Alas, but it has yet again emptied itself of the sweet nectar of leisure and left me with nothing but the dregs of work and a foul taste. And I didn't even get a cake.
Sorry 'bout that. I've developed a bad case of the busies and while I have time to read BC at work access to a writing and posting computer needs downtime I don't have. BUT, I do have about half of the next part of Oh, Cheers ready, so I'll try and post it tomorry and just double the number of parts or so.
Melanie E.
Scratch that
I have successfully commandeered a work computer and made it my b***h long enough to churn out the rest of Part 2, so be prepared, 'cause tomorrow around two o'clock (noon pacific) It SHALL LIVE!!! Now all I need is an evil laugh.
Melanie E.
oh cheers
do you mean noon monday 26/05/08 or tuesday noon or by tommorow you mean tuesday
for all us in europe (gmt + or - 2 hour) awaiting it
It will be today, and I hope ya'll like it, the flavor's a bit different than the first part, but, well, you'll just have to wait and see!
Melanie E.