A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 16.

Maggie arrived first, in a Victorian era dress that looked like it might be an actual Victorian era dress; it was faded and even had a few stains. She also had a knife handle sticking out of her head with blood coming down from it, and a bloody mouth. She raised her arms as soon as I opened the door in response to the knock.

“I'm a hungry ghost, here to swallow your souls! And maybe your heart, I haven't decided... and HOLY CRAP MIN YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!!!”

I had it, actual sound evidence than Maggie spoke before she thought. Well, or screamed, at least in this case.

“OH MY GAWD IS THAT JEEVES?!?!”Maggie screamed, striding over with a laugh and snagging a cookie along the way.

Jeeves gave her an obvious once over. “Good afternoon, Miss Johnson. A most effective costume.”

“You're one to talk.” She looked to her costume, then Jeeves again, and pouted. “That's just not fair; you look better in this sort of getup than I do.”

She turned to me. “Awesome idea Min, turning the tables like that!”

I bowed. “Thank you, Lady Johnson. I do but try.”

There was another knock, so I went to answer it. Outside was a ghost. And not just any ghost, but the stereotypical sheet ghost, with eyeholes cut out and everything. Under that sheet was a silhouette that matched Samantha's, and she was holding a pillowcase, weighed down with something. Something about that...

The light upstairs went on. “Samantha?”

She nodded.

“What's in the pillowcase?”

I could almost feel the ghost (ha ha) of a grin as she answered. “...A rock.”

That was an amazing costume idea, and I told her so. She preened as I opened the door wider and let her in.

“Samantha? That was your amazing last minute costume idea?” Maggie asked, coming over with a puzzled look.

“I got a rock.” Sam defended.

It took awhile for Maggie to get it. “Oh Sam, you should have said something, I could have gone as Peppermint Patty!”

“Now now, it's no fun if we all ignore the theme! Sam's portrayal of Charlie Brown fits, but what would the rest of our excuses be?” I had Sam's back; she wanted to be hidden, yet stand out. I think.

Evidently so did Ralph. I opened the door to his knock, only to find him dressed in a Japanese kimono thing and carrying a big honking plastic sword on his shoulder. His orange hair was teased up and he had a sneer on his face.

“What are you supposed to be, exactly? A haughty samurai?”

He strode in like he owned the place. “No, I'm Ichigo.”

I looked around. Everyone else seemed just as lost, though Sam muttered “Bleach.”

What did a cleaning product and reducing agent have to do with Halloween?

Ralph gave me a look. “Alright, later, I'm going to sit you in a chair and make you watch the show this character is from. No one should be that deprived.”

I shrugged. His character was from a show, all I needed to know. “And his name is... Ichigo?” Clearly Japanese, and probably violent, if the sword was any indication.

“Yep.” 'Ichigo' replied, snagging a cookie. His face brightened when he took a bite.

I went back to running my checksums on Crash, ignoring the way Jeeves shifted demurely as I passed. He was just getting into character – I hoped.

“You do realize you're out of theme, right Ralph?”

He drew himself up. “Not at all. This is exactly what the Japanese gentleman wore in the 1800's. So technically I'm in theme while being someone with my amazing hair.”

Oh, so that was his angle; I smirked. “Always about the hair with you, isn't it?”

He drew a hair through his neon locks. “You know it. Not many people are awesome enough to have hair this amazing.”

Maggie snickered, and Sam was shaking a little. I might have also snickered a bit.

Another knock on the door. I went back to answer it. The pirate on the other end of the door waved, then stopped and stared: “Hi Jee...wait, Min!?!? Holy shit you look ho...err amazing, right! Just simply amazing; great costume.”

This was even weirder than the samurai. “Wish I could say the same, Ricky. Pirates are kinda... well, not the theme. They aren't really gentleman or ladies, even if they were around for Victorian times.”

There had to have been Victorian pirates, I was sure. I just wasn't sure where. Barbary coast, maybe?

“Well, that's kind of the beauty of it! I'm clearly a high society party crasher!” Ricky said, puffing out his chest and twirling one of those single shot pistols...fake, of course.

Well, that did make a sort of sense. Ricky studied the rest of us, even as the others studied him. He snorted at Ralph's costume, and laughed openly at Sam's (but I wasn't sure if he was laughing at the quality of it or because he got it). Then he snagged a cookie.

