Tattoos, Warriors and War: The Abbey and Clare Story - Prologue & Chapter 1


My second novel from the universe of Darra Von - This takes two of the characters from the Making of Nibs and follows them for a year until they like the Vixens go to the Academy.


Tattoo’s, Warriors and War

Abbey and Clare, are the two, readers of The Making of Nibs(TMON) will know from Chapter 17 — Slaver stock.

To set the scene, Abbey, Clare and Paul (Readers of TMONs will know him as Tattoo Paul, and I would advise reading TMON as due to a major battle they like the heroes from TMON have fairy companions) are involved with a war zone against the Aces gang from the school they both use to attend with Sandra, Paul, Tina, Abs and Gary. Also Nick or now Nibs use to attend the same High School. Every since their rescue they have been tasked with seeking fellow fighters for the conspiracy and teaching them how to fight and win. They learnt a lot about them selves over the following couple of weeks, that they were truly closer than even sisters, Clare knew what Abbey wanted and Abbey knew want Clare wanted and a couple of sparing sessions after the cult raid, they joined Nibs, Sandra, Tina, Abs, Jum and Wong in a session which faced partner teams faced partner teams, and they then realised that they both foxed and fooled the opposition and they ended up the victors of the fight, even if the fight ended a up a draw with no one truly wining.

Like Nibs, Sandra, Abs, and Tina, they had issues with members of the Aces, and this is when we join the fun started in Chapter 35 — War Zone, as the pair hunt a couple of Offensive team members. And remember they do have Magickal tattoos.

Chapter 1 — The Aces — Clare and Abbey both had their problems with members of the Aces.

The area around where Abbey, Clare and Paul Snr., along with Arrick and Gribbloath the pair’s fairy companions, were positioned was near the left flank, behind them and high in the stadium itself was their old unit leader, Mystique and her unit of long range death dealers. They had two groups of Aces in front of their position one group contained both Simoine and McKrudder and what looked like two more members of the defensive line. The Vision system both of them were wearing provided them with enough information to confirm that they were all carrying quite advanced fire arms, similar in many ways to the ones both of the girls were carrying. Tattoo Paul on the other hand, was carrying an advanced charged particle cannon, and was making sure that the other Aces unit down range didn’t try and move to out flank them.

Clare noticed that Simoine and the rest of the group had disappeared from the protection provided to them by some cars, they both knew that if certain members of the forces fighting the Aces decided the cars blocked their lines of sight, the cars would not be there.

Abbey said to Clare, “There they are, those two twerps.”

“Where?” Clare asked.

“Down there,” Abbey said and pointed to the area where she had seen them. Arrick looked at Gribbloath and the pair nodded and took to the air and flew towards the pair and landed on the fencing behind them and they both smiled evil smiles.

“Got them,” Clare said, “Very soon,” and a happy and evil smile spread across her lips

Gribbloath thought said to both Clare and Abbey, “Me and Arrick will watch these two and maybe have some fun.”

Arrick then thought said, “Putting the fear of the unknown into them would be a good idea.”

After a few minutes the two members of the defensive line appeared from a door in the building just behind where they had been cowering helping a badly injured McKrudder. Abbey quietly said to herself, “Looks like Tina and Nibs have had there fun.” Abbey then sub-vocalised, “Channel open Abbey to Nibs, Abbey to Tina, execute,” she then said, “Nibs, Tina, Abbey, can I take it by the fact Simoine ain’t appeared he’s dead?”

“Yeah, he is,” came Tina’s reply.

“And McKrudder won’t be playing football at college, I shattered both his knee caps and a few other bones, at the moment we are hunting, Zoe and Amy, can you give us any leads as to where they are up there?”

“I think Nibs and Blackie, put the fear of god into McKrudder, seeing as Nibs hit him at the bottom end of Nibs’ power scale and then just went on a rampage down here, putting holes on concrete pillars and walls, and their fairies helped out in making sure the two friends stayed put,” said Abs over the comm. system.

“No, we can’t, the sniper teams may be able to help,” said Abbey, “Both me and Clare are looking for payback against a couple of the 4th year, offensive team members.”

“Yeah, no problems, can you see them up there?” Nibs asked.

“Yeah we can,” Abbey said then Tattoo Paul levelled his particle cannon and singed one of the other Aces’ units when they tried to move to some cover closer to where the three were hiding.

“Stay the fuck put,” Tattoo Paul said, “I wonder if this bunch have any brains between them.”

“I doubt it very much,” said Clare, “Most gangs when facing the level of firepower they are, would have tried to open dialog and attempted to get themselves out of the crap.”

Twang, Twang, rat-a-tat-tat was heard from the position as the group attempted to flush out the three. “It’s getting to the point that I think we need to show them who is in command of the battle field.”

“I know, but that comes soon, when Strike Alpha has finished dealing with certain members challenges,” said Abbey.

“Yeah I know, I just wish they would hurry up, I just want to walk the short distance between here and where they are and teach that group some manors,” said Tattoo Paul.

After a few minutes, Nibs’ voice was heard over the comm. system, “Nibs to all surface units. We are currently dealing with the last two major problems, bar Detric and Gary, so get ready.”

After a couple of minutes, “Nibs to all surface units let ‘em have it.”

“Thank you Nibs,” said Tattoo Paul and aimed his Charge Particle cannon at the car blocking his line of sight to the group and he pulled the trigger, after setting the charge metre to full. The explosion of the car, after the stream of charged particles hit and detonated, sent fragments of steel and other materials used in the production of vehicles into the group, most of the fragments were absorbed by the armour they were still a few that hit areas not protected and these sent small squarts of blood out. Tattoo Paul who was using the zoom function on the vision package saw the faces of the group suddenly turn very white as they lost the protection provided by the car.

The group just opened up with the assault rifles they were using at where Tattoo Paul and the two girls were hidden. Both Abbey and Clare used the Smart uplinks between their weapons and the vision package to check targets and then put a large amount of conventional rounds into the area, quite quickly the firing from the area died down, as the opposition was either hit and killed or took cover from the incoming fire.

Suddenly to the right of the girls, a large truck exploded in half as what looked like a missile from the Aces side hit and blew the truck in half. Two loud cracks were heard after a few seconds as the sniper teams dealt with the new threat. Then the group heard what could be described as a large weight of firepower going down range and two explosions were heard as two small compact cars blew up.

Clare said, “That sounds like Nibs and Sandra.” Then they saw the signature bright white balls of plasma from a position just behind them and to the left fly past them destroying the only protection a group on the flank had from attack, mind you they wouldn’t be causing any more problems as the resultant explosion of plasma had sent the localized air to almost 2000 degrees centigrade in a matter of a few thousandths of a second.

Abbey then said, “I so want that Plasma rifle Hell Bright uses.”

Then as Strike Alpha and Bravo moved to the other side of the protection provided by a van and a large truck, the three were using for protection and cover. Strike Alpha moved to the same side as Abbey, Clare and Tattoo Paul were on and Nibs indicated for them to move to dozer that was situated near the corner of the car-park. All three of them moved using the low light functions, under the covering fire gaze of Strike Bravo and Strike Alpha. Strike Bravo followed the three, when the two groups had reached the dozer Claire whispered in Abbey and Clare’s ears, “Nibs has sent us to cover your movement to where your issues are located, Nibs has said, have fun.”

“Oh we will,” Clare said, and looked back at the cover and saw Strike Alpha had already disappeared, but Clare did see Sarah and four of her unit had moved up to the area and she could see one of the advanced suits of powered armour had taken up cover position on this end of the truck, the Particle cannon the only obvious weapon the armour carried. Clare then said to Abbey and Tattoo Paul, “Lets move,” and pointed to vehicle parked close to the fencing. The group that included McKrudder were still in the area around the door way, but they were more scared than anything else as they had just seen a few cars, suddenly explode.

“Scare them even more,” suggested Abbey.

“No, I think they are scared enough, come on going head to head with Nibs and Tina and then to see what the fire power we are carrying is doing to the cars and trucks,” Clare said.

“I hope the two of you are keeping a track of what they do wrong,” Tattoo Paul said.

“We are Paul,” said Abbey as she moved for the next piece of cover, she was closely followed by Clare and Tattoo Paul. Strike Bravo moved to another area and Ren sent a burst from his D300 into the area McKrudder was sited. He then signalled for the three to move to the next piece of cover which was this side of the car-park entrance kiosk. Hell Bright and Claire both moved to where the three had been and were joined by Ren and Paul.

Abbey, Clare and Tattoo Paul then ran straight past where McKrudder and his two friends were hiding. Clare jumped up as if to lob a grenade over the vehicle, which got the desired effect of them using their hands and arms to protect their heads. When the group had reached their next stop point, Strike Bravo had secured where McKrudder was holed up and took McKrudder and his two friends captive. From where the three were, Abbey could see one of the three Prisoner support teams moving to take charge of the prisoners and to make sure that they were looked after as well as the field facilities could allow.

Clare and Abbey both reached the next cover only to be jumped by a mad man, Tattoo Paul grabbed the youth and sleeper held him and dropped him to the land of nod. Tattoo Paul then said, “Control, Tattoo Paul, we have a sleeping prisoner to be collected and processed.”

“Confirmed Tattoo Paul,” came back John’s voice from the Battle Control.

The Prisoner support team, that had secured McKrudder, sent two men over to where the group was and took charge of the prisoner and took him back to the larger processing area. Clare and Abbey could both see the payback targets hidden behind a couple of mid sized expensive burnt out cars. They both had assault rifles ready to fire if anyone came too close.

Clare sub-vocalised, “Command, channel Clare to spotter Anna, execute,” Clare then said, “Anna, Clare can you direct your two snipers to force the two targets at the back of the car-park to take cover whilst me and Abbey more to engage in hand to hand?”

“No problem, Dominic will put a round into the area, confirm targets please,” Anna responded.

And an APEX around hit the side of the car which detonated and forced the two to take cover.

“Yeah perfect, thanks, Anna,” said Clare who then sub-vocalised, “Command, channel closed, execute.” Clare then turned to Abbey and said, “You ready hun.”

“Yeah, lets do it,” Abbey responded and placed her fire-arms on the ground near Tattoo Paul. Clare did the same and prepared her Sia-blades whilst Abbey unscabbarded her two machetes and the pair then moved as quickly as they could, seeing as it was very dark as the moon was on the wan and clouds covered most of the sky.

Clare and Abbey both moved and when they had reached the targets both said, “Boo.” Which cause both of them to jump and drop their fire-arms as they went to grab knives from their scabbards.

Abbey just looked at the pair and smiled whilst she switched in front of Clare the confined space would hamper them but not that badly. Clare went to strike with her left Sia-blade and punched the guy in the face with her right fist that was tightly holding the handle of the Sia-blade, the guy sat down hard as Clare’s fist connected and broke his nose which blood started to stream from.

Abbey used her left machete to block her opponent’s attack and used the right machete to slice across the face, which caught him and sliced across the left cheek and top of the his nose. Blood started to ooze from the cut which made Abbey smile as if he survived the confrontation would give him a nice scar to remember the battle by.

Gribbloath thought said to Arrick, “Ouch, that’s got-ta hurt.”

Abbey thought said, “Pain is the name of the game.”

“Remember us,” Clare said as the person she had put on the ground started to get up.

“Yeah I do, it’s the two of the wimps from that chicken sniper unit,” Mark said.

“Yeah it is and I hope you like the sight of blood, especially as your going to see your own,” said Clare as she brought her armour clad foot up in a kick to the head of Mark. The impact broke his jaw and sent him again to the floor, hard this time. Gary, Abbey’s opponent, cut across Abbey’s upper arm, the blade caught the armour which went from it normal molten state to solid and deflected the blow.

“Oops, looks like we are wearing far more advanced armour than you are,” said Abbey as she went to back cut Gary across the face with her right machete for a second time, only to ram her left one right into and through his street armour.

“What the hell,” Gary said and as Abbey removed the machete, said, “This armour was suppose to protect against close combat attacks.”

“It does normally if you are facing normal humans, both me and Clare are slightly more than human,” and Abbey tapped her Heart wrapped in thorns tattoo and then punched the guy around the face, which cause the normal convulsions as the illusion of being poisoned took hold. Abbey looked down on him and said, “I’m going to be nice to you and your mate.” Abbey they said, “Control, Abbey, send a prisoner support team to pick these two up, also deploy a medical unit with them as they both need medical attention.”

“Confirmed Abbey, team on route,” John said, and after a couple of seconds he continued, “Now, should be with you in a couple of minutes.”

“How goes the rest of the battle?” Abbey asked.

“Pretty much over and done with now,” replied Bill, as four members from Tybias’ Raiders approached where Clare and Abbey were, Tattoo Paul moved and chucked Abbey her MA-40 Pulse Assault Rifle and Clare her M-40 Pulse Rifle.

