Um (what's the excuse this time?) No Bike tonight

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Um - sorry, I was out at an AGM for a mammal group I belong to and apart from getting elected on to another committee, I sort of got talking with our mammal records officer and got back a bit late to write Bike.

I was out dormousing this morning and we had six, I got to handle two and it was somebody else' turn to drop one of them instead of me. So here's a photo of one of the ones we had today (dormouse, I mean).


I'll try and do one tomorrow.



no apologies necessary

Teresa L.'s picture

While some of us wait with baited breath for the next exciting episode, YOUR life is the priority, sometimes RL gets in the way, and when its something you enjoy NEVER apologize :D just glad you are having fun (well not counting the committee thing lol).

Teresa L.

Dormouseing must be hard work

Dormouseing must be hard work Ang, saw the chipped nails !

No need to apologize, You have so many of us hooked, we'll just start over with the fender in the fanny (American English ) alliteration is nice once in a while. Or if you Brits prefer, the bumper in the butt. 8-))


A new dormouse photo almost

A new dormouse photo almost makes up for no Bike... ;-)

Glad you're getting out to do some things for yourself.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Almost makes up?

Nay Nay! As much as we love Bike, it is nice indeed to have a RL that is enjoyable. Some of us aren't that fortunate, and your RL updates on everything from Bonzi and Izzy to biking to political views in your stories is more than just RL updates to me. You are having a blast enjoying a positive life, and, oh, so graciously sharing with us. And no offense Kris, everyone here knows what you mean, and you are loved here in BC as much as Anyone! Three cheers ( or more ) for Kris and Angharad! RaH! Ran! Ran! ( darn spelling checking Software!)

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm