I wish I had been told about these risks before I had gender surgery
It is another myopic story not about the lives of those who has been saved but about the disillusion of transgendered seeking a life. I have battled with these kind of bigots until finally realizing they don't want the truth. They have their cherry picked data from all like minded sites which includes bigots with a string of letters before and after the name. It only proves intelligence isn't guaranteed by being able to pass exams or from training.
If you read the story keep in mind the author had an agenda. There is so much real research missing from Walt Heyer's trash hit piece I had to take a couple breaks reading it even though it was only a page long. I was ready to kick the dog, wrestle the cat, and dig up weeds in the garden.
I wish everyone happiness most of all. And all those like Mr. Heyer be sterile so they don't leave anything behind in the human gender pool.
Well of Course!
Well of course, "Transgender persons have more Psychiatric problems then is Average", but what exactly does this piece of info tel us? Not much. Put someone through hell and what do you expect? Duh!
*laughs like a maniac*
somebody turned a Demonic-Hybrid(demon/vampire/lycan) loose in that discussion. Look at 'em scurry around like cockroaches.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Very negative view
I certainly don't regret my transition or surgery, the former being 30 years ago and the latter coming up 25. There will always be gainsayers with their own agendas. I do agree that children are a special case and need to be treated very carefully, but in the UK, I consider they are. The numbers of children being referred to the specialist unit at The Tavistock Clinic have increased dramatically in the past year or two (can't remember the figures something like 20%) and apparently, the major increase is in girls wanting to be boys.
From what I've heard
From what I've heard, and that information is so far removed from the sources I put no stock in the credibility, there's like 1 in every 130,000+ that regret full transition. I don't know the full stories so I doubt the ratio.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
It makes one wonder?
An article from the stone age. I am surprised he is only covertly recommending deprogramming! Has the author ever heard of the "standards of care " the RLT and everything else including surviving the prejudices and hostility of some others that is there to stop people making a mistake? But I fear prejudice and cherry picking of facts will always be with us if someone wants to prove a dubious point. Ignore the idiot and hope most rational people do as well.
Transgender research development
From a very early age, I can remember believing I was a girl. Of course being named with a girl's name was an indication. Actually, it was Gwinn, but it sounds like Gwen to Americans, and mother frequently said I was so feminine when I was a toddler. Would it have made any difference if the males in my life had not been such jackasses? They were gruff, rude, brutal, coarse, abusive and um not loving. I did not wish to be anything like them.
After puberty, the sole source of good feelings was masturbation, though everyone around me tried to make it and anyone who did it out to be repulsive people. I have been doing research on Eunuchs and in the cases I have read about, some of them have gotten castrated or self castrated because the sex drive was too distracting. Though I had been told I had GID, my original reason for castration was to get rid of that oppressive drive, though I intended to stay with my family. I planned to have the Orchiectomy in secret, not telling anyone, and had the appointment booked before it all blew up in my face by the overreaction of the County Psych Nurse. I was very depressed and just needed to talk to someone. She got me put on an involuntary 5 day psych hold and that immediately led the Christian fundamentalist family to throw me out.
At the time I was on very heavy doses of experimental Psych Medications that made me extremely suggestible. They still use those medications but at greatly reduced dosages. And yes, the medications I was taking made me more suicidal. I've been off them since 2008.
After I had been in my own apartment for a couple weeks, I decided to explore my feminine side, and started dressing like a woman. I'd already been messing with illicit Estrogen for almost 10 years, since about 1995. Yes, sure there was something going on but in retrospect, what ever it was perhaps was exacerbated by living with a man hating, feminist woman for 39 years. The diagnosis of the psych folk at the time was that I was a worn out caregiver, that my family was sucking me dry.
I miss my abusive family so much that I have tried to live as a man twice and found it so crushing that it was either suicide or live as a woman. Yes, I am likely very masochistic and perhaps had a Dependent Personality Disorder.
I'm currently with a very supportive Mormon community that is only comfortable with me as a woman. I've spoken with the Bishop about living as a man and he does not support that. Interestingly, my own family will not engage in any sort of dialogue with me aimed at reconciliation. So much for "Chrisian" love.
At present, the treatment of GID is undergoing a lot of scrutiny and lots of ideas are being tossed about. I will continue to live as a woman, though I do not think the full SRS is always needed. Our Puritanistic roots are the root cause of the problem. We have a distorted and unrealistic idea of what roles males and females are to fill. I would likely have done fine living as a very mild and effeminate male. And we need to abandon the idea that only females wear dress like garments. To me pants are terribly uncomfortable.
I expect the whole transgender thing to be greatly altered in a generation or two, perhaps disappearing entirely. There have been cultures in the world where gender roles were greatly blurred or altered. The Mandean culture in Southern Iraq is one example, and the Tuareg of North Africa is another, though I do not know much about them.
We each walk our own path though often alone. It is my path and I walk it freely.
Rightwing nutjobs
The site in question is from a conspiracy-theory-loving nutter organisation that suggested that the '9/11' attacks were because god had raised up Shiites in response to America's immorality, which ignores the fact that the Saudis who organised it are Sunni. It's an American Daily Mail on steroids and LSD.
The new darling of the reactionaries
Walt Heyer---the author of this article---is making a career out of being an "ex-transgender", telling his tale of recovering from the "transgender delusion"; appearing at churches and before certain... uh, political groups, telling them everything they want to hear. He contradicts his own story in writings where he admits that he was never actually transgender but had multiple personality disorder (or whatever the current term is), and it was a female personality who had been in ascendance for a while that had wanted the GRS. So how is he an expert on the whole spectrum of gender identity? I'm not saying that having or having had a dissociative disorder automatically wrecks someone's credibility, but with his "ex-transgender" shtick he seems to be claiming two different things at the same time. But this clearly doesn't matter to a bunch who still conflate gender identity with sexuality and probably with possession by gay communistic demons...
sigh, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,