And so begins a new journy into the realms of the unknown

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Ok so I know the title is a bit ..hmm weird and all mysterious like ,but I like my intros that way as they represent me the best way (The weird part , I am not that mysterious).

So lets go on to the intro shell we?

I am a 20 year old uber-geek(more geekette but what ever) and combined with my , great/superior/damn right stupid/all of the above, weirdness makes me a pretty darn interesting person. I also have a plushie mania (my brother says I have too much stuffed animels, to which I respond by throwing some of the larger one at him) and I tend to ramble on about things (as you will probably see. I am a computer programmer by profession but my tendencies has always been toward physics (which is what I am going to learn), I am a major movie buff and I have a thing for rock music :)

I can go on right now and explain what makes me weird (me don't like normality {in cave man speech}) , why I think kitties are 'adowable' (they are all fuzzy and cute . Also I act a lot like them when I am sleepy {according to my friend :)} so I know what they thing) , how my awesome linux&dev skill will help me take over a small sized island in the pacific ( basically its a plan that consist of lots of lines giving computer to the natives and enact a Democratic communist regime), which quark is my favorite( charm of course) or just why I like chocolate so much (hmm its sweet?) but I will not!. Hmm scratch that last phrase.

Also I like to write and makeup stories so I guess I will post some things in here , as I have several ideas I want to write and publish

OK so I think right now you think: this girls use way to many brackets but I guarantee you that normally I try to avoid it, and it rarely makes it way into my stories. Also please excuse my mixed spelling, as I use partial British and partial American spelling, my punctuation problems or some other quirks in my writing as I do not come from a native English speaking country(you can try and guess where I am from, in the comments)

SO let the fat lady sing as I am done.

LGC :)


I'm guessing Hong Kong

Compliments on your English. Americans often mix English and American spellings, too.

And welcome.

Kaleigh Way

My guess is

Macao, I believe the British used to own that colony in China before turning it over to them for self rule? I could be wrong. IF I am wrong, I would say Singapore. Thats my guess.

Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Nope another miss :)

three down 242 to go :).

I love this game people make assumption due to the way my last name is spelled :).

I'll give you a hint: I am not from a south-east Asian country

Any relation to Jacey

Any relation to Jacey Chen?


If you say Cleveland, Just don't even bother!!

Kong Hong? or do I get two guesses?

Sarah Lynn Morgan

Not related :)

Anyway as I said:

1) I am not from a native English speaking country ( so I can't be from the US and as a direct consequence Cleveland)
2) I am not from south-east Asia so Singapore , Maleasia , Indonesia and all of that area out of the question :)

Well Dah!

Cleveland was a joke. You have to watch the movie "Short Circut."
You're supposed to be the movie buff!

Aaaahmmmm... Are you the new President of Peru?

I love to say Peru. You have to roll the R's

Sarah Lynn
(You can roll the R there too, if you're like me,
and you love to say Pear'oo.

Hmm I am ashamed

I haven't recognized the qoute.

And I am not from peru ( far from there :P)

Lily :)


Are you sure you're not more of a strange quark kind of girl?

Just to be different, I'll guess Finland.

Hmm charm quark has the CNN formula :)

C=N(c)-N(AC) . And there is also the D meson construction, plus having a obnoxious mate (anti-charm) makes it cool

Anyway Finland isn't the correct answer as well though its closer then the other guesses :)

Lily Chen

I will guess that you are from North Korea.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Um, Hello Iceland?

Well, it's closer to Finland than Korea, and it IS where Bjork is from.

Melanie E.


And its actually a step back as Iceland is farther away from my country then Finland. :)

So keep on trying and:

"apt-get moo" to you all

Thanks god no

It would be hell to look like a carrot ( According to the old "Charlie in the Chocolate Factory" they had orange skin and green hair).

Yet another youngun...

Edeyn That seems to think she'll out-geek or out-weird/freak/snoorbit me! Hah!

I accept your challenge, Miss Lilly from parts unknown (well, for now unknown to all save one)!

Challenge 1: Prove (mathematically) that Virtue does not exist. You may use Givens that are common knowledge and if you use sources, they must be provable as well.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

Oh god I hate those

this is one of those awful to god logical riddle, This is why I do not proclaim myself as a mathematician .

