Gabycon- the blog!

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Gabycon 2008 - the blog!

This is a purely personal account of my weekend. The drive up was good, I had to detour at Bristol to collect Saphira and her bike from the airport- well the Holiday Inn. This it turns out is nowhere near the airport, and might even be closer to Taunton. I did however find it within 48 hours (good job I packed an emergency Lion Bar).

The rest of the trip was fine and we arrived at Beighton quicker than I anticipated. I deliberately chose the place because I thought I might be able to find it before the weekend was over. I found Beighton, no probs, the B&B was a little more difficult. It was behind a hairdresser's shop up a little drive. However, directions from the proprietor and we got there (we were next door at the pub!). The place was excellent and very good value, although I managed to lose a key within ten minutes of being there!

Sid and Fiona arrived about an hour later due to road works/congestion on the motorway. A shower and some glad-rags later, we set off to collect Maddy.

Sadly, this involved going through Sheffield, a place where I develop directional dysphoria and we only got to Mad because she directed us by phone - I was navigating (LOL!). We had a nice meal at a pub out in the wilds above Sheffield, but Mad was able to direct us, so I could relax. For the gastro-gnomes, I had chicken and leek pudding, which was more filling than I expected. It came on a plate the size of tea tray, and was just this little thing in the middle, but boy, I felt full after ingesting it.

The next day, the Gabycon proper happened. I found my way to Cresswell and Sid followed me. However, we had a problem Huston, the road to the crags was closed, we followed the diversion twice and came back to where we started, then after variations on the theme we were still lost.

At that point Maddy called my mobile to see if we'd got home from the night before, we got new directions, ignored diversions and other road signs and found our way to the crags and the car park, where we met Anne; our party was now complete.

We went down to the picnic area and Maddy read us some bits from the beginnings of Gaby, including the tandem ride which started it all. Next, we set off for the visit to Gabyland - the car drove off with Sid as chauffeur, while, Mad, Saphi and I cycled. I got about fifty yards when my rear tyre went flat - a snakebite! Three of us changed the wheel, I did have a spare tube, thank goodness. (It's the Sheffield factor, I'm sure of it, it doesn't like me).

We had a good ride and posed for piccies on the Cuckney Ten route, we rode to 'Warsop College' and finally stopped for a picnic lunch at the Carrs, a small park with pond. We all ate and awwwed at the cygnets which wandered about the place with two very protective parents. The male or cob, was quite aggressive chasing off ducks, dogs and people. The picnic table next to us evacuated at one point, they did however have a small dog. The swan however, knew better than mix it with a bunch of cyclists, so we were left in peace.

We did some readings after our repast, and both Maddy and I offered some new works. Mine will be available on the Gabysite soon. Then more cycling, more pictures (I was always so far behind the other two, they missed me). Then finally back to the cars where we discovered Maddy had lost her camera! Thankfully, someone had left us a note and had handed it into the visitor centre office. However, by the time we realised this, it was shut. It put a damper on the day, which despite light showers had been fun.

Before we left, Maddy had gone on as she was riding home, I went to the centre again and this time was able to get back the missing Olympus and restored to its owner on the way home - we caught her up.

The evening meal was at an Italian restaurant where we were joined by Cat & Karl, from there we wandered to the local park and Maddy and I gave some more readings to rapturous applause.

Sunday, we went to York for the day and wandered about sight seeing. I had managed to get us into and out of Sheffield by a different route each day, sometimes via some interesting detours, none more than a hundred miles or so!

It was a lovely weekend and with a larger participation than the previous one. I therefore look forward to next year ( hint, hint, Maddy).

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