well to some extent, often you have to try a software fix before saying the hardware is the problem.
the i5-6600K, will run 3 monitors by its self if you want it to, you will not be gaming but for video encoding or general purpose work it will do all you need.
If you are going with nVidia i would say look at the 1050 coming out soon, it will handle 4 monitors no problem, but again and high intensity work will suffer the more monitors you have.
Stay with 7 its not bad (I am) but i will have no choice on using 10 when i get a new laptop for traveling.
"Cortana is watching you!"
You're right
But since my old system had the 650ti along with two quattro 800's installed. I reused the nVidia 650ti and reset everything so I was only using 3 monitors.
The 1050 does sound like a great card, but it comes with a pretty steep price tag. I recommended the 650ti since it is still a good mid-range card that has a price tag that won't make you cry.
Windows 10, what can I say about it that's nice? Ummm, it looks pretty. The downside... It isn't backward compatible with all the software and hardware you may have. Microsuck has made it even more difficult for the professional IT types to do anything in their "we know what's best for you" operating system. Windows security is still a big joke. Oh and now they all but force you to set up an online account to log into your HOME computer.
Cortana? That annoying little @#@#%&! That was the first thing I went digging around in the registry to remove on my laptop. The last update brought her back along with changing tons of settings that I had manually configured.
I tossed the laptop on my desk at work and grabbed up my older win 7 laptop, been too pissed at the windows update to touch it without throwing it across the room.
As for that stupid screen with all the junk on it? On the kids computer it was easier to get rid of all that crap and create standard icons on the normal desktop for the 9 year old, than to teach her how all the new crap worked. And honestly I think my 9 year old is more computer literate than many of our users at work.
Windows Edge? This is as big of a joke as Windows security! Microsuck really dropped the ball with that POS web browser. First thing I had to do was install Chrome so the kids had a browser that could play online video and in-browser games...LOL
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
So glad
to hear we'll be reading more Super Soldier soon! I absolutely will not criticize any author for the time between chapter postings. I will say I love reading a story all at once so the story line stays fresh. I'll take what I can get. Thanks Nuuan for your work! You are a really good author.
totally agree
I also love reading a complete story and not have to wait for new sections to be posted. But there is a huge benefit to posting as they are written to both the author and the readers.
Those little comments even if nothing more than saying "Great story, can't wait for more" help keep the authors going through difficult times, when real life attempts to stand in the way of their writing. Then authors receive constructive comments about the story while it is in progress. These range from pointing out spelling errors, hard to read/understand parts, to ideas and suggestions that the author may use in the story. I would bet there are many authors on BC that would agree that some comment helped them through some part of a story that they were having trouble writing.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.