I will forfeit on this one( I still like to hear the solution) but I will honer you with a counter challenge (non the less geekier from the electrical engineering realm ) :

You have the means to create a cluster of a 45 NM transistors (PNP or NPN) it takes 4 transistor to create a simple NAND or NOR gate what is the max amount of full adders you can create in a 1 cm die .In order to make calculation easier ( and not to ignore the fact that you do need to have some barrier between transistors ) there should be 5 nm gap between each transistor.

Full adder is constructed from 2 XOR gates 2 AND gates and 1 OR gate and is one of the basic operation modules inside a ALU ( arithmetic logic unit ).

Have fun calculating and thinking about how to create the gates :)

That's what I was going to say

But, she cheats. My question is from mathematics - which if you're over 18 (as the site requires) you've been exposed to the necessary pieces to for the answer (which you can find [ here ]). Her question is from a realm in which you must specialize in college toward getting a degree. Not a very fair counter-challenge as it requires me to know what is in her special arena. Thus, I declare her forfeit one rung on the Hierarchy of Geekdom... Sorry, Lilly, you're now only a Nerd.

And how one shall define a geek

**This is written as a humorous response to a humorous claim ( at least I get it that way). Its the way my rhetorics teacher used to replay when we made one comical claim or another :)**

That forfeiting a logic contest will make one ostracized from that particular group ( as geekdom isn't a patriarchal society that one with the greater relevant power { in this case knowledge} is proclaim a superior geek and some aren't due to some shortcomings in their own persona)

And About my question:
While your question is based on knowing several philosophical trends and have sufficient philosophical and mathematical logics tools mine is a simple math , binary math or research.

You see my question doesn't revolves around the knowledge a electrical engineer studies in college but on the logic gate construction. As you can pretty easily find every logical gate can be constructed from NAND or NOR gates. all you had to do is to find the number of NAND/NOR gates that are required to build a OR, AND, and XOR gates multiply them by 4 ( see how many transistors are in each gate) and then calculate (by a simple addition act) how many transistors are in a full adder. then you need to calculate the size of a full adder ( considering that every transistor is 45 NM and we put then in a 5 NM distance from each other the rough size of one is 50 NM. that you need to multiply by the number of transistors in the adder) then divide 1 cm by the size of the adder and you got the answer.

Simple math with a bit of research ,or if you have learned binary math( which I think most high school seniors learn nowadays) you can do so on your own by simple figuring out how to make the gates yourself .

The answer by the way is 333 with a bit of space to spare ( its actually 333.333 but I rounded it down)

Cheers .

Lily the geek :)

That's okay

You believe what you want to believe and we'll know the truth.

Truth is a matter of prespective :)

And thus it is I who know who I am the best ( Plus several of my skills just scream of geekness :))

By the way there is a flow in your theorem about virtue . since imaginary numbers do exist they just represent a status that is impossible in given condition/environment . thus if we change the environment variables we would find that the value changes into a regular number ( This though is college material as physicists learn it as part of Schrödinger equations course and mathematician probably learn it in number theory and complex dimension systems courses)

<333 Brackets

Hey brackets are cool :) I mean if they weren't cool then why would the standard british keyboard have three sets of them? :D I'm a programmer so I love brackets.

Brackets for president! ... or soemthing like that.

Playing along in the home game....

Paris has a vibrant Chinese/Pan-Asian community in the 13th (left bank).
Architecturally boring, gastronomically exciting, budget destructive shopping.

Paris, to the delight of Parisians, can easily be described as non-English speaking.
To the delight of English speakers, most Paris taxis can be described as non-French speaking.

I have heard of an upstart area in Belleville, but have not been.

Abother hint

I do not have south-east Asian roots :)

The problem is that of you are reading it my last name (Chen ) as t͡ʃ-e-n (IPA spelling ) instead of the way its truly supposed to be pronounced ( which I am not going to write { it will spoil the fun})


Well, it's closer to Finland than Iceland both geographically and linguistically. Pretty weak, I know, but worth a shot I guess.

Hints please?

Because that still doesn't narrow it down much. What's the "G" stand for in your monogram? Would that give us a clue to where you are? And "Chen"--is it pronounced as in "liebchen" perhaps?


If it isn't Loompaland (see above) could it be Lemland?
A regular visiter to the archipelago


Three guesses

erin's picture

Switzerland, Austria or Israel.

Based on Chen not being pronounced tshen and the British and American mixed spelling thing.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

And we Have winner

Israel is the correct answer . my last name should be pronounced as x-e-n (IPA wise) with the Hebrew letter Chet in the beginning :)