“Cokes are in the mini-fridge, and as always, don't touch anything not in a container you recognize. Ian may be out here shortly, or he may not. I'm going to compile some code while we wait. Oh, Jeeves, can you set up the projector? We can put some horror movies on and watch them, my computer can do both.”

“Of course, Mistress Min.”

The projector was up in short order, the lights dimmed, and just as the movie about a batch of psychotic cursed dolls started, there as a knock on the door. Of course.

I opened it to find Ian, dressed normally of course since his fun began tomorrow, standing there. He stared (down) at me, mouth open for a good second, before the grin spread.

“Wow sis, looking good.”

I had to shush him when he caught sight of Jeeves, his laughter was deep, full-bellied, and totally ruined the atmosphere required for horror movie enjoyment. Kind of what I was going for, but also a little irritating.

“Ian, just sit down and watch the movie.” He shrugged, grabbed one of the folding chairs, and set it up behind the rest of us. He also snagged a cookie just before he sat down.

The movie was kind of okay; the dolls were well done, but clearly just puppets and I had to fight down the urge to design better while watching; it would be so easy! Of course, I wouldn't make mine homicidal, and while they wouldn't have the space for a full AI, a smart system that could fake it well enough would fit....

No, bad Min! No over-analyzing things and starting a fugue! I snagged a cookie.

It wasn't a long movie, it wrapped up with the young couple winning against the evil doll makers in plenty of time for us to make the party. There was more than a little stretching as we all rose and I hit the lights.

“Alright Ian, take a hike, I'm locking up.”

“But what about...”

“Now, Ian, it can wait. We need to go. You know Mom won't let you hang out in here.”

He pouted and snagged a cookie on his way out. I made sure everyone had everything, and then shoo'd them out and locked up.

The sun was just past setting, in that curious hour where there was still significant light from our nearest star, but no view of it. We all started walking, and I took my place behind Jeeves. For his part, Jeeves walked along almost daintily while holding his dress up, heels clicking, looking as if he'd been walking on heels all his life. It wasn't even remotely fair.

I'd offer my jacket, to be a gentleman, but it wouldn't fit him. Maybe later.

The air was crisp but not cold, with a hint of dry or decaying leaves. The walk as pleasant, even dodging some of the other kids who were also taking advantage of the nice night. Normally I'd ask for a ride, but I felt very safe with all the eyes still on me. Two cars tonight, and they weren't being all that secretive about it.

The school was even more decked out than before; the teachers must have been busy; there was now bunting on the outside, a fake graveyard, and zombies in Victorian dress shambling around, nodding politely and growling affably at students and passersby.

Mrs. Welch nodded to us as we walked past; she was stirring a large cauldron that looked to be made of iron, and not plastic. The thing must weigh a ton. “Great costumes everyone! Go on in!”

Good, she got Sam's. I think she was just being nice to Ricky, though.

The halls were festooned with fake cottony spider webs and plastic bats hanging around, and I could already hear the music, some sort of oldies rock...? That didn't really fit the theme, but I guess it was hard to pass up 'monster mash' and 'werewolves of London' for Vivaldi or whatever. I wasn't even sure you could dance to that stuff.

The gym had undergone quite the transformation since noon; it had all the bunting and hall decorations, along with large wire and paper spiders hanging out in all the corners on large cotton webs, a DJ booth where some guy I didn't recognize had a laptop hooked up to the schools sound system and was playing tunes, and a large set of tables that ran the entire back wall filled with snacks. Mostly healthy things, I noticed.

There were a few brave people already dancing on the floor, some badly, and a few teachers roaming around keeping an eye on things.

I turned to Jeeves and gave my best bow. “My lady Jeeves, do you desire refreshments?”

Jeeves actually pulled off a curtsy in response, pulling out her fan and snapping it open in a practiced looking gesture. “But of course, butler Min. A glass of punch, if you please.”


I marched over to get some punch... and who was there, but Pam and Gordon. Pam was dressed much the way that Maggie or Jeeves was, in a maroon and cream Victorian era dress. She had an elaborate braid hair style that added about six inches to her height and looked mildly dumb. Her makeup made her look older; which would be a good thing to learn, I think. She saw me and her face twisted, her lips pursing in distaste.

Gordon was dressed like a British officer from the 1700's. I could almost see him on horseback, in his red and white uniform, leading the charge against the awful colonials with drawn saber in one hand, pistol in the other, and the reins in his teeth. A bit of time to grow into it, and he might cut a dashing figure.

