cooler weather cold flu prevention

A word from our sponsor:

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I am NOT a state licensed medical doctor.
With the cold flu season coming on one should be more aware of their body health symptoms. Although one should always be aware. However it is hard to tell people to look after their health until something goes wrong. That said, there are so many simple herbs, vitamins, and treatments to keep the body on a healthy track and treat it when something isn't right.
Make sure one is taking vitamins. Our food is so highly processed there is very little left in anything we eat from the grocery store to keep our life on a healthy track.
People tell me, "I can't afford vitamins, they are too expensive."
How expensive is it to get sick, go to the doc, lose work, possibly end up in the hospital? A years worth of vitamins isn't even a tenth of what it costs for one Dr. visit. Much less the over priced pills they push at us.
Folic Acid. pick it up and take it. You aren't getting this in your food any longer. It relieves depression, those blah feelings along with so many other things.
MSM is the traffic cop in your health system. It directs almost every aspect of policing the bad things going rogue to directing where installing the repairs of neuron, cellular functions. No longer in our processed foods and yet one of the most important minerals our body must have.
Running hot and cold? Freezing when the temp drops to sixty? Check your iron in your blood. Careful. Too much iron is as bad as too little. Women because of the monthly visitor need more iron then men as it is lost in the blood flow. The lab called me back three times for tests. "Never saw anyone with this low of an iron level still standing on their feet." They couldn't believe it. Farmers can't quit because we are sick.

We did all we should and still got sick. Now what?
GSE in the bottle. (grapefruit seed extract) ten drops in a glass of orange juice or lemonade as many as three times a day. It is more powerful germicide fungicide bacteria killer than bleach. No it won't kill us. It does a heck of a job killing everything bringing us down. After one is back on the mend and in health refill the stomach with all the good bacteria necessary for digestion and conversion of food. Probiotics will do the trick or some of the yogurts.

Pick up Alovera juice at Wally World and take it after a bad bout of whatever got yuh.
Apple cider vinegar is also a great rebuilder. Careful and don't think it is a drink to be taken without dilution. Little is good, large is NOT better. Taken over time one will notice healthier skin, hair, nails, etc. It takes a long time to show up.

Remember momma's remedy for cold or flue? Hot toddy. Juice glass of steaming hot lemonade with a shot glass of whiskey, brandy or alcoholic beverage of some kind tossed in. The basics are, the hot lemonade cuts the flam in the throat and stomach while the alcohol kills the bacteria. Believe it or not, it worked. Some of the other home remedies was a tablespoon of coal oil several times a day. Never tried it. (never will)

I have had something hit me that GSE didn't take care of. Only God knows what it could have been. I do NOT suggest you do this. I have been doing it for... let's just say a really long time. One teaspoon of DMSO in a glass of orange juice. I drink this off and on now and then even when not feeling sick. If one is allergic to sulfur this is a real no no.

Word of warning. Sample to make sure one isn't allergic to anything they aren't already using or ingesting.
Our world is no longer giving our bodies the vitamins and minerals we need to maintain it to a ripe old age growing old healthy. It is up to each individual to either understand what their body needs and supplement it or end up like so many in a nursing home (death home) in their "golden years". A little maintenance now will give an abundance of return on that final journey.

I wish everyone happiness and a healthy life.



Alecia Snowfall's picture

please to make sure to stay properly hydrated. Remember, caffeine will works against you. Dress in layers. Use moisturizer not only for your face but also for body and do not forget to protect your lips. As tempting as it is to focus on soups, stews and so on to internally heat your body, do not skip your vegetables.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Add more veggies

to your soups, stews and casseroles.
Or make a point of making veggie soup. Make a big pot and freeze portion sized amounts.

one doctor visit is more than vitamin in cost?

dawnfyre's picture

not here.

works out to about the same per year for me, but then I do use the most costly multivitamin, the pre/post natal vitamin for women. ( $25 for 100 tablets ) It has the widest spectrum of vitamins and minerals of all multivitamins so covers the needs better. If you choose to go with this, adding a small iron supplement ( if needed ) or even a calcium supplement should be looked at.

For those who do not eat a lot of animal protein, look at taking a b12 supplement, since the ONLY natural source of b12 is meat. B12 is really important for the health of your nervous system, not enough and you start to lose feeling in your extremities.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Vodka. Vodka with pepper.

Freshly grinded black pepper is better. Just grind some pepper into your shot glass, pour vodka. Stir. Let it infuse for couple of minutes. Drink. Repeat. You can reuse pepper in your glass for couple more times. Be sure you are not allergic to the pepper you use. (there were cases of sudden death after that remedy. I found for myself, that I am not compatible with vodkas claiming to contain pepper or pepper and honey. Last time I barely survived 25 ml bottle of the stuff...) Freshly ground pepper in vodka saved me from severe colds several times...
About vitamin pills... Their goodness is greatly exaggerated. They are useful and required for your body to function, but, for example, vitamin C was shown in multiple studies to NOT influence probability of catching cold or severeness of the cold. Beta carotin is useless if you are not taking it with fat. (And its effect on eyesight was a ruse to prevent Germans from learning about British radars in WWII...)