“Nibs to all units we have the Aces bottled up in the middle of the area.”

“Aces, you are surrounded, surrender now or face annihilation, the choice is yours,” came Sarah’s voice over some powerful speakers.

“You bastards will never beat us,” Detric shouted and the remaining Aces tried to extract themselves in the direction of Clare, Abbey, Tattoo Paul and Raiders unit.

Tattoo Paul downgraded the charge metre on the cannon and specifically selected a target and aimed. Abbey and Clare just popped up and returned fire along with the four members of the Raiders, the sniper units high in the Stadium also selected targets and started to deal injuries to the Aces, Strike Bravo opened up with out Hell Bright’s and Paul’s Plasma rifle entering the mix.

The suddenly over the sound of assault weapons firing, three deep roars were heard and three suits of flying powered armour hovered over the area, Clare, Abbey and the Raiders where and two of the suits opened up with rail guns and the middle suit targeted a car and it disappeared in a ball of flames as Nicole’s missile rifle fired and blew it to pieces. “Aces, you can forget any support from your corporate security friends, at this moment they are being processed as prisoners,” Nicole voice was heard coming from her suit of power armour. At this point the firing from the all the Aces position stopped.

Detric shouted, “What are your terms for surrender?”

Nibs replied, “Unconditional surrender and the total disbandment of the Aces. Effective as of the end of the battle.”

Simon then shouted, “Any member seen wearing any Aces emblem or signature will be classified as Persona Non Greta, and will be dealt with in accordance to Centrals rules and regulations.”

After a few minutes Detric shouted back, “Give me Gary Sutherland and you have a deal.”

Abbey was looking around for where Gary was and saw him moving forward as was all the Vixens and the rest of the Gangrels. The group at the back of the battle field also moved to join the circle, inside the circle were Gary and Detric, the rest of the Aces where separated and surrounded by Sarah’s unit.

(Gary’s fight with Detric is told in The Making of Nibs and I won’t retell here — suffice to say Gary forces Detric to submit after breaking a few of his bones.)

* * * * * *

Later that evening back at the Club Abbey and Clare are both soaking in a hot bath. Arrick and Gribbloath were sat on the basin enjoying the hot steam that was coming from the bath, Clare’s arms were wrapped around Abbey’s waist and Clare whispered in Abbey’s ear, “I love you hun, with all my heart, body and soul.”

“Same here,” Abbey replied, and kissed Clare on the cheek, she then turned and looked Clare right in the eyes, and said, “I think I may have a possible member for the unit.”

“Who?” asked Clare.

“The mad one who jumped us and Tattoo Paul put to sleep,” said Abbey.

“Yeah, maybe,” responded Clare, “It would be a good idea to do a complete work up on each potential recruit. That way we have an idea of outlooks and attitudes. Is he still in lockup with the rest of the Aces.”

“I’m not sure,” Abbey said, “I’m not even sure if he is even a gang member.”

“That can be checked tomorrow and if he has been released we can go hunting,” said Clare.

“Yeah, but tonight your mine hun,” Abbey said and an evil grin spread across her face as she tweaked Clare’s nipple.

At this Arrick whispered in to Gribbloath ears, “Lets leave the pair to their fun,” and the pair flew off back into the main apartment.

* * * * * *

Chapter 2 — Hunting — Clare, Abbey and Paul go hunting for recruits

13:09AN both Abbey and Clare woke and laid there under the covers in each other’s arms enjoying the warmth and friendship the two partners and sisters had for each other.

The bedroom of their apartment at the club was a square room measuring seven metres by seven metres, in the corner opposite the door was two large wardrobes and beside them was a dressing table, the bed was situated so when the door opened it provided cover from people coming in and also stopped the door from fully opening, on either side of the bed was a small bed side cabinet, on which was an ashtray and their PDAs both in their respective chargers. Sat on the edge of each ashtrays was a full length joint, which the two had made before they had gone to sleep at about 03:30BN the previous night.

Laying between the pair, on the top of the pillow, was Arrick and Gribbloath, like Clare and Abbey the pair were holding each other’s hand, Clare reached over to her bedside cabinet and grabbed the joint she had rolled last night and the lighter that sat beside the joint, she then stuck the joint in her mouth and lit it.

Abbey said, “Do you know something hun, I would never had thought, the two of us smoking joints, pipes and bongs.”

“Tell me about it, but with the work Paul has done over the last week I need it,” said Clare.

“I know,” said Abbey and swung her lithe legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed her joint and did the same as Clare lit it and took a long draw on it and held it for a good fifteen seconds before she exhaled the smoke, “I would love to give up the tobacco, it’s the one thing I hate the most, being addicted to baccy.”

Beep, beep, beep, went Clare’s PDA, which Clare reached for and looked at who had sent her what. The PDA showed that she had just received a text from Paul.

You two up yet, when you are join me in the Garage. Paul

Abbey turned to Clare and said, “You decided what your next tattoo is going to be?”

Arrick and Gribbloath woke up when the PDA went off and looked at the pair with happy smiles on their faces, as they got up.

“No, have you?” Clare responded and swung her legs out and sat on the edge of the bed as Abbey went through her normal morning routine of stretches and suppleness exercises. “Would you train me to be as supple as you.”

“I have a couple of ideas, and yes I will, so get the hell up and copy me when I run through the exercises. The only thing I will say is that you have to be committed to it, you can not be half hearted about it. You must do this every morning when you get up,” Abbey said.

“What’s your ideas then hun?” asked Clare as she joined Abbey running through the exercises and movements as Abbey did them

“I’m thinking of having a some weapons tattooed so even if we ain’t got our close combat weapons we still have them, or having Paul tattoo one of the many animals he knows of.”

After the pair had finished the exercises they both got dressed and walked to the garage where Paul was stood chatting to a couple of the mechanics. Sat on there shoulders were Arrick and Gribbloath. The area where Paul was standing was one of the many work zones located around the edge of the garage. Most of the Garage walls in the areas designated as work zones had tool panels and normally all the tools were present unless the person working in the area was using them on one of the many vehicles being worked on. Currently in the Garage was three large light goods vehicle style vans, two of them being converted to mobile surveillance vehicles the other was undergoing a service, and two FAVs one was on a lift and had a couple of workers under the vehicle working on what looked like the drive train.

Paul waved them over and after they had walked over he asked them, “What vehicle or vehicles do you two drive?”

“Mit-bu 600FD Scramble Master,” replied Clare

“A Mit-bu 700X Road bike,” answered Abbey, “Why?” asked Abbey

“You two want an upgrade to one of the FAVs stored here, and Jaboc has agreed to have our unit based here, mind you I also think Sarah is trying to persuade him to start using the underground facilities as a second command centre for the Gangrels,” Paul said.

Both Abbey and Clare looked at each other and said, “Yeah, why not, can we upgrade the FAV to our specifications rather than the standard ones?”

“Yeah,” said one of the two mechanics.

The other mechanic asked, “Can I ask would you be up for bringing my only son back to the straight and narrow?”

“Yeah, why, what’s wrong with him?” asked Clare

“A few months ago he started to run with a group of local kids that from the reports I’ve been hearing, they have been terrorizing the neighbourhood near where the group leader lives,” the mechanic said.

“Right, where’s the area?” Abbey said.

“South Klebge,” the mechanic said.

“Have you got an up to date picture of your son so we can try and find him on the streets?” Abbey asked

“Yeah, here,” the mechanic said and took out his wallet and then proceeded to remove a picture of him and his son, “It was taken a little over five months ago.”

“That should be good enough,” said Clare and took out her PDA and took a picture of the two and compared the image to the original, “Pretty good quality,” Clare said.

“If Jaboc has agreed to allow us to use the Club as a base, then I say we need to know the area and also what gangs and youth groupings exist in the area,” said Abbey

“And the only way to do that is to hit the streets,” said Clare and Paul, which brought laughter to all present.

“Yeah lets,” said Paul, “Lets go and find you two a new vehicle.”

“Yeah lets,” Clare said and followed Paul towards the down ramp to the second level garage. On route the girls passed on of the work zones that was working on a FAV, it looked as if the mechanics were welding extensions to the wheel arches.

“Paul, who’s FAV?” Abbey asked.

“Jum and Wong’s I think, they have changed the tires and I also think upgraded the handling on it.”

Clare looked at Abbey as she thought about the upgrades to the FAVs and nodded agreement to what Abbey was thinking about.

When the group walked down the ramp they saw for the first time the second level to the garage, Clare and Abbey just stood at the bottom of the ramp and stared in shock, the expanse measured 200metres from the ramp to the far wall and at least 250metres from wall to wall in the other direction. At regular intervals were concrete posts that held the ceiling Paul turned and led them to where the FAVs where, Abbey and Clare found one which had off road tires on, Paul lifted the entire vehicle and allowed to girls to look at the transmission system, which was four wheel drive.

“Perfect, just a couple of small modifications now, like fitting two winches to it and maybe upgrading the engine a bit. Do you know what the engine is Paul?”

“I think it’s either a 1.6k or 1.7k fuel cell system,” replied Paul.

“Mm, lets see what it can do, then make the decision as to the upgrade,” said Clare.

“Yeah,” said Abbey, “Do you want to drive or shall I?”

“You drive to start, I’m going to check the Intelligence Database for anything on the gangs and other matters in the area,” said Clare.

“Ok, hun,” responded Abbey and climbed into the drivers seat whilst Clare climbed into the passengers seat and Paul climbed into the gunners chair. Paul checked the safety box for the normal weapons load of a twin GPMG, which was present along with ammunition in the magazine. Arrick and Gribbloath both flew to the bash board and looked out over the engine and ISW ammunition bay.

“Clare can you check the box to the left of the dashboard,” asked Paul.

“Ok, why Paul,” asked Clare as she opened the box and found an ISW located there.

“I was just checking the load out, I’m surprised the FAV is armed, they normally aren’t if they are for normal street usage.”

Abbey picked up the hand held microphone, press the send button and said, “Control, Abbey.”

“Control here Abbey, how can we be of assistance.”

“I recognize that voice,” Abbey said, “It that you Angel?”

“Yeah it is Abbey,” Angel said.

“Ok, me, Clare and Paul are about to head out into South Klebge to go hunting for someone, we will keep you informed as to our progress and location.”

“No need on the location, we have the position lock of your digital transmitter.”

“No, it’s a FAV transmitter, so we may be on walk about at times.”

“Ok, Abbey, thanks for the information, can I assume that all of you either have your comm. systems or PDAs?”

“Yeah, we have all got our PDAs,” said Abbey.

“Thanks, it’s logged, chat to you soon, control out.”

Abbey turned the key card and nothing happened, Paul said, “Reset the card, put you foot on the accelerator and then turn the key card and push it in, it’s the combination of foot, and push that fools most people who try and nick an Academy FAV, the other security measures include, a complete engine immobilizer and position lock emergency transmitter located in the engine bay.”

“Nice anti theft technology,” said Clare.

“Yeah I know,” said Paul.

Abbey pulled the FAV out and up the ramp to sub-basement one and then through the workshops and out the back entrance and out onto the main road that ran behind the Club where Abbey turned right and headed towards South Klebge District since the removal of the Wacker troops on Frodar the Club had been down graded to a Ops level 3, and Jaboc thought it would not be long before he would be opening the doors again to paying punters, and he was already planning the opening night. He had also said that if Abbey, Clare and Paul wanted some part time work he knew that the head of security, Sharra would be very likely looking for people not frightened of mixing it up the punters if they got out of hand.

Abbey drove the FAV straight down the main road as it ran right through the area they were heading for. Clare used her PDA and found a couple of areas where they could park the FAV and not have problems of people trying to steal it.

The streets of South Klebge did not look very good, about 95% of the refugees that left at the start of the Wacker War, as it had become known as, were to scared to return to their homes and businesses, and it was likely that most wouldn’t return. The ones that were heading back were mainly ghosts and a few of the more hardy people. Bags of rubbish overflowed the garbage dumpsters a lot more people sat on the steps leading up to the town houses of the inhabitants. Most street corners had a couple of working girls and guys on, looking for punters.

“It looks like the city is paying some serious overtime to it’s garbage crews,” said Clare as Abbey drove past the fifth garbage truck.

“No, the bulk of them ain’t city garbage trucks, they’re Terraforma’s, I think the city and Wacker Inc are now paying the price of not thinking the entire plan through, because I know Terraforma wouldn’t be doing this with out some major financing from either or,” said Paul.

“It serves them bloody well right,” Abbey said, “for being stupid and offering Wacker the freedom to do what it did.”

Abbey turned left and approached the car-park entrance they had chosen to use, when Abbey slowed and stopped in front of the kiosk the guy sat inside said, “Six decks please and you only have a couple of hours and then you have to leave and return after an hour.”