“Hello, Min. You look great. Great costume.” Pam's face pruned up even more in response to Gordon's statement, but she stayed silent.

“Thanks. We had to change to go in costume, so one of us had to be the butler.” I gave him a slight bow.

“Yes, it suits you Min.” And there came the snark; a bit delayed, but still present. Gordon frowned slightly and glanced at Pam.

I decided to take the 'compliment' at face value. “Thanks, Pam. You both look amazing as well. Coordinated costumes? A British soldier and lady?”

“A British soldier and his wife, actually,” came the prim response, and Pam sniffed and turned to Gordon. “Come, my loving husband, let us dance and leave the help to their mundane pursuits.” Gordon had to be dragged, but Pam seemed more than willing to do so.

“Uh, right. See you later, Min!” He gave a little wave; Pam was stronger than she let on.

I turned to go back to the group, punch in hand, only to find the group had come to me. Without missing a beat I presented the drink to 'Lady Jeeves'. “Your drink, Madam.”

He took it haughtily and sipped... then made a small face and handed it back. “It is much too sweet, servant. Dilute it with something, and then serve it to me again.”

What did he think this was, some kind of wine tasting? They had probably mixed the punch in a bathtub or something. I went back to the table, and Sam ghosted (heh) along behind me. Now, what could I use... oh! Ice!

“You're going to find it difficult to eat and drink in that costume, Sam.” Though come to think of it, hadn't she chowed down on cookies and soda before we left?

“Thought of that.”

Okay, now I was curious. “Oh? What's your plan?”

Sam lifted her sheet a little to show blocky brown shoes – Charlie Brown shoes. She lifted it a bit more to reveal bright yellow socks. My eyes widened; that was actually brilliant.

“Okay, I get it. I know I said it before, but amazing costume.”

Sam paused in the act of carefully filling cups of punch for almost a full second before replying.“Thank you.”

Really she didn't need to act so surprised. I carefully placed the smallest ice cubes I could find into both the drinks in my own care, and avoided any splashes. When we arrived, I presented my drink to 'Lady Jeeves' again, and this time she took a sip and claimed it acceptable. Sam handed out her extra drink to Maggie, who was already chattering away to Aletha Rivers, our resident hockey expert. I wasn't really sure we needed a self-appointed hockey expert, but we had one.

At least they weren't actually talking hockey; they were gossiping about whose costumes would win the costume competition, and whose were the worst. Brad Sadler had that honor, in his clearly non-Victorian twenties gangster suit. He even had a plastic gun, something he could get banned for in the daytime. At least he didn't look bad in it, chatting next to Jodi Hess in her dress.

Ricky and Ralph got their own punch, chatting all the while. I sipped my own, it was watery.

And that was the problem with these events like this, in the end. There wasn't much to do except sip watery punch, eat bad snacks, and talk about school stuff... or dance. The very idea of dancing was shudder worthy; I didn't really know how, and just a glance at the people brave enough to be on the floor convinced me that they didn't either.

“Come, servant Min. I would dance.” Urk. Jeeves looked at me expectantly, hand artfully outstretched.

What else could I do? I was the servant for now; I took it.

He led me to the dance floor, and drew me close, leaning down. “Watch me.” He whispered, and proceeded to lead me through a dance... the box step? We were forming a box with our steps, anyway. It wasn't slow, either; we were keeping up with the music. Jeeves adjusted us, showing me where my hands were supposed to go, leading the way. I just focused on not tripping.

Thankfully I didn't. When the song ended, we went back to out staked out patch of floor; Maggie was talking to several more people now, chatting idly about the latest English assignment while watching me, a twinkle in her eye. Once we got in range, she stepped out.

“Lady Jeeves, would you honor me with a dance?”

“Why of course, Lady Margaret; I'd be delighted.” They stepped out together, and were soon dancing the way we had; I couldn't tell if they were talking, but knowing Maggie it seemed likely.

Sam inched closer to me... just ahead of everyone else, who was much more obvious about it.

“Love the costume Min!”

“Where did you even get it? And a matching one for Jeeves?!?”

“Will Jeeves dance with anyone who asks?”

It was almost like the inquisition a month ago. “Thanks, and I ordered both costumes online, then customized them myself, to ensure they'd fit, and I'm sure if you ask him, Jodi he'll dance with you.”

“Wait, you actually sewed your costume?” Aletha asked in disbelief.

