Anchored - Part 24 "Just Another Sunday"

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Twenty Four


"Just Another Sunday"


Tammy's Tales Book 6


Sunday 18th October

She had received a simple text message late on Saturday evening from Fleur, but hadn't seen it until Sunday morning:

Thank you

Tammy was now afraid that she'd become too involved in the life of another young TG woman, and resolved to keep her distance once Fleur had access to the support services she'd need. That, of course, was easier to say than to achieve.

Her phone pinged whilst she was still holding it.

We're about to leave but Tanya's changing her mind about something, again. Might be another ten minutes. John

Tanya was a big girl, that much was evident, but so terribly insecure. Where would Tanya be if she didn't have John's support, wondered Tammy.

"Are you busy, sis?"

"What's up Angela?"

"What do I wear tonight?"

"It's not even eleven yet."

"I don't want to worry about this at the last minute, like I normally do."

"What look do you want?"

"I don't know, what is Elsie expecting?"

"She expects smart but that leaves alot of breathing space. A definite no-no is denim."

"So what's safe?"

"A cocktail dress, or perhaps a smart blouse with a skirt or even trousers but wear heels."

"I have an LBD, would that do?"

"Of course, I didn't know you had one."

"I bought it last week when I had to go to Inverness for a course."

"You had time to go shopping?"

"The course was only two hours long, given it took two hours each way by train I wasn't going to come back straight away."

"Good girl, what else did you get?"

"Just some frillies."

"Okay, what was the course on?"

"Risk assessments."

"That must have been awful, Angela."

"It wasn't that bad, actually, I learnt a bit."

Tammy's phone beeped again, John was just leaving.

"Can you occupy Tanya for a bit? John and I have a project to work on."

"I spoke to my tutor and we've agreed I can adopt an expectant mother, Tanya, and use her experiences as part of my coursework. I'll have a better understanding of pregnancy that way."

"So long as Tanya's willing."

"She is."

Tammy made her excuses then went down to the study where she'd left her laptop.

"Tammy, was that tutor happy with your explanation about the fashion show?"

"Yes, Dad, he emailed me yesterday to confirm there was no mal-intent."

"That's not the same as saying you're in the clear, is it?"

"No, but he's awarded me top marks so I'll let it ride."

"Don't delete the email, just in case."

"I'm archiving everything about the course, just in case."


"How's everything going at school, Dad?"

"Fine, the girls have settled down now that the main troublemaker has gone, we're thinking of expanding the female dorm for next year."

"Is there enough demand?"

"We received forty applications after the closing date for this year, none of them will be eligible for the 2016 intake but we've opened up applications for the sixth form boys and girls a few weeks earlier than normal. If there's enough demand we'll get the building work started."

"Maybe a better vetting process this time?"

"No, that won't sort out problems like Anabella Thakes. What we're thinking about is bringing the candidates up here for five days during the Easter break to see them in person. We don't yet have our regional admittance assessors suitably trained to cope with teenage girls, they are much more used to dealing with nine or ten year old boys."

"I don't remember being assessed."

"You were eight when you first came here and no assessment was needed then, the admittance age was raised to eleven a few years later to allow more in at that age. That was when the assessments started, there were more applicants than places."

"It seems so long ago."

"Tammy, I still regret sending you up here when you were so young."

"I coped, and I wasn't given a choice, was I?"

"No, and I'm sorry."

"Dad, that was a lifetime ago, I would never have met Elsie, John, Angela, all those people in the town. You would never have met Joan."

"So we can't have regrets, we can't play the 'what if' game as we can't change the past."

"Exactly, Dad, we can't."

"Fair enough," Richard laughed, "is there anything else?"

"There's another transgendered girl in town, but she isn't a student at St Andrews and is too old to become one."

"So don't tell me any more, but please don't get yourself tied up in someone else's emotions."

"I'm not planning on doing that."

"Good, I think that's John's car outside."

Richard went out to open the gate so John could park in the paddock, Tanya meanwhile, a minute or two later, waddled in through the front door.

"Hi Tammy, where's Angela?"

"In her room, you know the way."

"I can't manage those stairs!"

"Don't be lazy, the exercise is good for you."

"You're not pregnant!"

"And you have over six months to go."

"No sympathy from you!"

"Seriously Tanya, you want sympathy? Have you tried that one on your mum?"

"She told me to sod off."


"I didn't talk for half an hour."

"That must have been really hard, Tanya." Tammy tried to keep a straight face.

"It was awful Tammy."

John was now stood behind Tammy and started laughing. Tanya's face turned red, she escaped up the stairs, ignoring her earlier complaints.

"Sorry Tammy, she only actually stopped talking for about five minutes on Friday evening when we went to Sandy's."

"I guessed it was something like that, half an hour seemed a bit unusual."

"For Tanya, it's impossible!"

"Come on, John, let's get this work started."


They broke for lunch at one, Tanya had clearly relaxed and was now wearing a swimsuit. Tammy noted that her friend's tummy was almost the same as it had been the last time Tanya was in a pool with them, she was really insecure and clearly unprepared for motherhood.

