Melissa & Kimmy Elizabeth

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Melissa died because she didn't get a organ transplant; Kimmie died because she was rejected for an organ transplant. It is imperative that each of us have done the paperwork to allow the doctors to harvest your organs, just in case. You can save lives! Remember that if the situation occures you aren't going to need the organs where you're going.


Note: I've been available for years.



I cannot

I would be an organ donor if there was even a remote chance I could, but with all of my medical issues, I have been told by doctors that it would be useless for me. :(

I firmly believe, however, that folks should sign their cards! Doesn't matter if you're atheist or believe in an afterlife, you're not going to need anything you have right now!


Skin donor

erin's picture

Skin and lenses can almost always be used in organ donation. Check with some specialists in organ donation, not just doctors who should know but may not. Or sign the card anyway, it doesn't hurt at all to do. :)

Hm. Skin Donor almost sounds like a TG story title, doesn't it?

I know this because they won't use my internal organs, either, since I test positive for Hepatitis even though I've never had it.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Would they accept mine?

I know I'm not allowed to give blood 'cause of my epilepsy (though I don't understand why) so what about organs?

Melanie E.

About the epilepsy issue

I had the same problem with donating blood but it doesn't apply to organ transplant ( tough they might be a bit apprehensive about transplanting your live). The reason they say you can't donate is that the medic that handles the donation is afraid of the effects the anti-epileptic medicine ( mostly sodium-valproate ) might have on the person getting the blood, a more experience medic ( and smarter ones) will know that the effects are irrelevant as sodium-valproate effects ( beside a bit of elated prolactin levels ) take days of constant treatment to manifest

So all in all you should be able to donate organs and blood as well ( I donated blood few months ago, and I registered my doner card a few weeks back, all while having epilepsy { although my last seizure was two years back , on a school field trip non the less})

See? That makes sense!

And I've been medication free and seizure free as far as I know (petit mal`s a bit harder to trace than gran mal when you're naturally absent minded, and the nerve damage the doctor told me was due to my Tegretol does't help any) so maybe we just have idiots working the clinic here. At least I got cookies and juice 'fore they noticed.

Melanie E.

Kim was not rejected....

Piper's picture

Just a small FYI,

Kimberly was never actually rejected for a Transplant. The isue was that she was too sick to weather the tests and procedures that would need to precede the transplant and therefore it wasn't an option.

UPenn was a great hospital, and was very pro-active towards treating Kim, and Deborah ws just as great.

But I will concede tht organ donation is a great idea and always in need.


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I actually LIKE image SIGs!

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

I've always checked

laika's picture

the part where I agreed to be an organ donor, which put it on my State I.D. card.
I'm assuming that's all it takes. And really it's simultaneously one of the easiest
and one of most meaningful contributions a person can make to the world.
I just hope two guys don't show up at my door some day demanding
my liver, like I saw in this movie one time!
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.