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I've posted another part of Bike which I hope will please the addicts and possibly encourage some new readers to try it insofar as the episode is in a way self contained and has a complete story in it.

The last two weeks have been difficult and I came to a hair's breath of leaving this site for good. In some ways that would have been useful as my time is very full and the extra hours it would have released would have been useful for giving to my studies. I'd given in to the digs and snipes made by several commenters over several months and decided I didn't need the aggro. I give my work here because I'm aware some of my readers would be pushed to pay for it, and like most other authors here, the only reward I seek is a kudo or a comment or PM, the latter especially if I've made a mistake in a fact or spelling - though I have one or two friends who check that for me and do minor corrections.

On average it takes me between one and two hours to knock out an episode of Bike, longer for my other stories, which means I've given this site over 6,000 hours of my time and at one time was responsible for producing 10% of the material posted here. I know that's nothing compared to Erin or even Sephy but it's quite a bit. Most of my detractors would be far less than this. On the positive side I probably have ten times the kudos of most other authors, but when you're hurting and angry, they don't count very much.

I've watched the discussion about my absence and several times was tempted to join in, but I couldn't until I'd decided what I was going to do. I was pleasantly surprised that those who wrote encouraging me to stay weren't always fellow authors I'd have expected to support me, so I am genuinely touched by their support. It appeared people were actually missing me. Then I had one or two PMs which indicated that some readers relied on Bike to give them some sort of stability in their sometimes uncertain lives and I began to understand that perhaps my primary role here as an author is to try and understand that my stories occasionally have a function beyond entertaining and possibly informing my readers, for some they seem to help them deal with everyday life, perhaps just by being there, a friend or full of characters they have as virtual friends and whose lives they seem to care about. That as an author is quite scary, it introduces an almost vicarious responsibility we don't usually even think about.

It means that one day when I do stop writing Bike, and let's face it, it will happen one day I'm aware there will be some despondent readers but in keeping it going for over 8 years already, I think I've done quite well. It must be on its way towards 3.5million words if not longer (a quick calculation of 3069 x 1250 words is over 3.8million) and probably a world record for the length of a single story in a tg genre, by some distance.

For the moment, I will keep on writing and posting here as long as I have time to do so. My life is very busy and I am trying to study for a degree as well, so time isn't as free as it might be so episodes of Bike won't be as frequent as they once were as some of my assignments can be quite time consuming. In return I hope not to attract too many negative comments or make too many misunderstood remarks via my characters about countries outside the UK, however, my characters, I hope are lifelike in many ways and we Brits do make wise cracks about other places as well as our own. My characters make political and controversial statements about people and situations because I try to make it contemporary and authentic. As an ecologist, Cathy, is concerned about climate change - it is happening - today's papers show the sea ice at the Arctic is less than usual by some degree, the sea temperatures are above freezing and air temperatures are up to 20C above normal for the time of year. Deniers just point at the Antarctic and declare that seems unaffected, so where's the problem. The problem is the two poles are very different with the ice forming through different mechanisms and even producing different types of ice. Also for the first time in living memory, lakes of water are forming on top of the ice at the Antarctic. Believe me, climate change is real and potentially the biggest catastrophe mankind will have encountered.

So I'm still here to remind you of these sorts of things and I hope to offer some new ones you didn't know before as well as entertaining those who just enjoy the read. I am grateful for those who wrote both publicly and privately to me asking me to stay or pointing out some of my responsibilities to readers who perhaps aren't able to speak for themselves. I'm also grateful to Erin and Sephy and the others who keep this place running against all odds and financial wisdom. Please help to support her by contributing what you can afford when you can, the overheads continue ad infinitum.

Tonight's episode is inspired by JK Rowling who wrote the screenplay for Fantastic Beasts based upon a book that is mentioned in the Harry Potter saga. The Dormouse that Roared is a story mentioned several times in earlier episodes of Bike, tonight you get the real deal, I hope you enjoy.



So its

Maddy Bell's picture

Not part of a cereal then? Not fruity enough possibly, there's no Alpen for it, i'll have to read it again!


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Years ago I was told that a thousand "Attaboys" are wiped out by one "AW SHIT."

People who think that a negative comment doesn't mean much amidst a field of roses haven't experienced a negative comment.

As the very astute JoanneB pointed out, the proper response when a story isn't your cup of tea is to read something else.

