The radio spot went off with nary a hitch. The interviewers asked insightful and intelligent questions, and never once strayed from that format. I think I got at least some of our message out, as well as promoting our stories and writers.
The television spot could have gone better. Oh it went okay, but all that was used of it was about a 20 second snippet that had nothing at all to do with the book, or the message I was trying to get out.
The signing was, as I said, a bit of a disappointment for me. I only signed three books in two hours. I guess the only positive thing I got out of it was the fact that no one looked at me strangely. In fact, while at the mall both days, I was ma'amed once or twice, doors were held for me, a salesgirl even asked my housemate and I, in a store that sells bath oils, lotions and the like, "Can I help you ladies?" So, in terms of 'passing' I guess I did okay.
More sales would have been nice, but maybe I was expecting too much. I guess Pippa is right. I have jumped into this RLT with both feet, and there's no turning back for me. Certainly, my beginning down this road has been public, that's for damn sure. That's just as well. I don't want to turn back. From here, it's full speed ahead, and damn the torpedoes.
I've had no news about Mom at all. As far as I know, she suffered a major stroke Friday morning and was taken immediately to the hospital. I wasn't informed until 5 PM Friday of anything. As of 10:50PM, Saturday evening, as I said, I've heard nothing more. I'm hoping that no news, is good news.
All in all, my first week of RLT had been an up and down kind of thing. Mostly up, with a serious down. I did the signing today, even though my heart wasn't in it. I smiled and made nice, and talked with everyone who stopped by my table and I don't think anyone realized I was concerned about anything but sales and signing books.
Only one of the people who promised to stop by to support me, showed up. I guess I sort of expected that as well. I'm probably expecting more than I have any right to expect, but all in all, my first week has been very good. I AM still waiting for 'the other shoe to drop, and I do anticipate some resistance, if not downright disapproval at what I'm doing, but I think I can deal with most anything. I'll never be alone while at work, and the only time I go anywhere else, is with my housemate, Tina, who will likely disembowel anyone who tries to get feisty or nasty with me.
Right now I am exhausted, but I can't sleep. Concern for Mom won't let me close my eyes long enough to fall asleep. I know. I've tried it several times this evening. Maybe later, when I'm completely wasted from exhaustion, I'll be able to catch a nap or something.
I'm okay, although I do so appreciate all the kind, supportive comments you all tacked on to my last blog. I think you all were right. Mom would've wanted me to do what I had committed myself to do, and I thank you all for reminding me of that. I am unable, financially, to travel to where Mom is, so I have to depend on my Sisters for any updates on Mom's condition and prognosis.
I hope every one of you who treads this RLT route, has the support of your friends and co-workers that I've had, and continue to get. I feel very fortunate to have them on my side in this, as well as all of you, my online family. I love you all.
Catherine Linda Michel
As her daughter..
You have every right to call the hospital directly and inquire as to how your mother is doing. You are her immediate family too!!
FWIW three books are better than no it's the principals you are standing up for.
Not bad start
Your's is a nitch market, TG science fiction but not bad.
The radio interview sounds particularly sucessful. Smart girl, you are always traveling or are with another. That should reduce the risk of bad things happening. But that is true for anyone. Women, even men should not walk alone in potentially dangerous situatons.
Best wishes for you and your ailing mom.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Well Done
Brave lady, and now you can concentrate on your Mom,
Sales and signing
Three signings for a really low quantity book in an odd genre is fantastic! :)
Remember, you made 20 sales (to the store), they only made three at the signing but they expect to sell the rest.
Good job!
P.S. I'm thinking about your mom and you, too. Hugs.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
you know
I don't really know you. I've read these bloggy bits and some I've nodded, some maybe gone... oh hell, some... come on that's.. You see it's always a highly personal thing and no two will ever quite tread the same path. Sometimes something will come out of nowhere and belt you over the back of the head, something you never thought about, never considered.
But... bottom line, this is you. This is who you need to be and to hell with the rest of the world. Yes I know that's just a teensy bit idealistic and potentially seriously compromised by the world at large, reality can be a bitch...but..
Simply put, you signed and sold 3 books in a public real world book place. You did something very few will ever even dream of doing, well dream maybe...
So, simply, congratulations, you get a standing ovation from me for having the guts to try. May the positives far outway the negatives. Best wishes for you and yours.
Catherine - You Are A Rock Star
I'm sure you've spent a certain amount of time in bookstores. Unless the author is a big name writer or a celebrity, book signings are lonely affairs. Selling three books sounds about right.
More importantly . . . you did it. Every book I've read on self-promotion of books, every article I've read in Writer's Digest or Writer has unequivicolly stated that bookstores will not allow signings of self-published books or even give shelf space to self-published books. They've also said the press will not grant interviews or review self-published books. You've proved that wrong through your determination.
That's amazing.
Cathy -- simply put yourself in the place of your gentle reader. Would the average closet TV want to rush up to your table and buy your book? Or, would they prefer a much quieter, more discreet transaction? That simply is the guilt/shame of our existence in action.
You are my hero, girl. If there is any way I can help you let me know. If fronting some cash would facilitate more promotion. let me know and I will get it to you through Erin. I'm sure there are others who would also like to help in some way and advertising funds might just be the ticket. I will send $100 through Erin to get things started, if you want it and ask that others consider doing what they can.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)