Change of tack for my next story

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It was pointed out via PM that my last story whilst having a happy ending was full of 'down' or ''bad' things.

Well, the next story I post here will be happy/smiles all the way (Well, I hope so anyway)
The title is 'You can Love Twice'.

I'll post it Friday PM (Ely, Nevada time) just before I head back to Vegas and my flight back to Blighty on Saturday evening.

I hope that the sky is clear Friday night as I going on the Nevada Northern 'stargazing' trip.
If there are any other readers there, I'll be the one with the long lens trying to take a picture of Jupiter or should that be Venus?

Lime and limpid green, a second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew.
Floating down, the sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground.
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania.
Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten.



critic and gazing

Those tough moments are what are key to the story, it made your character who she was.

I heard Saturn is making a big show this month, not letting Jupiter or Mars hog the spotlight..or is it starlight?

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


That would be Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. And in the pre-dawn hours a very bright Mercury. Venus is to close to the Sun, just after sunset to be readily visible. The website Heavens-Above! has several features to help locate the plantes, constelations and also satelites. By entering your location you can get a table with the times of rise and set, location and brightness of all the planets. As well as the satelites that should make a visible pass. The star-charts are another very nice feature.