I'm very interested in using the Track feature on my user profile to stay up to date with my favorite stories. However, I don't see how to add a story to be tracked. I've tried searching the forums, google, and combed through every word on a story page looking for a link to follow it, but it escapes me.
Can someone point out what I need to do to track a story? Thanks!
There is probably a super sexy way to do things ...
... but what I have noticed is that the story appears on the 'Track' list whenever I post a comment on it ...
or when I post the story itself ...
or when I post a blog entry ...
What is kind of annoying is that the Track list appears, repeat appears, to throw up the message 'updated' also when a COMMENT on it is edited. I would prefer to know if the story itself has been updated ...
Hope this helps
Email Notification
We used to have, and at times, have turned it back on to test, a feature that let users get Notifications when a favourite author posts a new story/blog/etc.
The problem is that we have thousands of users, and many authors to, and when everything gets turned on, it always slows the entire site to a crawl, and has to be turned off.
It also creates a WHOLE lot of email, which is done via a service we have to pay for. It's free at a certain level but when 10,000 users start asking for updates whenever Angharad posts a new episode of Bike, or whenever a prolific blogger blogs, well, the emails grow exponentially.
P.S. As a side note, We will be making some performance changes/improvements to the site. As such we might be ready for another round of testing on this feature.
OMG....GUILTY !!!!
I am new at this whole thing, and I think I might be part of the problem.
I write my chapters on MS Word and then cut and paste it into BCTS. This is a real pain, as I need to respace paragraphs and add italics and bold type. As a result, when I get bored and have free time, I write my chapters directly into BCTS and then copy/paste it back into MS Word.
Am I slowing the server down?
Lo Siento.
Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.
Server Load, Backups and Word Import
Nope. Not really.
1st off, the email to users module, is turned off currently. It's something we are talking about experimenting with again in the future.
2nd Off, PLEASE keep writing in word or another text editor. Never do your primary writing on site if you can help it. If anything happens and you have a word backup, you can recover. If you write it directly on site, you are reliant on us with no backups.
3rdly, we've been working off-and-on on a better way to "paste from word" or possibly even let you "upload" a word .docx file and the site would "parse" it and import it for you. There is a beta-version of this technology @ TGFiction.Net but it's not really ready for a busy site yet.
Ah, OK. Thanks for the
Ah, OK. Thanks for the explanation.