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Its that time again!

Yep there's a new Gaby chapter here for you all to enjoy.

Book 15 is coming along nicely, 35 chapters are now complete, 31 of which are edited! Thanks Ang. With Spring in the air my life is about to get busier with other stuff so I'm aiming to have a push to complete the book for next weekend so look out for news on that next weekend.

for now though, have a good week



Just one question...

Regarding Gaby "Girl". Is it a combinations of four parts of Gaby San or is it next part of the story?


Maddy Bell's picture

I explained when I released 'Girl' I thought Gaby San was actually a naff title. So yes Gaby San 1 to 4 are combined in Gaby - Girl.



Madeline Anafrid Bell


Managed to miss that post... :-(
Anywhay, eagerly waiting for the next installment, the wedding, and will any of the "society" hacks be able to connect the dots... And where had girls who almost identified Gaby as a mystery girl from the wedding while at the pool disappeared? :-)

I am in the presence of greatness

Maddy (love to know who you really are friends of mine say your JK Rawlings) OH! Yeah! I am in awe of your ability to create gaby all those years ago, and it still just as good. Please may I ask what will happen with gaby's cousin maddy and their families. Love your work stay well. Love you all! Bye. Natasha


Maddy Bell's picture

I'd love JK's income but Tbh I find a lot of her later stuff to be hackneyed tosh being bough jt because of the authors name rather than quality of writing. Still I like that i'm talked about positively,
Of course, I am me, no more, no less, currently writing 'full' time, riding my bikes, pondering the universe and hoping I can continue making enough to live on. Maddy by name, Mad by nature!



Madeline Anafrid Bell