Paul lent over and said, “You sure about that rule,” and got out a hundred deck note and gave it with the five deck note and the single deck coin Abbey passed him and both Abbey and Clare look really nicely and smiled sweetly at him. Both Arrick and Gribbloath flew to the roll cage and fluttered prettily and smiled.

“Go on them,” he said and took the money, “How long you likely to be?”

“A few hours,” replied Abbey, “We are looking for a few people who are suppose to live in the area.”

“Ok, park the vehicle round the back of the kiosk then,” the car park attendant said.

“Thanks,” called both Abbey and Clare as Abbey slowly manoeuvred the FAV into the bay, and switched off the engine. Both Clare and Paul secured the firearms and checked their own pistols and other weapons, just in case. As Abbey pulled the FAV into the car park they both laughed and flew back to the dash board.

Paul said, “Right shall we then.”

“Yeah lets,” said Clare, and the three, with Arrick flying ahead of the group and Gribbloath sat on Abbey’s shoulder, walked towards the nearest pedestrian exit, which led them onto 2776th Avenue, “Which way?” asked Clare.

“Lets head for the main shopping area, most youth groups generally hang out in and around those types of areas,” suggested Paul.

“True, they do, we are the only exception to the rule” responded Clare, and she looked at her PDA and found a couple of large shopping malls similar in size to the Harlaquinas mall in South Peninsula district. The group turned right and headed towards the main shopping centre of South Klebge. After walking for about ten minutes they approached the main shopping centre which was built around a single road with large multinational department stores viving for customers with smaller independent chains and smaller corporations. The group walked for a further five minutes and approached a small café just before the main shopping precedent started.

Clare thought to herself, ‘I’m hungry and I need a drink,’ and looked around for a café where they could stop and have some food and a coffee. She saw a small independent café, the sign above the large window read Green House Café, on the opposite side of the road. “Guys I need some food and I definitely need a coffee,” she said.

Abbey said in response to Clare statement about coffee, “Yeah so do I.” Paul nodded his agreement to the idea of getting a drink. The group walked and flew the short distance to the traffic lights and waited for them to change, which allowed them to cross the main road.

When the group was on the same side of the road as the Café, Abbey spotted a group of youths walking towards the precedent which was just behind them, she tapped Clare on the shoulder and pointed to the group, Clare realised what Abbey was thinking and took out, of her jacket pocket, her PDA and checked the photo the mechanic had given them earlier. Clare nodded yes to Abbey unspoken question. As the three walked into the café.

Gribbloath thought suggested, via the link he had with Clare and Abbey, “Shall me and Arrick follow the group?”

Clare responded again via the thought link, “No, only if they don’t stop at end of the precedent.” Arrick still stayed at the front watching the youths and making sure they didn’t disappear.

The youth group walked to the crossing and crossed to the precedent side and went and sat on a couple of the benches that were present at the end of the precedent to allow pedestrians to sit and rest.

The inside of the café was plain with neutral coloured walls, across the back of the open area, which on the right hand side of the front area had stairs leading up to a first floor seating and smoking area, was the serving area. Standing behind which was a couple of early twenties females, one was taking the order from an old couple the other was drying a cup up with a cloth. Above the serving area was the menu board, which showed what was on offer and the prices of the food and drink. The three friends looked up and choose what they wanted to eat.

As they approached the female who had been drying the cup put the cup down and walked over to them and asked, “Can I help?” and looked questionally at the three.

Abbey said, “Yes you can, a white coffee for me.”

Paul then said, “Same for me please.”

Clare then asked, “Are you still serving breakfasts?”

The woman looked around at a gentleman dressed in chef’s whites, who nodded yes at Clare’s question. She then said, “Yes we are madam.”

“Ok, a full cooked breakfast, and a cup of tea please,” Clare said.

“Certainly,” the female said and wrote the order down and handed it to the chef who took it and disappeared into the kitchen area, “The breakfast will be about five minutes.”

“No problem,” said Clare and the three turned.

Paul asked, “Upstairs?”

“Yeah, at least we can have a smoke,” responded Abbey, and the three walked the short distance to the stairs and ascended them to the first floor, where they found a table over looking the main road and the precedent and sat down to wait the arrival of the drinks and Clare’s breakfast.

When Paul said Upstairs Gribbloath flew up the stairs and went to the windows over looking the street, and like Arrick watched the group.

The upstairs area was very similar to the ground floor area, bland. The floor area contained about fifteen tables and alcoves. On each table was a menu, ash tray, and general other café items, like a bowl of sugar, salt, and pepper. The front of the café had five large windows which ran almost floor to ceiling, only the top and bottom foot was not window.

When the three were seated they all looked over at the group of youths sat in the precedent, and Arrick flew up from the down stairs area.

Paul said, “Any idea as to what the gang is, they all seem to be wearing the same colours?”

“No,” replied Abbey, “But that easy to check,” and she got out her PDA and took a picture of the group and logged on to the Net. Abbey opened the PDA’s NetViewer and logged into the Gangrel’s net site and from there she accessed Central’s Gang afflictions database, and checked the colours of the group against all the listed gangs. Abbey then said, as the waitress who took the groups order walked up the stairs from the ground floor and approached the table, “Its not listed on the database, and I know its updated every time a new gang approaches or updates their details.”

The waitress said, when she had approached, “Two white coffee’s,” and she placed the two mugs in front of Abbey and Paul, “and your breakfast and tea, madam.”

All three said, “Thank you.”

Paul then asked her, “Do you know what gang that group of youths belong too?” and pointed to the group.

“Yeah, they call themselves the Protectors. A lot of the smaller shops and businesses don’t exactly like them much, the chef is a better person to talk to about them,” the waitress said.

Paul said, “Thanks, would you inform the chef that when we have finished we will come down and have a chat with him about them, as we have been asked to look into their activities.”

“No problem, I will tell the chef that,” the waitress said, and departed heading for a dirty table about half way down the right hand wall, as you look at the front windows.

“Interesting,” said Clare as she cut a sausage and dipped the section into the cooked tomatoes and then stuck it into her mouth and ate it.

Clare then thought to Arrick and Gribbloath, “You two want to have some food?”

Arrick replied, “Thanks, but no thanks, generally we create our own food when we need it, other than that we feed of the ambient mana.”

“Yeah,” said Paul and he took a sip from the mug of coffee, “Nice coffee.”

Abbey used the spoon and scooped a heaped spoonful of sugar into her coffee and stirred it, she them took a sip and said, “Yeah, nice coffee, I will have to ask where they got it from, I wouldn’t mind having a jar in the apartment.”

Clare then took the spoon and scooped half a spoonful of sugar into hers and stirred it, she then took a sip and scooped some of the beans onto her fork and ate them.

Very soon Clare had finished her breakfast and sat enjoying the hot cup of tea. After about ten minutes the chef walked up from the ground floor and wandered over to where the group was sitting and said, “Pamela said you wanted to have a chat about the Protectors?”

Paul said in response to the chef offer, “We were about to come down and see you.”

“Not to worry, my assistant in the kitchen turned up and I need to take a coffee break. Would you like another drink, on the house?” Dan, the chef, said.

“Yeah,” responded Paul to the offer.

Dan wandered to the stairs and called down to Sharon, “Same drinks order again plus a Latte for me.”

“Ok,” came the response from downstairs. The chef walked back and took a seat from a nearby table and sat down.

“What do you want to know, and why do you want to know about the Protectors?” Dan asked.

“Why,” replied Clare, “Both myself and Abbey are members of the Gangrels, which operate as the police arm of Central, the controlling body of all gang activity in Suraban.”

“That explains why, now what do you want to know?”

“Anything and everything you know about them,” said Paul, “A friend has a son running with the gang and from what we have been told they are terrorizing the area.”

“Terrorizing the area, is about right, I think most of the small shops and I know most of the small independent business pay protection money to the gang, even me here pays for them not to either wreck the café or fire bomb it. A couple of weeks ago, just after the start of the problems around the Wacker Headquarters, they started to demand money and I heard through the local traders network that five business refused to pay the fees and had their offices fire bombed that night. The local police did nothing to increase security in the areas and the CCTV cameras were either vandalised or deliberately broken before the attacks.”

“Do you happen to know what level of fire power they have access to?” asked Paul.

“No, but from when the ones who come in and get the money every week, they all look like they are carrying cheap 9mm automatic knockoffs, other than that I have no idea what they have access to or the level of training they have,” Dan replied.

Abbey picked up her PDA and hit the back button a couple of times and opened the page that listed current and within the past two months Gangrel contracts, none of the listed contracts indicated any work being done with a gang called the Protectors.

Sharon came up the stairs carrying a tray with four cups on and walked over to the table. Dan asked her, “Do you know the name of the Protectors’ leader?”

“Yeah I do, a friend of my boyfriend runs with the gang, I think he calls himself ‘His Lordship’.” Sharon replied.

“I’ve heard that name before,” said Clare, and opened up the link to the clubs intelligence database and did a search for the term ‘His Lordship’, “Yes I knew I had, do you remember the Human Intelligence we gathered a couple of Savradays ago in the area?”

“Yeah, I do, why?” Paul replied.

“His Lordship was mentioned by Anna,” replied Clare.

“Oh yeah I remember now,” said Abbey, “It was surrounding the incident with the youth the three from South Harbour were protecting.”

“Yeah, that’s it,” said Clare.

“From what I know from my boyfriend, he’s a real psycho, and he rules the gang like is personal army, it is rumoured that he’s changed some of his gang in to psychos as well,” Sharon said.

Abbey then spotted that the youth group was on the move, “There moving,” Abbey said. Both Arrick and Gribbloath had already flown off to follow the group, and as Abbey stood up she saw Gribbloath fly towards the group and land on one of the lamp posts, Arrick flew a little way beyond them and landed on one of the large signs that hung in front of one of the large department stores.

And the three friends got up and Paul gave Dan a twenty Deck note and said, “Thanks for the drinks and food, and keep the change.”

“Thank you,” said Dan, “And good luck in dealing with the Protectors.”

“They’ll need the luck not us,” replied Clare, and followed Paul and Abbey down the stairs, then towards the front door back and out on to the street only to turn left so they could follow the group.

As Clare disappeared down the stairs, “That’s a first,” said Dan.

“What is?” asked Sharon.

“Oh nothing, just me musing over things, no rest of the wicked. I just hope those two ain’t bitten off more than they can chew,” responded Dan.

* * * * * *

Outside Clare, Abbey and Paul all turned left and slowly followed the group of youths, it looked like to Abbey that Arrick and Gribbloath made sure that they always bracketed them, through the precedent, looking in the windows so not to draw attention to themselves. After a while three of the group broke off and headed right and went down an alleyway between two of the large department stores. Abbey quickly checked the map of the area and saw the alleyway led to a large back area where drop off and pickups took place and the three followed the youths down it to the back area behind Tecbos Mall Mart and Carreda department store, as the three approached the loading area, which was a large tarmac area with a couple of cars parked and very little other clutter, they saw the three surround a man in his early twenties and had him up against the wall of an light industrial unit. They seemed to be chatting to this person, then one of them punched him and he bent over double and another bent down, grabbed his hair and forced his head back up and was having stern words with him.

The three friends looked at the scene and made them selves scarce as they knew it would be better to shut the entire gang down in one fell swoop rather than remove small groups, as it would likely impact on the local community, which as Gangrels, they were sworn to help in what ever way they could. When the three had finished extorting money from the gentleman they left the back area and headed back for the main precedent, Paul said to Abbey and Clare, “You two follow them, I’ll find out what happened and the situation here.”

“Done,” both of them said, and returned to the main shopping precedent and continued to follow the youths, who turned right at the end of the precedent and crossed the road and went into one of the small shops slightly up the street from the end of the precedent. Arrick flew into the shop and hovered over the head of the owner and watched what the one who had gone in did. Abbey and Clare both walked passed on the other side of the road and continued on to a small independent computer store located on the other side of the service road, and looked in the window and started to quietly chat to each other about computers and other technology they could see in the window.

Abbey’s PDA vibrated in her pocket which told her she had received a text message, she took her PDA out and opened the text message, it was from Paul, the text message read that he was just down the street sat on one of the benches. The youth group started down the main road and walked past the precedent and continued down south. The group walked past the local cinema, Clare and Abbey approached Paul who said, “Go and get the FAV and me and the fairies will follow the group.”

“Ok, text us your location should they stop,” responded Clare.

“Ok,” said Paul who stood and followed the youth group past the cinema and car park, Abbey and Clare headed back through the precedent towards the car park.

* * * * * *

Paul followed the group down a secondary road that ran beside a small corner shop, which two of the group walked into, again Gribbloath flew in and watched the goings on, and from what Paul could see was buying some convenience food, after they had bought the food they came out and ran to catch up the rest of the group. Paul stayed well back from them as the walked the streets he saw a couple of them headed for a group of females stood on a corner, who looked at they were trying to solicit people into going with them for money. After walking around three miles from the junction on the main street that ran past the cinema, they approached a large building in the middle of an area of bad lands, with disused houses and a considerable amount collateral damage in the way of burnt out cars and other vehicles.

