Forced-Femme character in The Blacklist

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So I love The Blacklist; it's smart, dangerous and exciting. But the last episode left a sour taste in my mouth. Season 3 episode 4 featured a young arabic woman who is revealed to have been a man, a young boy forcibly feminized into a girl for being gay by her father. The ending however, didn't give her justice or closure. Instead she probably went to jail.

Has anyone else seen this and what do you all think?


Details of what this was all about ...

I've always liked James Spader's off-center performances (although ridiculously over the top in Mannequin) and I have seen this episode ("The Djinn") and it’s a difficult issue. (Also difficult to keep the names straight!)

As I understand it, the character Nasim was originally Nasir, the first-born son of the patriarch of a financial dynasty, and was gay. His father, out of twisted love, forced the gender surgery out of fear for a gay child’s safety in their particular Islamic culture. However, it may have been also to avoid public shame as the father of a gay son.

The son Nasir grew into the woman Nasim and was the secret head of a criminal organization that took money from clients who desired revenge on their enemies, involving torture and death. In other words, countless deaths are on Nasim’s hands, including the torture/death of her own father. When Red brings down organization, he cuts a deal with Nasim to obtain the client list he wants, but double-crosses her, leaving her to the authorities.

So, to the matter at hand … the forced feminization by the father was cowardly and cruel, even though he may have convinced himself it was done as a protective, loving parent. Since Nasir was “now female”, Nasim would always be second-class—if thought of at all—by her father, who doted on the younger son, promoted to heir and unaware of the older sibling’s existence or change.

Nasim’s hatred for her father was two-fold, of birth gender and of birthright. First and foremost was the betrayal by the father. Nasir, though gay, was quite happily male, and had his maleness forcibly taken and was relegated to the lower status of a woman. Oddly enough, she truly was the reverse of the Jerry Springer cliche--that is, "a man trapped in a woman's body"--and every day must have been agony for her. Second, as the first-born, Nasir should have been heir to vast riches; instead, as a woman, Nasim had no control over the family's wealth and was dependent on the men in her family. This is why she started her own secret organization--Nasim was fueled by rage; wildly successful financially by capitalizing on other people’s desire for revenge, but blinded by her own vengeance.

Since the basic setup for The Blacklist is Red “cleaning house” of criminals, it was right that he left Nasim to the authorities. Yes, Nasir had been a victim but Nasim was murderous, leaving countless victims, including the families of her targets.

Phew, Karin that was an

Phew, Karin that was an amazing explanation. You sound like you wrote the screen play.
I thought he was great starring with William Shatner in Boston Legal also.


in some countries

Teresa L.'s picture

notably Iran, but possibly others, it is illegal (with a death sentence) to be gay. so in Iran at least, they offer you a choice, SRS or death.

not sure what country they are supposed to be from, but it could have been that kind of situation, mixed with things that Karen Bishop mentioned

Teresa L.

I saw it on the Blacklist

I saw it on the Blacklist that show rocks You Yanks do great shows NCIS CSI 12 Monekys could go on and on but Blacklist is great he was great as ULTRON Billions is another goal in the net.UK has toomuch cack like Big Brother or the rest of the X Factor dross only radio 2 or 4 any good.Yank tv is great


2 coctails with tequilla, 2 beers, coctail, another vodka, screwdriver, two tequillas...
Or Google translate from the not well covered language...


NCIS= Naval Criminal Investigative Service, but in this case it's the name of a TV show based on the actual agency and is the top drama on US TV for much of the past eight years
CSI= Crime Scene Investigation, it's that show that features CGI crime scenes, closeups of wounds and swabbing, and The Who songs over the opening credits, sadly cancelled after a 15 year run
12 Monkeys = a TV show based on a 90s movie about a guy sent to the past to prevent an outbreak

The rest is basically praising US shows and deriding some UK shows...

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Hated how he took that hope

Just saw this and I also felt Red was wrong especially after his little speech to the father. Still one cannot take the l saw into his hands unless he is Red. I hated how he gave the hope of escape then left at the last minute! He is a class act, not! Great actor. Speaking of great shows is anyone else as hurt as I was by the end of Person of interest? One of the best shows in the last five years imho!