She was right not to believe that conclusion. “Heck no! I simply had nanites do it. See you scan the clothes first, to provide a map, then you calculate the....” Wait, bad idea “Nevermind. Suffice it to say I made machines to sew little alterations for me, though most of the work was done by the place I ordered from.”

“Sounds expensive.” Nancy Ringus half asked with a disapproving frown on her pinched face. She kind of looked like a pissed off librarian dressing up in her costume, which was made of polyester, with frayed ends showing.

“It was, a little. But revenge knows no price!” I looked pointedly at Jeeves to prove my point, only to find him looking back at me while whirling Maggie around the dance floor with reckless abandon.

She seemed to be having fun, at least; judging from the smile and whooping noises she was making.

Sam backed me up. “Revenge!”

Nancy gave a weak grin and asked. “Isn't that a quote from somewhere?”

I shrugged. “Probably,” I admitted. “But if so I don't know where it's from.”

“Right, not really important. What is important, is what you think about the English assignment Mrs. Holmes gave out for Monday.”

“The reading assignment? It wasn't that bad.”

“Wasn't that bad?!?! It was a reading assignment, for a full chapter! With a worksheet, on the weekend!”

I shrugged again. Jeeves had stopped watching me and was now attempting to guide Maggie away from other people with limited success. Maggie, for her part, was giggling like a loon. She looked to be steering into people on purpose. “I don't know, I already have mine done. Managed it in study hall.”

Aletha pulled a face. “Ugh, mutant hacks. Wish I could speed read too! I'd get so much done!”

I turned to face Aletha, even as her face fell a bit. Did she think I'd be mad for bringing up what I could do? I wasn't; I just grinned at her. “Not as much as you might think. Sure I manage the assignments, but then there's all the mad science!”

I gave the crowd my best mad scientist cackle, and it got silent. Everyone just stared at me for a second with pitying looks before Sam summed it up. “Bad.”

Maggie and Jeeves came back, their dance over. “I've got to agree. That was the worst mad laugh I've ever heard.”

Bull! “Oh come on, I'm an actual mad scientist that designs robots! That cackle is as genuine as it gets!”

Sam shook her head. “Pissy.”

What?!? “I am NOT just pissy! I'm actually mad! I'll show you, I'll show you all! You won't mock me when this place is buried in killbots!”

They all stared at me again, except for Jodi, who was trying her best to drag a completely unflappable Jeeves out onto the dance floor at a pace he didn't want to go.

Sam patted me on the back. Darn it, none of them believed me, and I couldn't keep the joke going, or security would be called. I stopped fighting the smile.

“Fine, you got me. A round of bad punch for all!” I didn't say 'on me' because knowing my luck someone would actually douse me in the stuff – it's happened before!

Ralph stepped up, actually managing to stifle his laughter. “Butler Min, would you like to dance?”

Uh... didn't he just see me fumbling around with Jeeves earlier?

Amidst cries of “Woo, go for it Min!” and other assorted cheers, I allowed myself to be led onto the section of floor marked for dancing again.

One last protest, to save his toes. “I really don't know how to dance, you know. Jeeves showed me the box step, at least I think that's what it was, earlier. Before that I've never danced before.”

Ralph smiled winningly. “It's fine. I saw you earlier, you looked like you had it down... you looked graceful. Besides, you only weigh like 80 pounds; you can stomp on my feet all day without hurting me.”

Okay, that was bullcrap. “I'm 100 pounds, thank you very much.”

He waved that off as we started. He followed the steps as if he knew how. “Yeah, yeah. Min Campbell, the only girl likely to inflate her weight in all of Paris County.”

I smacked him, lightly. I hadn't inflated it by that much, and there was such a thing as too skinny. I wasn't sure if I was there or not, but I was pretty sure I was close. Maybe right on the line. I focused on trying not step on people, and managed not to make a complete fool of myself.

Then Ricky wanted a turn. He looked angry.

“What's wrong with you?” I asked as we started off to the next song. He was a bit more sloppy at following the steps than Ralph.

After that the evening passed, the way such evenings were wont to do. Boring and pointless, really, for all that it had it's moments, those flashes of fun. I just couldn't escape the fact that there were better uses of my time, and I think as the night wore on, people were beginning to notice. At least the number of guys and girls asking me to show them how to dance tapered off pretty quickly, and it wasn't my breath.