From where Paul was standing outside a town house and looked as if he was viewing the outside of one a short distance away from the actual borders of the bad lands, he could see that a lot of the houses were also burnt out or had large holes in the walls, none of them had windows in and most of them had some damage to the roofs. He texted Clare and told her where he was. After waiting for about five minutes the FAV arrived driving from the west.

Arrick thought to Clare, “Permission for me and Gribbloath to follow the group?”

“No, we don’t yet know who ‘His Lordship’ is and what abilities he has,” replied Clare, “stay with Paul.”

“Ok,” came the response form Gribbloath.

Paul climbed in along with Arrick and Gribbloath who both flew to the roll cage. Clare, who was driving, drove off in the direction of a local park car park, where they could stop and roll up a couple of joints. The park it self had a couple of football pitches a small kids play area and a couple of clumps of trees, close to the car park was a building that contained the washrooms and changing facilities for the people who used the football pitches. Just on the far side of the building was a bounce ball court and a tension racket court, on which was a couple of people playing.

When they had stopped and rolled the joints, Paul said, “It looks like the Protectors HQ is in the middle of the badlands back there.”

“From your general experience what would you say there training level was like?” asked Abbey as she then lit her joint.

“From my experience, you put a couple of C+ Gangrel units into the badlands with full weapons load and support vehicles, they wouldn’t stand a chance,” Paul replied.

“Oh, that’s a point, do you know what happened to the guy you put to sleep yesterday during the war zone?” asked Abbey, “Both of us thought he may be a useful person to recruit for the unit.”

“I think he still in holding, I think processing had processed half the prisoners from yesterday when we left, he may still be in holding,” said Paul.

Abbey picked up the microphone of the FAV’s Digital transmitter and said, “Control, Abbey.”

“Control here,” came the reply.

Clare said, “That sounds like Nibs.”

“Nibs is that you?” Abbey asked.

“It is Abbey. How can we help?” Nibs asked.

“Who’s still in holding waiting to be processed?” Abbey asked.

“About six people, why?” asked Nibs.

“Is the guy Paul put to sleep been processed yet?” Abbey asked.

“Hang on, I’ll check, can’t you guys get this information on your PDA’s,” Nibs replied.

“We could, but it’s easier to ask you guys, and it saves on the battery life, not down loading data over the satellite link,” replied Abbey.

“He’s being processed now,” said Nibs.

“What’s happening to the people after processing?” asked Abbey.

“I think they are being released,” replied Nibs.

“Can you put a request in to keep him at the Club until we get back, we want to see if he suitable for our unit,” Abbey said.

“Yeah, no problem,” responded Nibs, “Is that everything?” Nibs then asked.

“Yeah, it is, thanks Nibs,” Abbey said.

“We might as well head back to the club, we can’t do much more here,” said Paul.

“True we can’t,” said Clare who stubbed her joint out and flicked the last of it towards the nearest bin and got a perfect shot on the bin.

“Nice shot hun,” said Abbey.

“Thanks,” said Clare as she put her foot on the accelerator, turned and then pressed the key card in to switch the FAV on.

Clare then drove back to the Club via the minor road that ran past the badlands. Paul, Abbey and both the fairies looked at the badlands. Gribbloath looking trying to see if she could see anything that would indicate the level of equipment, and both Paul and Abbey trying to see if they could see anything that would give them an inclination as to how good the Protectors are on the battle field.

“Not much evidence at all of defences,” said Paul.

“True,” responded Abbey.

When they had returned to the Club via the front entrance and parked the FAV on sub-basement one. Paul showed them to holding where the last two members of the walking wounded Aces were being processed.

As Paul led Abbey and Clare through holding and prisoner processing they entered the main room where Sharra sat behind a desk with a computer on, sat in the chair next to her was Sarah, and Bret was standing beside the door that led to the interview rooms. The room measured fifteen metres by fifteen metres. Sharra and Sarah looked as if they were wearing Black light armour under trousers and a Club crew cut off t-shirt. Bret was wearing black light and was wearing a pair of urban combat trousers and was also carrying his and Sarah’s baby in the same custom built black light carrier they had used during the war zone. Bret carried a D-300 Assault rifle and what looked like a single eye smart link.

Paul walked up to Sharra and asked, “Where is the person we requested being kept?”

“In interview room three, he currently on his own and looks to be minding his own business,” replied Sharra.

“Good,” responded Paul and showed the two girls and the two fairies to the room next door. The room measured eight metres long by 5 metres wide, and was dominated by a large window that almost ran the length of both the interview room and the observation area. Behind them in another room was Sarah and Gareth who was questioning a prisoner.

The three looked at the guy and saw a tall slim person.

‘But even a slim body can have a considerable amount of strength and speed,’ thought Abbey.

Clare responded, ‘Which can be improved with the right training.’

Paul asked both Abbey and Clare, “What are your first impressions today of the gentleman?”

“He looks confident he’s done nothing wrong, and his body looks as if it contains a considerable amount of strength,” replied Clare.

“True, it does,” responded Abbey.

“Right you four, stay here and watch,” said Paul, and he left the observation room and walked the short distance from the observation room door to the door that led him into the main interview room, which measured eight metres by eight metres, in the middle of the room was a table and four chairs each one bolted to the solid rock, so they couldn’t be moved or used as weapons. Paul walked in and was looking at the details for the gentleman on his PDA. Paul sat down on the other side of the table and asked the gentleman “Is your name Gareath Rozourn?”

When Paul had turned and departed, Arrick and Gribbloath landed on the shelf just under the window and watched the proceedings.

“It is, and you are the fifth person I have told that to. Why am I here? I can’t get an answer out of anyone else,” he asked.

“I must apologise for holding you here, but you intrigued myself and a couple of friends of mine. May I ask, why did you attack the two females yesterday evening?”

“Because you were trespassing on my home,” Gareath replied.

“Oops, sorry for that, we didn’t expect people to be living there, if we had known we would have requested that you move out for the duration of the war zone,” Paul said.

“Cut to the bloody chase will you, I want to know why I am still here?”

“Sorry, as I said earlier you intrigued people, your fighting style is very similar to there’s and also mine, and we were wondering if you would be interested in joining a unit the three of us are putting together?” Paul asked.

Back in the observation room Abbey checked the details on Gareath and found out that the age he had given was 17. Clare said to Abbey, “What do you think hun, do you think he would fit in with the overall scheme of the unit?”

“Quite possibly yes, but it would depend on his attitude towards how we see life and the rest of the conspiracy more than anything else,” Abbey replied

Back in the interview room Paul continued, “The unit is an elite unit specifically designed to combat threats not of this world.”

“You have now got my attention,” Gareath said, “Currently how many people in the unit?”

“Currently, three,” replied Paul, but the three are all classified as semi elite on the professional ghost scene,” said Paul.

“Can I take it that if I join I join for life, how ever long that is?” Gareath asked

“Yeah, pretty much,” responded Paul.

“My next question is who would I be taking orders from?” Gareath asked.

“Effectively yourself, but within an overall plan,” responded Paul

“Ok, so let me get this straight, you are offering me a job for life, I would be effectively my own commander, but within overall objectives,” Gareath said, “What do I get out of it?”

“Quite possibly some of the best training and facilities available to man,” said Paul.

“My next question may sound a bit mercenary but what’s the pay like?” asked Gareath.

“When on active duty 1000decks a week with bonus of 500decks per combat operation.”

“Would I be joining a gang or something?”

“The two girls you attacked yesterday,” Paul started to say.

“Those two were girls,” Gareath said, “Fuck me, I know it weren’t brill lighting, but they looked like men in the gear they were wearing.”

“Ok,” Paul said, “Can I continue,” and Paul smiled.

“Sorry yes.”

“As I was saying, the two girls both belong to the Gangrels gang,” Paul said.

“How about you? You look a bit old to belong to a gang,” Gareath asked.

“I don’t exactly belong to the Gangrels, but I am a Black Karzzar master.”

“I have no idea what one of those is, but it sounds like you must know a few things about combat and the way you handled me says you know a few things. Can you give me five minutes to think about your offer.”

“Yeah no problem,” said Paul and got up and walked towards the door.

“One last question, you spoke of threats not of this world, living on the street as I do, I see and hear things, and I’ve seen some strange things over my short street life, can I take it these threats are not nice and would like to be very nasty to people like me?”

“Yes,” replied Paul.

“Thanks,” Gareath said, and just sat there and thought about what Paul had said and the offer

* * * * * *

Gareath thought, ‘I wonder if this group would help me in my search for my Jackie?’ he then got up and stretched and yawned, ‘Fuck I’m that tired.’

After some four minutes he turned towards the camera located in the corner and said, “I’m in, on one condition that if my Jackie is alive you help me to free her and punish who ever has got her for the crimes they would have probably committed against her.”

In the observation room Abbey, Clare,Paul and both the fairies smiled at the answer, the two girls, Paul, along with Arrick and Gribbloath, flying just above and behind the shoulder of each of girls, walked to the interview room door, opened it and walked in. Gareath mouth dropped when he saw the girls who smiled at him.

Abbey said, “Welcome to the Gangrel Hunters Gareath.”

“Understand this what you see and hear from now is not for general public consumption,” said Paul, “As agreeing to join the unit means that you are now no longer just a kid who lives on the street, but a member of a conspiracy that has existed for the last 11,000 odd years.”

“Fuck me,” Gareath said.

“What that was all about was us seeing if you had intelligence to make your own mind up, most people would jump at the chance to use new technology. This unit does and it don’t, all three of us are very much in your face style fighters, who use intelligence, both head and other sources to undertake and complete missions,” said Paul.

“You hungry?” Abbey asked Gareath.

“Now that you mention food, I am,” Gareath replied.

“Right then lets go and get some food,” said Paul, and led the group out of the interview room and as they walked down the corridor towards the processing room, the group bumped into Sarah and Gareth as they walked out of the interview room leading the prisoner who glared at both the girls. The two girls took no notice as Gareth led him towards the prisoner transport bay.

Gareath asked Clare after tapping her on the shoulder, “What going to happen to him now?”

“What’s going to happen to him, is that he is going to be taken home and told, that if he is seen wearing the Aces colours by any member of the Gangrels then they will have the permission and support of both Gangrel Command and Central to remove him from the gene pool permanently,” said Sarah.

“Allow me to introduce Queen Sarah, the leader of the Gangrel Gang,” Abbey said.

Sarah, who for the first time saw that like the Vixens both Clare and Abbey also had a fairy companion each, said, “You two as well?”

“Us two as well, what?” responded Clare.

“The fairies,” replied Sarah.

“Yeah, it looks like everyone who was present at a blood family ceremony have a companion of some kind,” said Abbey.

Gareath dipped his head in acknowledgement of Sarah. “What, you lot talking about?” Gareath asked.

“Yeah, both of us were involved in a major battle to remove the Wacker forces from the area they seized a few weeks ago,” replied Abbey, then Clare continued, “At the end of the battle a group of very good friends were involved in closing something called a Rift which caused some fairies and pixies from a local community we know of to be drawn to the battle and they were given very special abilities along with us,” Abbey then came in and said, “one of which is this, the ability to know what our partner is thinking and about to either say and do, and another is the fact that both of us know where the other and the fairies are wherever in the world we are.”

Sarah then said, “All humans can not see them, only those that have been given the gift of true sight can and I think only one person has the ability to do that. Can I take it you have been recruited by the girls to join them in their unit?” Sarah then asked Gareath.

”Yes ma’am, I have,” Gareath responded.

“Well then, welcome to the Gangrels, and I hope to see you at the next Gathering. You lot heading for the canteen?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, we are,” said Paul.

“Let me drop this information off in control and I will join you for food,” Sarah responded.

The group walked down the tunnel that led from the processing area to the medical facility located between the prisoner processing and the Club proper.

The facility itself was bright, with lots of fluorescent tubes lighting the area. Wandering around the facility were a few nurses and a couple of doctors crossed the large open areas between the east and west zones.

Gareath asked Paul, “Is all this a part of it?”

“If you mean it as in the Conspiracy, yes and no, The medical facility, garage, and canteen all belong to Club Millana, Control, which we will pass in a bit and the armoury are operated by Conspiracy personal, with support from the staff of the Club, I would say that 80% of the club staff have no knowledge of what happens down here,” Paul replied.

“It’s the hardest thing to comprehend is that fact that the conspiracy runs and operates in plain sight but is also hidden from the rest of the world, by a vale of secrecy,” said Abbey, “Take me and Clare, until three weeks ago we had no idea about any of this, we were both happy members of the Dark Mists Combat Support Unit.”

“How come, how did you did you all get involved?” asked Gareath.

“How I got involved with this,” said Paul, “I’m over 300 years old. Let me explain, roughly 300 years ago me, Sarah here and ten other people native to Darra Von had a dream about a coming of a supreme force that would take the war to the enemy and force them from the planet. The twelve as we became know by the conspiracy were charged with preparing for its arrival, we have no idea in what form this force will take, but we know it is coming. Roughly 200 years ago the twelve formed an advisory council to advise the conspiracy on many things, and they were also charged with advising certain members of the twelve, whom you will meet over the next couple of weeks, in how to run and operate five independent companies, that were set up to support and provide a cover to the operations that were happening. I, personally, am not only a Black Karzzar Master, but I have also been trained and given magickal, and yes magick you read in adventure novels exists in many different forms, tattoos that allow me to create weapons, creatures, and to attack my enemies in many different ways. Until a few weeks ago, I was also the chairman and chief exec of Digital Systems. I passed the company to my successor, who also knows of the conspiracy but is not directly involved in the day to day operations.”

“How both me and Abbey got involved,” said Clare, “Is that as members of the Gangrels we were seconded by another Gangrel unit to help in the training and organising of a new street gang in the Eban Hill district of the city, except this gang was a front for a slave gathering ring, which almost destroyed to the last man the unit the two of us were supporting and captured the both of us. The female leader made us her personal slaves and was transforming us both in to Tattoo Men. During our stay at the facility they used to process the slaves we were both given a different magical tattoo, mine allows me to shoot lightning bolts from my fingertips and Abbey’s to create an illusion of being poisoned, and it works. We are now recruiting a unit to fight along side us, and if the members want to, can also gain the same powers and abilities to use against the forces that would enslave the planet just because they can.”

“Can I guess then by the fact you are here, you two escaped from the slavers?” Gareath asked as they walked pass an open door that led into the control room.

Paul stopped and said, “Now hearing what you’ve gotten into you still interested?”

“Yeah, it’s better than living on the streets,” Gareath responded, who looked into the large room beyond the door, “So what’s in there?”

“In there, that’s Control,” said Abbey, “All Conspiracy personal operating in Suraban and surrounding areas have direct digital voice and data communications to the people who work in there. We also have links to the main Intelligence database, and in answer to your question about escaping, no friends in the conspiracy and Gangrels rescued us from them, and lets just say if either of us gets the chance we will show the two bastards that gave us the tattoos what it means to annoy Gangrels.”

Sarah caught the group up and they continued on towards the canteen. Walking up from a lower level via one of the ramps that linked this level to the lower ones, was Sandra and Tina who saw the group and waited for them, Sandra said as the approached, “You lot heading for the canteen?”

“Just the person we wanted to see,” said Sarah to Sandra.

“Now that has intrigued me,” said Sandra.

“Let me introduce Gareath, the first member of the Hunters,” Sarah replied.

“Arh, I now understand,” replied Sandra and the group stopped. Sandra grasped Gareath’s hand and said, “A gift from me to you Gareath, the gift of True Sight,” and with that Gareath saw flying at shoulder height was a fairy with hair of five different metallic and five different chromatic colours. Gareath then saw sat on the person who was with Tina was a little person with wings and brass coloured hair.

As the group started to walk towards the canteen, Arrick flew over and hovered in front of Gareath and said, “Welcome new friend allow me to myself, I am Arrick friend and partner to Clare and this is Gribbloath friend and partner to Abbey.”

“Hello to the two of you,” said Gareath.

As the group passed one of the many blast doors, Gareath looked at it and gulped, he also said, “Damn, those are thick,”

“Yeah they are almost five metres thick made from solid Tiranna,” said Sarah in response to Gareath statement.

The group turned into one of the fire alleys that protected the secure areas from outside threats, just after the fire alley the group entered the Canteen which was about a quarter full, as most of the ghosts who had been resident at the club had now returned to their homes. The group wandered over to the serving area and each one bar Clare, got them selves each a good sized meal. When the group was at the end of the run, Gareath said, “Where do we pay?”

Gareath question got a chuckle from Sarah and Paul, and Sarah said, “No one who works for the conspiracy or the Club pays for the canteen food, Jaboc, the owner, makes enough from the Club and other business interests to make sure that the staff don’t pay for food and accommodation if you live on the Club grounds.”

“Ok,” Gareath said, “I’ll say this, this is one hell of a learning curve.”

“You think this is a learn curve, when you start learning how to fight, now that’s a learning curve,” said Abbey, “Especially when you watch people like Nibs, Jum, and the others fight.”

Sarah saw Jane and Nicole sat at one table and saw Richard was heading for the same table and turned to the friends and said, “I shall chat to you all later. I think Nibs is having a combat session later this afternoon evening.”

“Thanks,” said Paul, “We’ll be there.”

“Good,” Sarah said and turned and headed for where Jane and Nicole were sat.

The group headed for one of the empty tables and sat down. When the group had settled, Paul who was sitting on the same side as Gareath, they both had the backs to where Jane, Nicole, and Richards were sat, said, “Gareath, see that group over there,” and he pointed with his finger at Sarah and the group sat with her.

“Yes, who are they? I think I recognize some of them,” Gareath said as he shoved a portion of sausage and mash into his mouth.

“How much do you know of the corporate structures in the AAA corporations?”

“Depends on which ones, I know who the chair of Echo Tech Inc is and ATEC, and of course your self.”

“Yeah, the female on the far side of the table is Nicole or Nicolai,” Paul said.

“What the chair of Echo Tech Inc,” Gareath said and almost spat out the mouthful before he could swallow it.

“Yeah, the female sat opposite is Jane C, the chair of Corporate Enterprises, and sat beside Nicole is Richard C,” said Paul.

“I know who Richard C is,” said Gareath.

“Good, but all of them are also members of the twelve,” said Tina.

Gareath’s face was one of total shock, “What the chairs of. Help.”

Walking from the direction of another corridor just up the wall from the one the group entered from was a tall slim gentleman with very short hair. He slapped Paul on the back and said in a happy voice, “Hi Paul.”

Paul looked around and said, “Oh. Hi Kev, grab a seat.”

“I will do,” Kev said, “when I have gotten some food and said hi to the rest of the guys,” Kev said and headed for the food run.

“That was Kev Marks, chairman of ATEC and 21C,” said Paul, “and I am surprised to see him here, he’s not one for getting his hands dirty in the trenches so to speak.”

Just after Kev had left for the food run, Nibs and Daraus walked in from the direction of control and walked over to where everyone was sitting and gave Sandra a kiss on the head hello, and said, “Hello hun, guys,” and smiled at everyone. After looking at everyone said, “Hello new person.”

“Hello,” said Gareath.

Clare then said, “Nibs, allow me to introduce the Gangrel Hunters newest recruit, Gareath Rozourn. Gareath meet Nibola Nibs Calton, the leader of the Vixens, and one of the major reason’s behind us being here now.”

“No I’m not, thank Tina and Abs more than me, they are the ones who worked out you were being held in the area of the hospital, and lets just say I learnt something today about Metzza and Abilgail’s bosses.”

“Oh what’s that hun?” Sandra asked.

“The fact they hate Naruni, with a passion,” Nibs replied.

“Good point Nibs,” said Paul.

“Anyway, who’s going to join me, Wong and Jum for a training session later this afternoon early evening?” Nibs asked as Sandra moved to allow Nibs to sit down, “Thanks but no thanks hun, Brain has me analyzing some of the combat footage from the last few weeks, he thinks it will be useful for me to learn how to speed read a situation in the field and modify the tactics to suit the direct situation.”

“Ok hun, see you later then,” Sandra said, and put her hand up and around Nibs’ neck and pulled her down and gave her a kiss on the mouth which Nibs returned, then after a couple of seconds broke and departed heading for the armoury.

Gareath sat there thinking to him self, ‘Why do I get the impression Nibs is more than she seems.’

Abbey who was sitting opposite Gareath, saw that Gareath looked perplexed at something, “What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing, just trying to make sense of everything I have seen here so-far today,” Gareath said in response to Abbey’s question, and everyone then finished eating lunch, “If I may ask for the groups assistance. I wasn’t living alone, I am looking after a couple of kids whose family was killed during what the corporation said was a ghost attack, from what the young ones have said to me, the corporation their dad worked for came to the family home and started shooting. They weren’t actually at home when you lot launched your little war yesterday, but I know if they came back during they would have been very scared, they ain’t got the street smarts I and I assume you lot have.”

“I don’t see why not,” said Paul.

“True,” said Clare, “and it would let me collect my bike from Mystique’s.”

“That’s true,” said Abbey.

“But where do we take them,”

“Bring them here,” said Paul, “I think I can persuade Jaboc and I know if I can’t Sarah, and maybe Richard I know can.”

“You can what?” said Jaboc as he approached the table, “Yeah, when were you going to tell me about Gareath being here?”

“When I saw you Jaboc,” replied Paul.

“I heard everything you guys said, and don’t worry, I love young people as much as I love Ren and Hell Bright, it’s one of the main reasons I do what I do, for the conspiracy, to protect and the make sure that the future generations don’t grow up in slavery,” responded Jaboc.

Chapter 3 — Friends and family — The group gain two more recruits and show the newbies what it means when you belong to the Conspiracy.

“Ok then, lets roll and see if we can’t find the pair,” said Clare, and the group got up, including Gareath got up and headed for the garage, via the armoury.

When Abbey and Clare walked through the armoury they both went to their lockers and removed the smallest of the cases, then opened them and took out their comm. systems, and put them on. The two them followed Paul and Gareath to the large window where Gareath had just been given his comm. system, which Paul was over seeing Gareath putting it on.

Clare them said, “Hello Gareath,” over the comm. system as they approached the two men.

Gareath jumped and turned to faced Clare and Abbey as they approached, and responded, “Damn I heard you perfectly Clare.”

“I know Tina from the Vixens designed it a few years ago, the ear piece removes the air from the ear passage and allows perfect sound to be heard as a small unit in the end of the ear loop vibrates the sound directly to the bones of the inner ear,” Abbey responded, “and the sensor in the material band is sensitive enough to pick up sub vocalisation.”

“How about you Paul, don’t you wear one?” Gareath asked.

“No, mine is implanted and connected to the nervous system, ultra advanced cybernetics, a good 200 years beyond even the technology coming out of the Academy. My self, Richard, Jane, Nicole, and Sarah had one implanted at various times over the past 250 years. If we wear one its more for show than actual communicating,” replied Paul.

“Arh right, so that’s the reason none of you seem to wear one,” said Abbey.

Paul smiled and nodded, then turned and the group walked towards the garage.

Abbey suggested, as they entered the garage, “Gareath do you want to ride with Paul as we are going to need two FAVs and Clare wants to get her bike?”

“Ok,” Gareath replied and followed Paul down the ramp to the second level, where Paul took a key set from the secure box and found the corresponding FAV. Paul climbed into drivers seat and Gareath climbed into the passenger’s. Paul then started the FAV and drove it up the ramp to the first floor and then followed the two girls out of the back entrance and towards CW6 and South Central district.

* * * * * *

On the way Paul asked Gareath, “Can you check the box there and tell me what you find?”

“Ok,” Gareath said, somewhat shocked from the quietness and speed the two FAVs were doing. He opened the box and said to Paul, “I ain’t sure, but it looks like some form of firearm.”

* * * * * *

When the FAVs turned off CW9 at junction 10, and headed towards Mystique’s which was located in the western end of South Central, Gareath said over the comm. system, “When we get to the stadium can you all please park on the furthest car-park, otherwise you are likely to freak the two.”

“No problem,” said Abbey and Clare.

After driving for about 15 minutes the two FAVs pulled up outside a small house where three bikes were parked, Clare climbed out, walked to the front door, then pushed it open and called inside, “Mystique, its Clare, I’m collecting my bike.”

“Ok,” came the response from Mystique who was in the basement.

Clare them walked to her Mit-bu 600FD and switched the electrics on and hit the electric start, Clare then climbed on, and was joined by Arrick, she pulled out of the drive way and followed Abbey and Paul as they turned right at the end of the secondary road and headed for the stadium. All three vehicles drove round the northern edge of South Central free Fire and passed the western edge of the car-parks which allowed Gareath the chance to see if he could see the pair, he couldn’t. Paul, Abbey and Clare all pulled into the car-indicated by Gareath and stopped.

* * * * * *

Gareath then climbed out and walked towards the entrance to his home, when he had crossed the third car-park, he then looked around and dropped into a hole which was hidden under some boxes. He made his way threw the short tunnel to his and the pair’s home. As he approached the home, he called out, “Rose, Sym, you home?” He then entered his home and saw a small makeshift barrier had been erected in front of the doorway to the pair’s bedroom, and cowering behind it was a very scared Rose.

“Rose, where’s Sym?” Gareath asked.

“She’s here,” replied Rose, “where have you been?”

“Out making some new friend’s who want to meet you, they have said they will help in the search and rescue of Jackie,” Gareath said, “I think with there help we may be able to find Jackie at last.”