Cathy arrived with the twins, Andrea and Alison, at two.

"I wasn't expecting you?"

"Elsie seemed to know there was a pool party and we checked with your mum just before lunch."

"John and I have a bit more work to do, we'll join you shortly. Angela and Tanya are already over there."

"We'll change poolside."

John and Tammy's remaining work consisted of compiling a list of questions they needed to answer. Some of it mean going through legislation, some meant speaking to those with the right knowledge. Tammy had an inkling one of her Dad's former colleagues could help, John meanwhile would speak to Isaac Smith, the partner at Smith, Smith & Smith who had the appropriate portfolio.

By the time the pair had changed it was closer to three.

"Alison, why are you here?"

"Here, in your pool?"

"No, in Thurso?"

"We had a royal summons."

"So is it a full meeting of the Clan McPherson?"

"That's not possible at this short of notice, all I know is that she wants all the close family here. Andrea and I had some time in lieu owed so we came up yesterday and we'll go South on Tuesday."

"I'm supporting Cathy tomorrow."

"So are we."

It seemed that Cathy would have plenty of support, but would Yvonne be there?

They were all out of the pool by three thirty. Tanya used Tammy's shower while John was in the guest room sorting himself out. The other girls took themselves back to Elsie's after a rough drying off poolside, thankfully they'd brought towelling robes with them.

Once her hair was dry, Tammy elected to wear an LBD, deciding that Angela's choice would also suit herself. Tanya, meanwhile, had brought a smock and leggings with her, although Tammy wasn't convinced by the choice.

"It's comfortable, Tammy."

"Don't be surprised if Elsie says something."

"She wouldn't dare!"

"Oh yes she would."

Somehow, just before five they were all ready. Getting across to Elsie's house required both golf buggies with John and Richard acting as drivers.

Elsie met them in the lounge and greeted each of them as they arrived. Michael was present but his boyfriend Mark was absent. The butler, Thomas, made certain everyone had a drink then closed the door as he left.

"Thank you all for being here. The next few weeks are going to be hard on several of you in this room and I wanted you to know you have my full support, you are not to face any difficulties alone. I would imagine that everyone in the room feels the same way?"

There were nods from everyone but Tanya was clearly unaware what had been implied.

"Who will be in Wick tomorrow for the hearing?"

Tammy, Michael, Alison and Andrea raised their hands.

"Good, Tammy you realise you may be called?"

"I received a summons, Elsie, so it's highly likely."

"Obviously," Elsie addressed the room, "the hearing may take a few days. We don't yet know if the murderer will be there and I sincerely home she isn't. Yvonne has a date in Edinburgh one week later, that's Tammy's show and is likely to last a few weeks, if not longer."

Tanya still looked puzzled.

"Also in court in a week's time is my eldest son, John." She paused. "Plainly he is not acting as a McPherson should and I no longer consider him to be a member of this family." Elsie paused again. "On Friday I instructed my solicitor to disinherit John."

There was a round of nodding and approval for this decision.

"I have therefore decided that the next head of this Clan McPherson shall be Cathy. Cathy?"

"Thank you mum, on Friday I also reverted to my maiden name so I am again a McPherson in name as well as in spirit."

"Now, John and Tanya, whilst the McPherson business does not directly concern you, I'd like to make you two offers. Firstly, this house is at your disposal for your wedding. Secondly, I have asked the school to create a scholarship in my name. Your child, when they are eleven, will have a scholarship at St Andrews. Obviously if you have a daughter and the school isn't completely co-ed, that might complicate things but there's a couple of trailblazers in the room who have overcome adversity so I'm not putting any conditions on the scholarship."

"Thank you, Elsie."

"Tammy, Angela, Alison and Andrea, the same applies to your first child."

Angela giggled.

"Angela dear, I didn't say you had to give birth, did I?"

The girl went red.

"To give you an idea of how much John has lost out, all of the scholarships I have promised so far have been covered by the money he would have inherited. In fact there will be two scholarships of my own or Cathy's choice every year for the next twenty years, starting with the intake at September 2016. Suggestions please." Elsie paused for effect. "Let's move to the dining room, I think I heard a bell."

Dinner was full of polite conversation, and Tanya was finally brought up to date by Tammy.

"How comes I missed what was going on?"

"Because you were only interested in yourself, Tanya."

"That's not true."

"Sorry, but it is. Life continues around you, whether or not you're paying attention."

"Why did you get a summons to the inquest?"

"I was with Cathy when David's car was found."


"His body was in the boot."


The twins wanted to know about Tammy's play. "So it's your directing début?"

"No, I had to direct Macbeth at school at short notice, Tanya helped me out. Then at the theatre I stood in for the director a few times when we were rehearsing the Scottish Play, I think that's why I was asked to take the job for Guys and Dolls."

Once the dessert was finished they relocated to the lounge. Although the wine was flowing, John and Tanya were abstaining. Tammy decided that moderation was a good idea, considering where she was going to be the following day.

"Could I have everyone's attention?"

Elsie's smile had disappeared.

"I saw my consultant a few days ago, the cancer is back and this time I can't beat it."

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