:) At this rate we will soon be taking over the world. :)
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
:) At this rate we will soon be taking over the world. :)
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I'd Say....
Other Matrix Director comes out as Trans.
I read the headline and thought "this info is 4 years old". So, I was wrong, big surprise!
Thanks for posting this story.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Did it say the Daily Mail was threatening to out her?
Which they are now denying. Given their hounding of Lucy Meadows, I wouldn't believe anything I saw in the Daily Mail.
Who reads the 'Daily Flail'?
or 'The Daily Wail'?
They are a rag pure and simple.
I would not believe them if the said that 'The sun rises in the East'
From all the people that post
From all the people that post links up from it, I'd say "All of the UK members of Big Closet read that paper"?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
blatantly untrue
I give anyone on this forum permission to kill me if they see me with a copy of that rag.
I'm more of an 'I' person when I am in the market for a paper.
If you note, I posted a link to the Beeb and not the daily flail.
Sadly, they're also highly
Sadly, they're also highly ubiquitous, much like The Sun. Sensationalist journalism at its worst, and while I'm glad to see Lilly being happy and open about who she is, she should have been allowed to do it in her own time, not because of some damned journalist greedy for a scoop and happy to sell what few morals they have left to get it.
Sunrise and Sunset
Of course not!
Besides, we all know it rises in Texas. I should know, I see it every morning!
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
From Variety...
According to her statement, Lilly was approached by a reporter at U.K. outlet the Daily Mail, who asked Lilly if she could “have my picture taken and tell my story which was so inspirational!”
Lilly went on to slam the Daily Mail’s history with transgender issues.
“It was the ‘news’ organization that had played a huge part in the national public outing of Lucy Meadows, an elementary school teacher and trans woman in the UK,” she wrote. “And now here they were, at my front door, almost as if to say — ‘There’s another one! Let’s drag ’em out in the open so we can all have a look!'”
Love, Andrea Lena
I think it is just wonderful
Yes, it is absolutely, just ducky. Here she is with more money than she knows what to do with and suddenly just decides, "OH, I'll be a lady now"! I wonder how much more damage she will do to the trans cause? Prolly not any more than sister Caitlin did, eh ?
There are lots of us who paid to do this; sacrificing every fucking thing we have, and still suffering at the hands of the stupid.
She has not paid her dues the way that so many of us have!
Gwen, fuming and spitting !!!
Don't be like that.
Paid her dues? Just deciding to be this way?
Please, Gwen, reconsider what you're saying.
Melanie E.
No, just being a bitch.
I'm sorry. I think she will be insulated from a lot of the crap that those of us with less money will experience. I had enough money to do most of what I wanted, but I think the price in the loss of my family was far too heavy. Most of us don't have the money to do much at all, and are fortunate to even get hormones.
I am sorry for offending you.
She saw firsthand what someone has to go through to transition when you are under the spotlight for being famous, this was OVER A DECADE BEFORE CAITLYN!
I am sorry but the one being stupid here is you, Gwen. Her sister transitioend in peace and quiet without making waves nor seeking fame or fortune. She just wanted to be who she really was and not make a big deal out of it. Lilly tried to do the same but a vulture in the media wouldn't let her have that peace so she took the power that the reporter had and came out. As soon as the story dies out a natural death the next time you even see or hear her is when she is up for another major award for doing her job, not because she is trying to forward a cause or get the spotlight like Caitlyn. She is the anti-Caitlyn. She is who she is and all she is and all she wants is to be left alone. Sorry if doing that upsets you but she has as much right to be who she is despite your feelings.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Casting sticks and...
I understand anger and frustration. they make us speak without considering, sometimes. I am bad about it and am probably as guilty as anyone else.
I have to admit, I cannot judge the motivations of others. I can barely understand my own motivations, much less someone else's.
When Caitlyn Jenner came out as trans, my first thought was "She should have named herself Caitlyn Kardashian, she'll fit right in!" and was immediately ashamed of myself.
How can we raise people's consciousness to the bigotry and prejudices that we see every day when we cannot refrain from giving voice to our own? We all have prejudices and bigotry within us. We all have a 'them' that we can point to just so we can feel better about 'us'.
The goal is to rise above what we feel and refuse to speak uncharitably of others when we do not know exactly what they are feeling, or going through.
I will try to take what people tell me about their motivations with a grain of salt, but accept them at face value until they prove otherwise.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
A big IF !!
IF we all had the money we would do exactly what these rich girls have done ,let's be honest with ourselves and enjoy life.
And thank the Lord for small mercies !!! I will be 83 on Good Friday and I am just about to give myself my weekly injection
of Oestrogen (my girl juice) .I am too old for any surgery but enjoy the fact that I am living as the woman I have been all my
life ,I no longer have to hide myself and I enjoy life to the full. As I have told my disapproving family ,they are the ones with
a problem,not me. So just get on with it !
I am retracting my post.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
With a quote from 'Lilly'
This reeks of an early April fools... to make the news media look like fools for not verifying their facts.
If she had actually transitioned... there would be more than one picture I'm sure.
She is cautious, but this really feels authentic...
Being transgender is not easy. We live in a majority-enforced gender binary world. This means when you're transgender you have to face the hard reality of living the rest of your life in a world that is openly hostile to you.
I am one of the lucky ones. Having the support of my family and the means to afford doctors and therapists has given me the chance to actually survive this process. Transgender people without support, means and privilege do not have this luxury. And many do not survive. In 2015, the transgender murder rate hit an all-time high in this country. A horrifying disproportionate number of the victims were trans women of color. These are only the recorded homicides so, since trans people do not all fit in the tidy gender binary statistics of murder rates, it means the actual numbers are higher.
And though we have come a long way since Silence of the Lambs, we continue to be demonized and vilified in the media where attack ads portray us as potential predators to keep us from even using the goddamn bathroom. The so-called bathroom bills that are popping up all over this country do not keep children safe, they force trans people into using bathrooms where they can be beaten and or murdered. We are not predators, we are prey.
So yeah, I'm transgender.
And yeah, I've transitioned.
I'm out to my friends and family. Most people at work know too. Everyone is cool with it. Yes, thanks to my fabulous sister they've done it before, but also because they're fantastic people. Without the love and support of my wife and friends and family I would not be where I am today
Love, Andrea Lena
Better clarification
What she said in that piece makes me feel a lot better knowing that she is aware of the issues most T folk deal with.
But knowing that I understand better, please don't make that stop you bitch slapping me. After all I am an a masochist.
And since you are a masochist...
let's stop slapping you :P
You are right about Caitlin Jenner, though.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
Gwen? Just to be Sure?
Lilly Wachowski's sister is Lana Wachowski, who transitioned at least 6 years ago and came out publicly 4 years ago. Lana did not act like Caitlin and I doubt Lilly will either. I don't like much of what Caitlin says or does, but I won't deny that she's trans. It's not my place to do so and I wouldn't want someone to say that about me.
Lana seems to avoid publicity and has continued her career as a movie director.
From all the comments, I wasn't sure if you knew that or not.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I can't wait for the Religious Nuts reaction
I Would put money on the Religious Nut job Groups coming out to Ban The Sale of The Matrix Movies. They griped about the 3rd movies ending now they are probably going to come out of the woodwork again.
Have you heard about the Group "Million Mothers", They were celebrating the cancelation of "Angel From Hell" people were actually watching it, because they forced the sponsors to pull out. Now they are switching their target to "Lucifer" the show on Fox right now that is actually good.
"Cortana is watching you!"