“Yeah,” both Rose and Sym said.

“They have also offered me and I think the offer is open to you two as well, the chance to become better and more able to look after ourselves. They all belong to a group that is trying to keep the planet safe from people that would place all children who don’t have adult families into not very nice places and would very likely hurt the children as well.”

Outside Paul, Abbey and Clare were listening to what Gareath was saying. Paul said, “I wonder how old the pair are?”

“It don’t matter how old they are, if they lived on a corporate Enclave all their lives, they ain’t going to know how to react or survive off it, I think it was very lucky Gareath found them and took them in,” said Clare.

Back in Gareath’s home he said, “Come on you two, our new friends are outside waiting for us, shall we go and meet them, I know they want to meet you two.”

“Yeah, lets,” said Sym and the two of them came out from behind the barricade carrying an SMG each.

“You find those outside,” Gareath asked.

“Yeah we did,” said Rose.

“Nice one, you two,” said Gareath as he grabbed a small rucksack and went into his room so he could chuck some of his clothes into the rucksack, as he was doing it, he said, “go and get some clothes you two, it may be a while before we come back here.”

Outside Paul said, “As Digital Systems now owns the entire stadium and car-parks which I think are going to be converted into an area where war zones can happen without the cops coming in mob handed and it can be made safe. I think we may cover the entrance to Gareath’s home and move it so no one can find it and only a few people know where it is.

Very soon Abbey saw the three approaching from the area Gareath had disappeared. Paul made sure the comm. system was off before they approached and the three smiled at Rose and Sym, who both smiled back.

When the three had reached Paul, Abbey and Clare, Gareath said to the pair, “Let me introduce, Paul, Clare, and Abbey, the friends I told you about.”

“Hello,” they both said.

Abbey then asked, “May I enquire which one of you two is Rose and which is Sym,” as they pair were identical twins, “and may I also ask as to how old the two of you are?”

Rose, who had short brown hair, said, “I’m Rose and we are 15 as of next month.”

“Oh, that means a Gangrel party to be organised,” said Clare in response to Rose’s statement.

Arrick thought said to Clare, “Gangrel Party, this sounds like fun.”

Clare thought said to Arrick, “They are, I think the last Gangrel party was The End of Exams Party held at the Paul and Sandra’s this year. Yes the same party Nibs came out,” and Clare smiled.

Paul then said, “Shall we head back for the club and chat in comfort rather than here.”

“Now that’s an idea,” said Clare.

“And as you are now a member of the Gangrel Hunters,” said Paul, “I want to see what type of material I have to work with in you, Gareath.”

“Do you two want to ride with me?” Paul asked Rose and Sym,

“Type of material to work with?” asked Gareath.

“Yeah, I’ll let Abbey explain on the way back,” replied Paul.

“Get in,” said Abbey.

As Gareath climbed into the passenger’s seat Gribbloath landed on the dash board and smiled at Gareath and thought said to Abbey and Clare, “I wonder how the twins will take seeing the fairies.”

“No idea, all we can do is to be there for then when they do see. We have no idea as to what material we have, we may have a pair of strong willed people, who accept all things at face value,” Clare replied.

Abbey then started the FAV, she said, “Yeah, what Paul means is that he is training both me and Clare to become tattoo warriors, and that offer is open to all members of the Hunters. You said something about a steep learning curve earlier, when we get back, be prepared for a few shocks.”

“Oh, in what way, shock, this don’t exactly sound too good,” Gareath said.

“Wait and see. How much martial arts training have you had?” Abbey then asked as she followed Paul as he pulled out of the car-park and headed towards CW9 junction 8.

“A bit, I know the two main rules of martial arts, ‘never attack, always defend’ and ‘when sparing fight with open hand and hit lightly,” Gareath replied.

“Right,” said Abbey, “you can forget both of those rules, all of the Gangrels are trained as a part of the basic training we undergo at command to street fight, which has a very simple rule, ‘forget the rule book, anything goes.”

“What,” said Gareath.

“When we get back to the club, you will see Tina, Sandra, Nibs and others fight and spar at full speed, full power, closed fist, the reason for this is that when we have to go close quarters with enemies, we have two options, kill or be killed. It is that simple. Remember that normally we try not to get into close combat as it means that we have exposed ourselves to undue danger and also the possibility of capture by the enemy. Both me and Clare know if we had been awake when we had been captured by the slavers, we would not have been captured as both of us would have either escaped or we would have killed each other before we were. Me and Clare are partners on the battle field, I watch her back, she watches mine, since then we have become far more than partners, I now see Clare as the sister I never had, and I should have had a sister, she died a couple of days after she was born due to heart failure, and I know Clare thinks the same about me, Clare doesn’t exactly have a family other than the Gangrels, as her parents were both alcoholics and spent more time drinking than they did looking after Clare.”

“Doesn’t she mind you tell me?” asked Gareath.

“No, if she was sat here, she would tell you herself, we learnt a few years ago that having secrets from members of your unit, can lead to the destruction of the unit, and that did happen to the previous unit me and Clare ran with, the unit leader had a secret that caused him to compromise the security of the unit which led to it destruction on the field of battle, Mystique who was also involved in the battle rescued the two of us from certain death. We made a promise to each other then that we would never have secrets between us,” replied Abbey

* * * * * *

Paul asked the pair, “Before I ask a certain question allow me to better introduce my self and also explain a few things, that Gareath forgot to mention, but he was right in 95% of what he said to the two of you. May I ask what corporation your family worked for?”

“BA Cargo,” Sym said from the back of the FAV as Paul turned onto CW9.

“I guess you two don’t recognize me,” Paul then said as he accelerated and indicated to join the CW.

“No,” said Rose.

“I’m Paul Delimetry, ex Chairman and chief exec of Digital systems.”

“What you are the Chair of Digital systems?” exclaimed Rose.

“Yeah, I was until a few weeks ago, I now fight to keep Darra Von safe from things that would hurt and enslave the planet. Let me fill in the blanks, the three of us heard what Gareath said to you two, what he said about me, Abbey and Clare belonging to a group trying to keep the planet safe from people that would place all youths who lived like the three of you in to homes, is true, the only difference, is that in those homes you would be slaves, not the free people you are now.”

“How did you get involved in this?” asked Sym in a shocked tone.

“How, lets just say me and eleven others, five of which you will meet in a short while, have a mission and that is to prepare for the coming of a force that will destroy and make sure our home is never threatened again, and as a part of that mission I help and train people like you to fight and as Gareath said, become better. Have you heard of the Gangrels gang?”

“Yes, they are a bunch of people who help other gangs when they are having problems with other gangs,” said Rose, “We both watch the battle yesterday from the free fire zone and heard the words, the Gangrels and the Aces.”

“Yes that is true, Abbey and Clare are both members of the gang and have spent the last few weeks forcing one of the local corporations to change its mind over a certain matter of wanting to seize control of an area the city, with out first talking to the people they were about to effect.”

“What the Wacker Incident,” Sym said.

”Yeah that,” responded Paul, “I too was heavily involved in the fighting.”

For the rest of the journey Paul told the pair about a few of the battles he was involved with during the Wacker Incident.

* * * * * *

When the group arrived back at the club, the group all gathered together and walked towards the armoury, where Paul led Rose, Sym and Gareath to the window and asked Ann, who was Benny’s number two in the armoury, “What is the situation concerning lockers,?”

“Why, Paul?” Ann asked in retort.

“I have here three new recruits that need lockers and they also need to be fully equipped and prepared, and two of them also need cases to place the weapons they currently have into.”

“Arh, ok. All the lockers are fully equipped with Black Light armour cases,” Ann said.

“Thanks,” said Paul, and then he turned to the pair and said, “Would you mind giving those to Ann as she looks after all the fire arms,”

”Yeah no worries,” said Sym and placed the United Tech Systems T100 SMG on the counter, which was closely followed by Rose’s Trig 27b SMG.

“Right you three, are you ready to start to become better and more able to help in the rescue of Jackie?” Abbey asked

“Yeah,” all three said, both Rose and Sym had big beaming smiles.

“Right then follow me,” Paul said and asked Ann, “Which lockers?”

“Eleven, twelve and thirteen are now free, we’ve reset the armour to the defaults.”

“Ok, thanks Ann,” said Paul and turned to the three and said, “follow me and let’s get you three ready.”

Paul led the three to the lockers and found eleven, twelve and thirteen, Gareath opened eleven and saw two cases. Paul said, “take the large one out.” Then Clare and Abbey walked over carrying their armour cases with them, also Claire, Hell Bright and Ithian walked into the area so that they too could get ready for the sparing session, that was about to take place in the main club itself.

Clare saw the three and said, “Hi, Claire, hi Hell Bright, and hi Ithian.”

Claire responded, “Hi Clare, Abbey, Paul and new ones.”

“Yeah, our first recruits,” said Abbey and gave Sym a quick mess of her long hair.

Which brought, “Ow, stop that, it takes me long enough every morning without someone messing it up.”

“Sorry,” said Abbey.

“Shut up, you lot,” said Paul and helped Rose and Sym get the large armour cases down. Gareath had already opened his and was looking at it.

“First thing,” said Paul, “is that this is uni-sex we all change here, and as the armour requires body heat to work properly, you had better get undressed and put the black rubber suit on, when you’ve done that me, Clare and Abbey will take you through the next steps.”

“Ok,” all three said and started to undress.

Gareath then asked, “Including underwear?”

“Yes,” replied Clare, “Including undies,” and Gareath looked towards where Clare and Abbey were standing and saw that both of them were 100% naked and where pulling up the black outer skin, he looked away rather embarrassed as he could feel a stirring as the last time he had seen a naked female was the day before Jackie had vanished.

Gareath then felt someone touch him on the shoulder and he heard a male voice whispered in his ear, “You shouldn’t be troubled by things like that for a while.”

To which Gareath realised that the stirring had gone, he then turned and said, “How?”

Claire walked up as she was inserting one of the ceramic plates into the back section of her armour and said, “Me, Hell Bright and Ithian can all cast spells, and I think you may have just received a control cantrip,” and Claire looked at Ithian, who nodded ‘yes’.

Sym who was stood next to Gareath had just pulled the black second skin up and found it to be a bit big for her, said, “This don’t fit,”

“Yes it will,” said Clare, “pull the top over your head and wait and see.”

When Sym, Gareath and Rose had done just that, Clare, Abbey and Paul all showed the three new recruits to the cause, how and where to insert the ceramic plates. When the last one was inserted Sym realised that the second skin now fitted her like a glove.

“This feels strange,” Rose said.

“In what way, strange,” said Claire.

“It’s difficult to describe. It feels like I have a layer of,” and Rose then scratched her head trying to think of the term she wanted.

“Water,” said a voice in her head.

“Yes, it feels like water,” Rose said, “did anyone else heard that?”

“Hear what,” said Gareath.

Claire smiled and said to both Rose and Sym, “I’ll explain in a sec, but be ready for a few surprises over the next few hours.”

“Ok,” both Sym and Rose said.

When Gareath had inserted the last plate and was ready, everyone turned, walked out of the area between the two banks of lockers, turned left and walked towards the opening in the back wall of the armoury.

Claire tapped Rose and Sym on the shoulder and indicated to them to slow down and smiled when Paul turned. Paul realised that both Claire and Hell Bright were about to explain some of the things he could, but would have probably scared the pair in the process.

* * * * * *

“What you heard back then is Hell Bright, she is mute and communicates with the use of something we,” and she indicated, herself, Hell Bright and Ithian, “call magick, it allows us to do things like this and Claire suddenly disappeared and then after a few seconds of Rose and Sym looking for her, reappeared on the other side of the pair.

Sym stuttered, “Yyyouuu, were on that side,” and she indicated the left hand side, “how did you get there?”

“By magick,” replied Claire, who then thought said to Charrbrr, “Can you ask Abbey and Clare who’s been gifted as I’ll temporarly gift them if no one has.”

“Ok,” thought replied Charrbrr, who flew off in the direction of Abbey and Clare. Claire listened to Abbey’s answer, and then saw Charrbrr fly back to her shoulder.

When Charrbrr had returned, both Hell Bright and Claire stopped Rose and Sym and Claire cast True Sight upon the pair and set the expiry time for a week.

When Rose and Sym saw the fairies hovering above both Claire and Hell Bright shoulders and then they saw the pair’s eyes, Claire’s solid gold and Hell Bright’s solid silver colour. Rose said, “Your eyes and the,” and Rose paused whilst trying to think of the word.

Sym said, “Fairies, that’s what they are Rose, they are fairies.”

Rose then said as the group started to walk again, “How come.”

