When I got access to the site I pasted Bike on to the screen then went to save and lost it all. Somehow I also lost my draft version trying to put the little bicycle logo on the bottom of it. So two hours of work lost in a few seconds.
New note: I've managed to rescue last night's episode and it's up.

A disturbance in the force last night
The whole of the internet seemed a bit crocked last night. Thank you for your persistence.
What Is Bike Worth?
I pay a young lady with an PHD in English Lit $25 an hour to write for me.
At $25 per hour, if you've spent an average of two hours per episode writing Bike, it is worth $144,150 or 103,911 pounds.
Not exactly sure where you go to collect. Maybe the National Lottery office?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
However, Erin and I have been in discussions to offer some of it on Doppler press. I'll leave her to organise pricing and so on. We both hope it will benefit the site financially.
"Bike" as a supporter. Who'd of thought!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I won't ask
what you were looking for on that site...