This weekend, from Friday, I shall be attending the Gabycon. I'll be taking my little netbook plus dongle with me, and hope I can get a signal while 'oop north'. I also hope I can find an hour or so to write the odd episode of Bike. I'll make no promises other than to try and write and post if I have time. Otherwise normal service will be resumed on monday or tuesday.
I shall try and do an episode tomorrow, although I'll be packing and clearing six months' detritus from my car.

Oh No.
The dreaded 'oo' misguidedly used to represent the correct pronunciation of 'u' by southerners. I always think of it like the 'oo' sound in 'moon' which totally negated the purpose. Angharad isn't the only guilty party. They ALL do it :( Perhaps I should start writing the word 'up' as 'ap' just to get my own back LOL
Also, of course, Angharad's description of Derbyshire as 'North' might upset a few from the 'real' north. I'm hoping to ride out on Saturday but the forecast is dire, so we'll see. A bit of a chilly damp ride today which challenged my claim to be a fair weather cyclist in my dotage.
Aye, 'Appen.
I hope you can make it, Geoff. Here, about six miles as the crow flies, from Chesil beach, almost as far south as you can get, anywhere beyond Yeovil is 'oop north'. In fact, a while ago some wags stuck a sign up on the top of the South Dorset ridgeway, saying, 'Welcome to the North', which was a response to some oik in Weymouth.
Dirty cars
ya know if you'd ride your car now and then rather than doting on your cycles it might be in more servicable condition, if you must I suppose you could have clip on pedals installed if it is an automatic and lay a piece of iron pipe on your seat to sit on, that should give you that authentic bike seat feeling, oh, don't forget the bell on the steering wheel, that would be a nice touch.
Have a good and safe trip!
Have a GREAT time!
Wish I could be over there to "experience" things. :-) Tales of last year sounded fun.
Don't exhaust yourself on our behalf.