“No one knows, Ithian has suggested one theory, it is likely to be a combination of things, the bloody ceremony we conducted last week combined with the open rift and the then closing of the rift. That is slightly more likely as the rift was throwing off some powerful pulses of Magick, and the differences in the ritual we conducted combined with the power drew the fairies and pixies to us and gave them the ability to remain invisible unless people know they are there,” responded Claire, “one of our number has the gift people and I will make sure she sees you both.”

“Thank you,” Sym said.

“Yeah,” replied Rose as the group entered the main club floor.

A quick look around the main room told Claire that everyone in the room knew about the conspiracy “His tattoos are similar to the ones to I have on my body and the ones on Clare’s and Abbey’s. They allow me to do things like this,” and she tapped her upper left arm and suddenly a raven was created which landed on the back of a near by chair, it then disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. “I think we had better go and sit down, and I will tell you how I became involved and learnt I could do things like this, and you can watch the people practice.” When the group had sat down Charrbrr and Vitanna landed on Sym’s and Rose’s shoulder and they both said, “Hello Sym and Rose, it is good to meet and chat with you.”

“Ok,” both Sym and Rose said.

In one of the rings was, Angel who was fighting Abs, hovering above the ring was Rijuulm and Far-Britta. In another was Nibs, Jum, Sandra and Tina all of them where going toe to toe with each other and it was difficult to see the moves the four were using, perched on the first floor teir railing was the four fairy companions. In the third ring had just climbed Jaboc, Clare and Abbey who teamed fought Jaboc, in the forth ring was Sharra and Nicole who had just started to fight.

Claire said to the pair, who’s faces where utter shock at what they were watching, “What you are watching is practice, we all fight full power, full speed. You see the four person battle?”

“Yeah,” said Rose.

“Each one of them is strong enough to take chunks out of concrete pillars,” and Claire demonstrated by making a 7inch circle with her hands.

“Feck,” said Sym, “you are kidding?”

“No I’m not, I’ve seen Jum, the only male in the that ring, axe kick an inch thick piece of solid marble and break it in half, Nibs put her foot through the back of a stone throne,” said Claire, “These are as much my family as my real mum, dad, two brothers and two sisters, my oldest brother works as Jaboc’s personal assistant and is thinking of working part time on the security staff here at the club.”

“Let me tell you both how I learnt about this. I don’t know how much you know, but you look like this is totally new.”

“It is, until a few hours ago, me and Rose where thinking about trying to survive with out Gareath being around, we both thought he had been picked up by the police and taken away,” Sym said.

“That the first thing to understand that by being here, you are now amongst friends who will always be there for you, to support you and to help you, but back to how I became involved. Until a few weeks ago I was attending a local city run high school and was one of the main targets for the school bullies. I mean it got to a point a couple of months back when I thought very seriously about killing myself, that was until I met and chatted with Nibs, for some unknown reason she gave the will to go on. Then on the 16th of Auar, one day before the second anniversary of my mum’s disappearance or to be more accurate her kidnapping and enslavement to one of the many nasties. I went to school as per normal, a few of the bullies started a whispering campaign that got too much, I ran, I didn’t care that it was pouring with rain I just need to be with people who understood, and those people I realised were Nibs, Sandra, Tina, Abs and Paul. I semi ran and walked the 10 miles back to where they lived. When I was about half way home, and I had to stop and sit down because I had, what I thought at the time was, a vision, only later did I actually learn that it was a message being sent by my mum from where she was being forced to work as a slave to one of the nasty groups that want to take over this planet and enslave the entire population. When I got to where the Vixen’s lived I had a dream and was shown things in that dream that told me a few things, but also posed more questions. Later that evening after I went home I was told that the person whom I knew as step mum was actually my real mum, both her and Duggie, my dad, thought it better that she didn’t become mum as she had spent quite a few years after I and my brother had been born working away from us as a PA to one of the Rotork VPs. I went to school the next day, only to have Nibs and the Vixen’s come to the school and give the bullies a real talking to, I then hit the main bully and because of that I got expelled, I didn’t care I had friends who care for me. That afternoon I was invited to join the Gangrels and the Vixens. That day was also Nibs’ 18th birthday and the group had organised a party to celebrate, we went to a posh restaurant and then came here to watch Richard C have a street fight with Surabon, after Richard had beaten Surabon he told us about the Conspiracy, most of the group already had an understanding about it and it didn’t come as a shock, but the morning afterwards the Wacker Incident started. As all the Vixens are ghosts as well as Gangrels we volunteered to help in the war, and that day I went on my first conspiracy operation which was to rescue Ithian, who is now teaching me and Hell Bright to become Line Walkers, or as some people would call us, Mages or Witches. In a few weeks I am going to be attending the Academy, the college set up by the conspiracy to train the elite ghosts in how to fight and beat the evil. I know at some point in the future me, and the Vixens will rescue mum from the clutches of Rotork Theaban, the now rulers of Naban. Most of the AAA corporations are run and controlled by really nasty forces that if given the chance.”

“Would enslave and try and dominate the world,” said a late twenties woman as she approached the group, she grabbed a chair and sat down and said, “Hi Claire, and hi to you two, two of newest members to the conspiracy.”

“Hi Jane,” said Claire, “ allow me to introduce Jane C, the chair and chief exec of Corporate Enterprises and the person who taught me the basics of street fighting.”

“Thank you Claire, I over heard you telling the new people your story and thought I might as well come and tell them the rest of the history and offer the same to them as I did to you when you joined, and I think you are being called,” said Jane

As Hell Bright and Damieel signalled for Claire to join them in the rings.

“Can I take it that you can see the Fairy companions for a short while at least?” Jane asked.

“Fairy companions?” questioned Rose.

“Yes companions, a couple of days ago, all of the young people you see down there were involved in the final battle of the Wacker War and due to a Nexus, which is somewhere were two or more Ley Lines cross, being at the site. Someone had opened a Rift in time and space and whilst it was being closed the fairies and four pixies were drawn from a know fairy community to certain members. The fairies were given a special ability of not being seen by those not in the know, and The Vixens, who are made up from six pairs of partners along with and Abbey and Clare and four other people who are not here at the moment were made true partners.”

“True partners?” asked Sym, “and yes Claire did say something about that battle.”.

“Oh, ok. Yes, true partners, let me explain. Sandra and Nibs are partners and they are getting married, its the wrong term for the ceremony they will be involved with next weekend, but it is the simplest way of describing it, they fight side by side, back to back. Due to the power involved in the opening and closing of the Rift, they now can see, hear and know what the other sees, hears and is going to do or is thinking about, the partnership I think also extends to their fairy companions, Blackie and Pixie, as well,” said Jane, “I hope this is making some sense to the pair of you, I was told this in a similar way by Ithian, but I have the advantage of understanding what may have gone on during the closing.”

“I see fourteen fairies down there,” said Sym.

“Yes fourteen fairies or to be more accurate seven pairs,” responded Jane, “The other partner pairings are, Clare and Abbey, Jum and Wong, Abs and Tina, Paul and Claire, Hell Bright and Ren, and Angel and Damieel. When Sandra finishes I’ll ask her to gift you both the gift of true sight so you will be able to see the fairies all the time and also see other things humans, due to up-bringing, are blind to.”

“I have one more question,” said Sym, “I guess this has been going on for a while, yes?”

“Yes, over 11,000 years,” replied Jane, “It’s world wide, and over the next few months and years you will be asked to fight things that if the general public knew about would cause hysteria and panic, which would, in all likelihood destroy the world.”

“Paul said that he was one of twelve people charge with preparing for the arrival of a force that will destroy the things that want to enslave us,” Rose said.

“I am also one of the twelve and have been for the last 300 years, Nicole, Richard, Sarah, and Kev we are all members of the twelve and our job is to fight and support the force that will come. Now can I ask you something?” Jane said

“Yes,” both Sym and Rose answered.

“I guess you have never been taught how to street fight?” Jane asked.

“No, until this morning the closest we ever came to a gun let alone a street fight was seeing one in a shop window, our mum and dad, didn’t exactly like us watching action films,” Rose said.

“Well then let me offer you the same as I offered Claire and that is to teach you the basics of street fighting, Paul may be a master of the Black Karzzar fighting arts, but he’s not that good at teaching the basics, he does assume that people have an basic understanding of street fighting,” Jane said, “and the first lesson for you two is for you to see what weapon you want to use when and if you have to partake in a street fight.”

* * * * * *

Earlier when Claire was telling Rose and Sym about how she joined, stood outside the ring, was Gareath and Paul and Blackie, Pixie, and Zarribrr flew over from their perch, both of whom were watching Nibs, Jum, Tina and Sandra practice. Paul said to Gareath as they watched the four man fight, “They all are fighting full power, as close to full speed as they can, as both Nibs and Jum can fight a lot faster than Tina and Sandra at this point, but in time even they will be as fast as Jum, Wong and Nibs. See the female with long black hair, she also has similar abilities.”

“God, it’s hard to see what they are doing in there. That’s not normal. What are they?” Gareath asked.

“What they are, they are true adepts, they are faster, stronger, have the ability to withstand greater amounts of physical damage, all their senses are far superior to normal humans, but each one has a different special ability, Abs has better hearing than the others, Tina better sight, Jum when he is threatened has reacts at almost the speed of light, Sandra has the ability to give people the ability to see things that is invisible, Wong, and Nibs, I am not sure, but I know they all have abilities beyond each of the others. The only rule they have is that when they are practicing, once you get hit, you leave the circle,” and at this Tina receives a flat hand strike from Jum that she didn’t block or dodge and was forced back due to the impact. She then took a couple of steps back and stood at the edge of the ring.

Tina then rubbed the impact site and crouched down, only to be joined after a couple more minutes by Sandra who had just received a spin kick from Nibs, which caused her to spin to the floor, where she landed on her front, in the correct method of landing which was to use her hands to cushion the impact. She too joined Tina at ring side. Nibs and Jum then took the speed up a notch and also whipped out their weapons and started to use weapons as well as feet, fists and the rest of their bodies.

Gareath just stood on the outside of the ring in utter shock at the speed and the fact that it looked like Nibs was using blades and Jum a full length staff to try and what he thought was kill each other, “Are they trying to kill each other?”

Pixie and Blackie both took to the air and flew to Sandra’s shoulders as she moved around the ring and crouched to the left hand side of Gareath, “No,” said Sandra, “this is how we practice, it’s the only way you will get better, is to know that if you make a fuck up that you are going to get hit and hurt, and the kick Nibs gave me hurt, and I know I will have a bruise, but I also know that I was concentrating to much on what Jum was doing, I need to concentrate on everyone equally not just one person.”

“How fast where you lot going, and how fast are they going now, because it looks a lot faster now you and Tina are no longer involved?”

“Roughly twenty moves, blocks and dodges a second when me and Tina where involved, now its close to forty to fifty moves a second.”

After another ten minutes of Nibs and Jum fighting they both separated and all four combatants bowed to each other, and then Nibs said to Sandra, “No hard feelings hun I hope?”

“No, none, I need to learn and I know where I fucked up, I was concentrating on Jum and not on the entire battle,” Sandra replied, as Nibs kissed Sandra and Daraus who was laying in the middle of the four rings, walked over to Nibs’ heel and as Nibs jumped down, the rest of the group followed, Nibs turned and grabbed Daraus and placed him on the floor.

Nibs then saw Sharra walk in leading a small group of staff from the club, “Our class has arrived, Jum, shall we go and give them the first lesson in handling disruptive punters?”

“Yeah, lets.” said Jum.

“Right,” said Paul, “You ready for your first lesson in street fighting Gareath?”

“Yeah, I think so,” replied Gareath.

Jane called, “Sandra can I have a quick chat with you please.”

Sandra heard Jane call her and walked over to where Jane and two more new people were sat. “Hi Jane,” said Sandra.

“Hi Sandra, allow me to introduce,” responded Jane, “I’m sorry, Claire didn’t tell me your names.”

“I’m Rose,” replied Rose.

“And I’m her twin sister Sym,” replied Sym.

“Both members of the Hunters,” said Jane.

“And therefore as members of the hunters you should have the gift of true sight,” said Sandra.

“They both do, but due to Claire casting the True Sight spell,” responded Jane.

“Ok, let me make it permanent then,” said Sandra and then she asked, “May I have one of your hands please.” Both Rose and Sym allowed Sandra to take their hands and Sandra then said, “A gift from me to you Rose and you Sym, the gift of True Sight.”

They both said, “Thank you.”

* * * * * *

“Ok, with that out of the way, my first question is how much street fighting have you done and do you have a preferred weapon?” Paul asked.

“I’ve been involved in a couple of bar fights, and I’ve not got a specific weapon I like using,” Gareath replied.

“Ok, I think we will start with some unarmed combat training and then progress onto weapons.”

“Can I ask you a question Paul?” Gareath asked.

“Yeah,” replied Paul.

“You don’t wear the armour everyone else is, why?”

