Thankful for this site

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On this US Thanksgiving holiday, I'd like to say Thank You to all who have contributed to this site.

Especially I'd like to thank the authors who endure criticism of their work. It takes courage, more courage than some can imagine, to make one's creative work available to critics.

To those of you who have been criticized for spelling, homonyms, and similar-sounding words, I want to offer my wholehearted support. I am envious of your ability to forego the details and put together the big picture of your story, and grateful for your work. I am sure that there are quite a few traditionally-published authors who produce manuscripts that are no better than yours in those details, but who benefit from professional editing before the world sees their work. To you who walk the wire without such a net, I offer my admiration and thanks.

To those who have been criticized for unrealistic details, I say, keep up the good work. I won't pretend to say what the point of fiction actually is, but I can say what it is not supposed to be: by definition, it is not supposed to be exactly like life.

To those who have been criticized for expressing their love for our world and its ecology, and their fear for damage done to it by we big-headed African apes, I offer my thanks and sympathetic support.

To those who have been criticized, I offer my thanks for your creativity and willingness to share.

And to Erin, Piper, and the whole crew behind the scenes, thank you for keeping it friendly and running.

Happy Thanksgiving to all at BC.


Mine as well

Alecia Snowfall's picture

I'll add mine as well. Thanks to all the staff that keep BC up and running.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall