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Everyone who's interested in submitting a story to my mini-contest "The Crush" and hasn't already, fair warning: Friday is the final day to submit!

On the other hand...

Erin mentioned to me the possibility of extending the competition to give more people a chance to join in. Personally, *I* think we've had plenty of entries to justify sticking with the original date, but then again it ain't all about me, is it? So, if you don't think this Friday is a long enough time, feel free to add that as a comment here too. If I get an arbitrary count of, oh, let's say ten requests for a time extension I'll let it go 'til Monday instead.

Anyway, get crackin' and submit those stories people! :D

Melanie E.


It's a Quarter to Three

You'd never know it but buddy, I'm a kind of poet and I got a lot of things I'd like to say.

So add one day for my baby, and one more for the road.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Maybe ...

I think I have the beginnings of an idea for this one, but the muse hasn't really arrived. I'll see if it gels by Friday. What time (incl. timezone) is the cut-off?

(Oh well, if I hurry, I might get it in by 5. Feb. 2016)


I'll kinda work on the honor system here and say "have it in by midnight Friday your own time zone." The real disadvantage to getting in late is simply less time to build up kudos, which will decide the winner, but I won't be counting those up 'til late afternoon Sunday, so you should have plenty of time to get a few :D

Melanie E.

I'm working on one

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I hope to have it finished by then. It's a bit of a challenge for me to whip out a story that fast. I like to take my time developing characters. Plus, I've decided to write it from a point of view I've never before attempted, well, and managed to get beyond the first page.

So far I have 5000+ words and I'm guessing I'm about two thirds done. Fingers, don't fail me now.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann