The annual Transgender Day of Remembrance is November 20, 2016.
For my locality there is a rembrance service on Nov 19. It's quite an emotional experience. I urge everyone who can to check your local LGBT sites for local services. While heart wrenching, it's well worth the experience. Considering the potential political upheaval we all need to be aware.
Please... go if you can.
Got outed
It's on the 20th where I am. I indicated interest in it on FB, thinking that it was a private page. NOPE, it wasn't. 10 minutes later I get a message from someone I know professionally about my interest. Not good.
I'm not exactly in stealth but I choose the times and places where I reveal who I am. Now I am pretty upset with the local LGBT organization. What ignoramuses.
You have to be VERY careful with Facebook, due to it's insidious marketing software. Any place you visit is potentially shared with anyone on your friends list, unless you are visiting a closed or secret group, and I am not so sure about that sometimes. I'm sad to see you got outed in such a way.
It's not worth the risk in using it, if you have anything you need to keep from your circle of friends.
Edit: and anything your friends know, Their friends have access to also, very annoying sometimes.
Exactly the reason why I will never ever sign up to any social media service.
As I see it, your life from then on is not yours any longer. It belongs to FB, Twitter and Google.
A recent article paints a picture of Google that is worth considering every time you use any of their services.
to quote
No wonder America’s biggest lobbyist, Google, has been so frantic to drive through its agenda this year.
Whether it was making an audacious landgrab for the TV industry, locking the Copyright chief out of her office, stopping ISPs from doing what Google does with your personal data, or taking the songs away from America’s songwriters, the administration has been busy moving the goalposts where Silicon Valley wants them.
And once upon a time, Google was proud of their 'don't be evil' motto. How times have changed eh?
I don't expect the others are much different.
I'll leave it up to you to make up your own mind about social media.