At one point I turned around from another self-appointed round at the refreshment table to find Gordon watching me, with Pam nowhere nearby. Even worrying about Pam and the many things she's done to mess with me would be a better use of my time. It suddenly struck me that I'd been ignoring a lot of crap from her, simply because I had no idea how to handle it or what her problem is.

Maybe the party was a better use of my time after all, at least in regards to that one problem.

Gordon took one look at me, indecision clear on his face, then simply turned around and walked off, towards the back and the restrooms. I kind of wanted to know what he wanted now, but I wasn't going to follow him back there. I doubted he'd ambush me again, but that didn't mean others couldn't.

Whatever, the part still had an hour left to go, but I wanted out now. This was more than a little lame, and more than a little awkward. Not to mention I was getting a little tired of Jeeves's 'get me this, fetch me that' routine; I wasn't even that fussy with him, ever.

“Well, I'm ready to leave. I know we've got some time yet, but this is kinda boring now.”

Maggie looked up from her phone; she'd been texting back and forth with someone for the last 5 minutes. “Yeah, I'm ready to go.”

I looked at Sam, and she nodded. Jeeves was ready to go whenever I was, despite his current act. Ralph and Ricky were both close together, heads down, conspiring about something; I walked over. I wasn't the only one with the leave idea; the crowd had thinned out enough to notice already.

“Hey, you guys ready to go, or are you going to stay a bit?”

They looked at each other, then at me, then straightened up. “Yeah, we're good to go.” they chimed in unison.

Creepy. That was more than a little creepy.

We grouped up and hit the door out, into the now cold air, Sam of all people in the lead. Jeeves was sticking close to me now – I think he sensed how tired I was. I wasn't too bad yet, but I was getting worse fast. No one else seemed to notice, at least, chattering away on how bad the DJ was, now that he was out of hearing range.

“Hey, Min... Can I stay the night at your place? In your lab?” Maggie asked, eyes artificially wide.

“Stop that. And if your parents don't mind, I don't think mine will. But what brought this on?”

“Well...” Maggie fidgeted, with a glance at the boys. “You haven't had a proper sleepover, ever. And Sam and I are free, Sam's parent's are even out of town, so we can have one now! And I asked my parents already, they said yes.” She held her phone up in front of me, the text from her Mom clearly visible, and I had to stop to avoid crashing.

Sam smacked her in the arm.

“Right, sorry Min, shouldn't have done that.” Maggie apologized.

I whipped out my phone. “Well, I'm not sure we have the space for two guests. Aren't sleepovers done in bedrooms and stuff?”

Sam and Maggie looked at each other. “They don't have to be, Maggie answered. We were thinking your lab. It's got enough space for all of us, and you sleep out there half the time anyway.”

I had to concede the point. “True. I'll ask.”

Mom picked up right on the second ring, as if she'd been expecting it. “Hey Mom, is it alright if Sam and Maggie sleep over? Out in my lab, that is? They want to hang out and watch more movies.”

“Sure, that's fine, provided they don't touch anything and you don't build anything new, at the last minute.”

Well, that was fair enough, that was what the rules were anyway. No spur of the moment death rays and the like. “Sure. I'll be sure to tell them.” I hung up.

“Mom says it's fine, just so long as you don't touch anything and we don't make anything on a whim.”

“Excellent!” Maggie exclaimed, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “Jeeves, would you mind getting whatever bedding we may need together, along with some coffee and stuff?”

Jeeves looked to me as Maggie pulled me close, forcing me to lean on her. I nodded, and he left in a hurry with a rapid “Be well, mistress Min, heels clacking down the sidewalk and dress hiked up to run. I really needed to finish Crash; Jeeves needed some help.

The two R's both closed in alongside us, no longer bringing up the rear. “Can we come?”

I stared, aghast. “Mom would murder me.”

Maggie sniffed. “Of course you can't come, boys aren't allowed at sleepovers. It's an ironclad rule.”

“But we don't have to stay the night. Just for another movie or two. Come on, I want to watch more horror movies too.” Ralph countered.

That made sense to me. “Well, if they aren't sleeping over, I don't think it'll be a problem.” Mom liked them both, after all.

The stuff was waiting on us at the lab door; two air mattresses, assorted blankets and pillows. Jeeves was next to it, thankfully still dressed in costume, but with a completely jarring serving tray in hand. Sam grabbed a mattress, and after a second, Maggie did too.

I opened the door and went through, making a beeline for the workbench. Well, when had that happened? The bowl was empty! “Hey, who ate all the cookies?”

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