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I know this person. The idea of being neither gender, or a eunuch is something I have thought a lot about lately. It has been discussed in a group that I'm in. For now, I am doing nothing.
If you have issue with the Bible, stop reading now.
There is very strong support in the Bible for eunuchs and here are three scriptures. I was first aware of Matt 5 and its implications way back in 1975. Recently, in the last year, I suddenly understood Matt 19:12 and Isaiah 56:4-5 in a new light. Previous to that binary gender prejudice prevented my pursuing the idea.
Though I live as a woman, and for reasons I do not understand, very successfully, medically I am a eunuch because the neo-vagina is not a natural sexual organ. And, I know of two people who had their meat and two veges removed but did not get a Neo-vagina. That operation should be much cheaper.
Here in Oregon at least, the Psych community is heavily invested in the conventional SRS operation, so this new revelation is a shock to them. I was at a GBLTI event at the Portland VA on Friday, 6-10-2016 and from the comments I heard from speakers, change is coming. One Doctor spoke of not prescribing hormones to many T folk. I don't know where this is going. Weeks ago someone spoke to me about having surgical breast reduction and that is NOT happening to this girl.
More to follow as it develops.
as it develops....
....or not, depending on hormones and whether the friend goes for breast reduction?
Sorry Gwen, I just couldn't help that.
Seriously, on the choice to be labeled as a eunuch (choosing neither gender) why do we waste so much of our time on things that do not tangibly impact our lives? How can it possibly hurt me whether you wish to be addressed as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, or Varys the Spider? You still breathe the same air, think the same thoughts, and deserve the same respect.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
It's been a regular walkabout, it has.
In the early 80's I was told I had GID but would do nothing about it until the early 00's. Like many of us, I knew very early but was forced to not address it and eventually forgot it til I was around 35. In the years since then it's been a progression of feelings beginning with confusion, then dismay, and on to horror. Finally around 95' I realized I was a woman, or at least womanly in nature. The idea that post op t folk are simply eunuchs is a new one and probably not fit for all of us. Gadzooks, I am not sure it fits even me.
I predict that in a decade or two, men and women will have much more latitude in terms of gender expression and transgenders will have disappeared.
The idea that post op t folk
But what makes a eunuch?
The lack of certain reproductive organs?
Hormonal status?
Something psychological inside the brain? (As in intent of the changes - I am speaking of those ending up eunuchs due to, say, prostate cancer versus the t folk).
Also, IMHO, one needs either set of sex hormones for bone health and to avoid certain cognitive/memory problems. So that makes things even more interesting.
Too many questions...