“Because I relay on my tattoos to provide me with protection,” and he tapped a suit of armour and was surrounded in a shimmer, “Now try and hit me, when I hit you I will hit you closed fist but I won’t hit you with anywhere near my full strength, other wise you will be having your first flying lesson as well. How much other fighting, other than bar fighting, have you done?”

“A little, I use to run with a few people who thought it fun to hit and thump others in the group.”

“Right, now attack me with everything you have, and listen to mine, Tina’s and Sandra’s comments on your style, your methods, etc. Over the next few months you will get more formal training from me, but now I want to see how good you are.”

Gareath moved fists ready and he lashed out a few punches, which Paul block and dodged, then Paul came at him, the first couple of fist attacks, Gareath just about blocked, but when Paul swept kicked his knees out he landed on the floor on his back with a thump and just about got his arms to cushion the blow.

Richard and Kev wandered over from sitting chatting at one of the tables on level one and stood watching Paul and Gareath. Wong, along with Meellium flying just about her head, walked up behind Richard and tapped him on the shoulder and said, “When a ring becomes free, you and me, Richard?”

“Would you mind making it a three way?” Kev asked

“Yeah, if you think you can handle a full adept,” said Wong.

“I think so,” replied Kev.

* * * * * *

After spending twenty minutes in the ring, Gareath had landed a few blows on Paul, but to Gareath he seemed to be spending more time either blocking and dodging attacks or ending up on the floor, Gareath said, “Enough Paul, you could take on an entire bar and win Paul, more often than not when a brawl starts, I think about leaving rather than getting involved in it.”

“Ok, Gareath, but have you learnt something?” Paul asked.

“I think I have, and that is fight as a team not individually you survive longer,” Gareath replied as the two combatants bowed to each other then jumped down, only to have Wong complete a standing somersault into the ring, which brought a shocked expression to the face of Gareath.

Walking around the ring side towards Paul and Gareath was Abbey, Clare and Jaboc, both Arrick and Gribbloath were flying on either side of the pair at shoulder height, Abbey said to Clare, when Wong had executed the somersault, “Impressive.”

“Tell me about it,” replied Clare, “You couldn’t do that could you?”

“Yeah I could if I could get the height on the initial jump and practiced the somersault,” replied Abbey.

Wong’s entrance was soon followed by Kev and Richard who both jumped into the ring. Kev’s hands went behind his back and when he brought them out he was wearing a pair of gloves, he flicked and closed his fists, suddenly four razor sharp blades extended from the knuckles and locked out. Richard took his short staves out and said, “Shall we dance.”

“Yes lets,” said Kev, then Wong bowed to both Paul and Kev and before she had returned to the standing position she executed a spin kick against Kev’s head, which Kev blocked against the back of his left glove, in response to the attack Kev said, “Bloody hell.”

“I did try and warn you,” said Wong.

“You did at that,” said Kev as he went to back Wong and blocked an attack from Richard.

* * * * * *

Jane, Rose and Sym had spent the last thirty minutes going through the basics of attack and defence and had decided to take a break from it, the three went and sat down and one of the few ushers that were on duty in the main club walked over and asked, “Would the three ladies like some water?”

Rose replied, “Please,” and then said to Jane, “I’m impressed, very nice.”

Sym also replied, “Yes, thanks,” and nodded her agreement at what Rose had just said.

“I know, Jaboc owns and runs the Club, everything you see on this side is his doing, we have nothing to do with it, other than Jaboc provides the facilities to the conspiracy forces as and when we need it.”

“Madam?” The usher asked Jane.

“Yeah, thanks,” replied Jane and the usher departed heading for the open bar.

The usher returned just in front of Clare, Abbey and Jaboc and a short time later Paul and Gareath walked over, as they approached each person grabbed a chair from the nearby tables and sat down. Arrick and Gribbloath both landed on the closest shoulder and smiled at the people present.

When Paul and Gareath had sat down, Jaboc said, “I’ve sorted out the accommodation for you lot, and also sorted out your Conspiracy pass cards.”

“So can I ask the two of you, have you learnt something?” Paul asked Rose and Sym.

“I have,” replied Rose.

“Yeah me too,” Sym said.

“And before you even think about starting them on something new Paul, I think the girls have had a enough for one day, I was going to go to the armoury and let them see what close combat weapons we have currently in,” Jane said as Paul opened his mouth to say something.

“I wasn’t going to say anything about starting them on new stuff, I was going to say shall we head for my Tattoo Parlour and chill for a while.”

“Ok,” Jane apologised. Just then Sarah walked over with a concerned look on her face. “What’s wrong Sarah.”

“We’ve just tested out three new units and the commander of one of the two I was deploying to the South Klebge district has just lost its leader, and the number two, even though she is respected by the unit, its thought she is not ready to command the unit,” Sarah said.

“How many men in the unit?” asked Clare.

“Ten, including the now dead leader,” replied Sarah.

“We’ll command the unit, until you can find someone to replace him,” suggested Abbey, “It will allow Rose, Sym and Gareath the chance to see first hand how a Gangrel unit works and it will allow us the chance to sort a slight problem South Klebge has at the moment.”

“Is that problem called the Protectors?” asked Sarah.

“Yeah, how did you know?” asked Clare.

“I do read the intelligence reports, especially the one produced after the human intelligence operation. They are one of the reasons why I was deploying the units to the area,” said Sarah.

“Hang on,” said Jane, “Didn’t Gary command a unit before he joined the Vixens, or did I read that wrong in the information you supplied Intelligence when you put the Vixens forward for selection to the Academy.”

“Yeah he did,” responded Sarah, when what Jane was intimating dawned on her, “and he wants to get back to command as well, but I don’t know what his plans are , I’m not sure if he would be willing to command a unit based south of the river, as he does live on the north side.”

“Ask him, you never know,” said Jane.

“Back to the Protectors, Central wants us to either eliminate or force them to join, plus the operation also forwards my long term plan to make the Gangrels a more recognized gang rather than one that does exist but doesn’t,” Sarah said, “and your offer is appreciated Abbey but its better as the unit has only just tested out and even the smallest risk of them finding out about the conspiracy is to high in the new units, they need to find there feet in the Gangrel Order of Battle, but when the strike does go in, definitely operate in conjunction with the new units. I was also thinking about asking certain elements of the Vixens to support as well, namely Abs, Tina, Hell Bright, Claire and maybe Nibs if the want to just to provide long range support to the assault and to provide direct assault support as we have no idea of who is in command, all we know is the leader’s name,” Sarah said.

“Yeah we know his name, from the human Intelligence operation and today’s operation into the area, we were asked to bring back to the straight and narrow one of the club’s mechanics son,” said Abbey.

“Shall we adjourn to the Tattoo Parlour,” suggested Paul.

“Yeah lets, it’s our second home,” said Abbey.

The group including Jane then got up and walked to the Armoury and changed back into the clothes they had worn earlier. After which Paul, Jane, and Jaboc both took the new ones on a tour of the Club’s surface facilities, which included Jaboc showing the new ones their apartments which were grouped in the

North East corner of the floor, Jaboc then left the group, and Paul showed Rose, Sym and Gareath a quick way of getting from the South Wing to the North Wing, which was straight across the roof past the glass dome of the main club.

When they had all crossed the roof and as the weather was changing from a relatively good day into what looked like a wet evening, the group entered, what the sign on the door said was ’Paul’s Tattoo Parlour’, Paul said, “Welcome to my humble Tattoo Parlour, I not only tattoo Magickal Tattoos, but I am also a qualified tattooist as well.”

The inside of the Parlour measured nineteen metres by twelve, dominating the middle of the room was a couple of dentist style chairs with trays attached to the sides. around the all the edges was a long work bench under which was cupboard space. On the top of the work bench were small shelves which contained small pot of inks. Under the bench in the north west corner was a large metal safe. The walls above the benches were covered in pictures and artwork most of which was incredibly intricate and beautiful. Also round the sides were a few office chairs.

When the group had entered Jane who was last in closed the door, at which Paul said, as he sat on the work bench and said, “grab your selves a seat, I don’t care where you sit, bench tops, seats or the floor.”

Gareath who with Rose and Sym were joined in looking at the artwork on the walls by Arrick, whilst Gribbloah sat on Abbey’s shoulder, said, “This artwork is beautiful.”

“Thank you Gareath,” Paul said, “Most of it is my work, stuff I’ve either drawn or work, I’ve been commissioned to tattoo on people. Rose, Sym, Gareath as members of the Gangrel Hunters I am more than happy to inscribe Magickal Tattoos on you, the only thing I will sat is that I will limit the number you receive to six as going beyond that number you will become a Tattoo Warrior like me, and if in the future you discover that you have the ability to channel spells in what ever form it will effect the potency of your spell casting.”

“That a good point,” said Jane, “you three should go and have Ithian run a magick usage test, it will inform us if you have the ability to channel magick.”

“One problem if they can, Ithian will be leaving for the Academy in a couple of weeks, when the Vixens leave,” said Paul.

“No, Sharra is also a mage, trained by Ithian the last time he visited,” Jane replied.

“Oh, I hadn’t realised that we had more Mages in the Conspiracy,” Paul replied.

“Come on you have been kind of out of the loop Paul, running Digital Systems,” Jane said.

“True I have,” replied Paul.

Gareath who was looking at the art work, asked Paul, “Can you Tattoo effectively anything?”

“Within reason, yes,” replied Paul.

Rose asked, “What is that, it looks like a weapon, but I’m not sure?”

Paul slid off the bench and walked over and looked at what Rose was pointing at, “It is, it’s a dual headed sword staff. Only a few people have truly mastered it and my Black Karzzar master was one of them, the figure is him, fighting a Dark Karzzar, my master won the battle.”

“Now that weapon looks like fun to learn,” said Rose.

“It can be, I can teach you the basics of how to use it, but it is also quite a dangerous weapon as to be most effective you constantly spin it,” Paul said.

“What like a majorette?” Rose asked.

“Yeah, like a Majorette’s baton,” replied Jane.

“Oh, yeah,” Rose said as her face changed to a happy one, “That is my weapon, I use to be a majorette, I won first place in the National Surra Championships a couple of years ago.”

“Ok,” said Paul, “Do you want me to Tattoo it so you always it with you, as that weapon can be difficult to conceal.”

“Ok,” replied Rose looking kind of strangely at Paul.

“Most of the guys downstairs, carry small weapons or ones that can be used in other ways, Wong’s weapon is a good example, it officially is two half staffs joined by a chain, not an easy weapon to conceal normally, but its been designed so each end fits together and creates a full length staff, which I’ve seen Wong use as a walking staff,” said Jane, “Take Nibs’, Richard and Tina, they all use short staves which they carry strapped to their upper legs. Claire is another example, she uses this weapon,” and Jane looked at Paul asking can I take a picture down.

“Yes you can,” replied Paul.

Jane took one of the pictures down and brought it over to the three where she pointed the weapon out to them, “Except she has a magickal tattoo of one, which means she always has it with her.”

“Arh I understand now,” said Rose, “Please Paul.”

“No problem, We won’t start now, as I do want to teach all three of you the meditative techniques which I used when I received my first few Tattoos.

When the group had entered the Parlour, Clare and Abbey had rolled up a joint and they both had sat and smoked a bit of it, Clare then tapped Gareath on the shoulder and offered him the joint, he looked at it and them. Clare realised Gareath had no idea it was a joint and said, “It a cannabis joint Gareath.”

Gareath smiled and took it and took a long draw on it, he then said, “God do I hate Baccy.”

“What you smoke pure?” Abbey asked as she offered Rose her’s.

“Yeah, when I can afford to,” Gareath replied.

“Well you can now,” said Jane, as she tapped Abbey on the shoulder and asked, “Can I have your tin, I also smoke, but haven’t been stoned for a few years now.”

“What?” Gareath asked.

“One of the Perks of Gangrel membership, is that all members have access to free Cannabis for personal consumption,” Jane replied as she lit a pure Blunt and after a few draws she offered it to Sym.

Rose gingerly took a draw on the joint and coughed her guts up, which somewhat frightened Sym, Abbey said to Sym, “Its natural, everyone does,” when Rose stood up, the face was one of happiness as the chemicals in the hot smoke travelled to the brain and took effect. Abbey then said, “All the Vixens smoke, I think Jum and Wong don’t, but I’m not sure.” Sym then took a draw on the Blunt Jane had passed her earlier and like Rose, had a good coughing fit, but also like Rose her face was one of very much happiness as the coughing died down.

* * * * * *

The rest of the evening was spent chatting and chilling.

Sarah called past a couple of hours later and told Jane that Gary had agreed to command the unit and would be moving to the unit’s command facilities in the area in the next couple of days, she also said that tomorrow both the units would be moving with their arsenals to a couple of the empty buildings at the front of the club tomorrow morning. She also said she would be heading back to command tomorrow as she had to prepare for the weekend’s wedding ceremony, but she would be back on Frodar for the pre-wedding bash at the club.


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