Contest Closed.

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The March 2016 "On An Adventure" contest is officially closed!

Alright, so. Here's the breakdown; we didn't get enough stories submitted in general for me to really feel comfortable calling this contest a success. HOWEVER, with that said, it also frees me up to switch things around a bit from the usual in that, rather than handing out one or two grand prizes, I'll instead be offering a 3 month sub to EVERY ENTRANT.

For our eight amazing, talented, wonderful entrants; the check is in the mail! Or, I guess in this case, the inbox: subs will be purchased on Thursday, March 24th (from now on known as 'pay day.') If there are any issues with this, you can PM me and we can work something out :)

Also, be sure to keep an eye out for our next contest opportunity!

Melanie E.


Bad Timing

BarbieLee's picture

Doc said it is strep throat. I don't believe it. Death warmed over would be feeling better than what I have. Twelve days and his meds weren't touching it. Tired of being sick, sneezing and coughing up blood, raw throat. Yesterday I pulled out my witch's cauldron and decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. Should have in the first place. Why do I even bother with doctors? I want confirmation I'm sick and like to give them money?

The Adventure was halfway? written. I'll finish it when I get through taking my own cure if I don't kill myself with my own brew. Some of this stuff will make you grow ten foot tall and grow hair on your chest but it will fix whatever wus ailing yuh, LeRoy! Close yer eyes, hold yer nose because yuh don't want to see what yer swallowing.

ummmmm, wusn't that supposed to be the sweat off a toad in there and not the whole toad? Did you follow directions or just toss in whatever? I'm gonna be sick..., er sicker. So long cruel world!


Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The previous contest was

The previous contest was asking and offering what was missed and/or hidden in all those excellent serials on BCTS - the love in its innocent and pure form and there were almost no restrictions for the authors. In this last contest boundaries (time boundaries too) are very strict and only experienced authors dare to participate.

The Eye of the Beholder

Interesting take on the rules. Something was different, obviously, judging from the smaller participation. However, I didn't see what you saw in the contest guidelines and the story I wrote flowed overnight.

Maybe it's because I'm one of those people who doesn't easily accept rules and boundaries. I saw opportunity in the challenge rather than constriction.

I'm sure if you were to press Melanie on the rules she would tell you the first rule was "Write a standalone story."

The second rule was: "Always defer to rule number one when applying any of the following rules. Should any of the following rules prevent you from following rule number one, simply ignore them."

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

You are a talented writer and

You are a talented writer and you know it thus you'll never question your skills to write a story. As for me and other alike me... I'm not sure, I'm afraid to write wrong story, and...

There's no such thing as a "wrong" story :)

Funny, that most of the complaints I fielded DURING the contest was that it wasn't a specific/limited ENOUGH field. "Adventure" can mean a lot of things, after all, and in the end I gave more than three weeks to write an entry -- versus the one week for "The Crush" -- so it's just kinda confusing to me. A lot of people I'm guessing saw "10k words" and thought that had to get TO that number rather than that just being an upper limit, too.

In the end, though, a contest like this is SUPPOSED to propose a challenge, either to the way an author would normally write a story or the type of story they would normally write. If it didn't do either of those, then why pose it to begin with?

Ah, well. I'll be back for a second suck of the salve here in a couple of months or so; we'll see how that goes.

Melanie E.