My only advice to you, Angharad is not to feel so guilty when you can't make a daily post. Your readers have to learn that you'll post when you can and that you're human. Two hours a day . . . wow . . . many commercial writers can't claim that kind of diligence.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

The continuing saga

Angharad your dedication to the continued saga is greatly appreciated. But when you have studies to do they have to be dealt with. So whenever you have time to write another chapter many people will welcome it's appearance.
As for people making negative comments, they are in the minority.


This reply will have to do as there is no button for a blog post.

Thank you again for all you've given this site.

Your commitment to this site

Your commitment to this site is unparalleled by any other author. As was said, there is no kudos button for blog posts, so this comment will have to serve the purpose.

3.8 million words, wow! At only a penny a word, that's $38,000. I'm thinking of a fund-raiser for the site. Could our little community meet the challenge of raising $38,000 in honor of Bike to help Erin and BCTS?


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


dawnfyre's picture

I'm glad you are staying. I really enjoyed reading the works of yours I have read.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Nough said

Dahlia's picture

As I've said so many times before, thanks, thanks and thanks again. I know who demoralizing it can get when people post negative comments. It gives the feeling of "why bother". I'm glad you have decided to post when it is convenient for you. We, I assume all your readers, figure it is better to have a bite of tasty treat occasionally rather than have no treat at all. Best of luck, or wait study is not luck but lots of hard work, in your studies.


I can smile again. Even

I can smile again. Even though I'm not close to reading the latest posting if I keep them in order. Since it's a stand alone, I'm going to read it tomorrow. Then continue my feeble attempt to catch up. 1,848 and counting. ;-)


I Hope We Helped A Little

joannebarbarella's picture

There were a couple of blogs and threads in the last few days which were intended to encourage you to stay on. I would like to think that they influenced your decision positively. I heaved a big sigh of relief when I spotted this post.

I don't think you should hold back on expressing social or political opinions in your stories. They are an integral part of your characters' personalities, and some one (I forget who) once said "Never confuse the attitudes expressed in a story with those of the author." it is, after all, fiction. To be realistic you must sometimes depict your villains as having views which are repugnant to you. I would rather they seemed real rather than cardboard.

Re the Antarctic, there have been several recent articles and TV documentaries, at least in our antipodean part of the world, about climate change down there, particularly on the Antarctic Peninsula where glaciers are melting rapidly and grass is growing for the first time in tens of thousands of years, and ice sheets the size of Luxembourg have broken away from the pack ice covering the Weddell and Ross Seas.

A very warm welcome back.

Antarctica Starts Here

laika's picture

There you go again, Joanne, you eco-alarmist LOONIE!!
There is absolutely NO PROOF that the climate change in Antarctica is caused by so-called greenhouse emissions and so-called Global Warming. I'll tell you what's causing it: It's all these fags and dykes and trannies we got running around nowadays, and people lettin' their little boys wear dresses! And since they're all going to HELL the Devil is having to expanding his operations and the extra new fire and brimstone down there are what's causing the climate change here on the surface. If we want to do something about "global warming" it's time to stamp out SIN and put us back on the path of goodness and normalcy!!!!!!!

(I'm still waiting to hear somebody say that for real; and I'm afraid I will before too long...
The world seems to be catching up with my flights of satire.)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Flights of Satire

Daphne Xu's picture

Be careful, this is the Internet. People oh so often take satire seriously. Likewise, many are serious when posting something satirical.

Yes, I saw that last parenthetical, and was relieved to see it really was satire. (Whew!)

I have a couple books in my Big Hopper of satire that I'm hoping to successfully write as if they were serious.

-- Daphne Xu

So VERRRRRY happy to see you back, Ang

If it was something that someone or persons did that upset you

HULK! um John SMASH!

Bike is YOUR baby as are all your writings here.

John in Wauwatosa envious of your drive and creativity

But I do have a kitty warming my butt... really!

AUDREY! watch where you put your claws!

P.P.S. plan on taking her later this week to Luther Manor to visit my dad who in in rehab until his broken leg heals up. Broke it just below a knee replacement. Has more titanium in him that an SR-71 spy plane.


but then he IS 89. Audrey turns 2 on dad's 90th

DO as YOU see fit.

John in Wauwatosa


What's the difference between a satirist and a crazy person.

The latter believes what they say or write.