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Blog About: 


My name is TGTrinity, and I'm an author of transgendered erotica. I've posted my stories on a couple of different sites, but it was recently requested by a reader that I post my stories here. I have to say that I love the amount of content on the site, as well as the tools available to authors and readers alike.

I personally started publishing stories in 2013, and that was mostly involving my work on a series called "Timber Grove". I consider all of my stories to be considered erotica, as they all have a sexual theme running through them. That being said, my stories run the gambit from lighthearted comedy to dark horror.

When I began I had an idea to write a story as if it was part of a television series, with a protagonist experiencing a bunch of strange "episodic" events while having one overarching story. Although I did complete what was "Timber Grove: Season One", I was not very happy with the outcome. On top of that was the fact that my stand alone stories were getting abundantly more hits and attention, so I made the decision to scrap my "Season" idea and rework the stories to stand alone on their own. Of course, this upset some of my early readers who really took to the characters I created, and I am still working on properly giving their characters their own story ("Welcome to Timber Grove").

I am also open to writing stories for those who don't feel they have the gift of writing. The first of these stories, "Discovering Erica", was a very interesting ordeal, as I was beholden to another's vision. I am also currently working on another request that involves a house full of college kids who are being hunted by a killer, but that is about a month away from being completed.

As soon as I have "Welcome to Timber Grove" up and completed, I'll be posting my other "Timber Grove" stories on the site as well. Thanks for your interest in my writings, and I hope to get to know this community better.


Welcome to the BC Author list!

erin's picture

This is an author-centered site and the readers and fans seem to like it that way. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

welcome to BC

Sadarsa's picture

I've read a couple of your Timber Grove stories over at FM... not quite my style, but i thought they were very imaginative.

I've tried my hand at writting, and while i think i'm fairly decent enough a writter, i cant finish them. I get an idea in my head of a character and the world he/she lives in and how they undergo a gender change. ..but then what? LoL yeah i just never know where to take a story from there so they always end up in my wastebasket.

One keeps comeing back to haunt me, i've written and re-written it probablly 10-15 times over the last decade or so but always run into that brick wall of the thing we call ..Plot.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

There's a Saying.

Daphne Xu's picture

Genius is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. It sounds as if you've gone through the 90% perspiration on that one particular story, and now you need that bit of inspiration. Another thing: creativity needs to be exercised. I've noticed when I write, if I've been writing quite a bit, ideas come to me more frequently than if I haven't been writing in a while.

As for the stories that end up in your wastebasket: don't throw them out, save them. You might find yourself using something in them later.

Plot? You probably have a beginning, now see if you can find an ending. Then build out from both directions and see if you can meet in the middle. You can always change your mind about things.

Then there's always this bit of wisdom: there's no good writing, only good rewriting. Stories and written work need revision. (Those who post as they write don't have that option.)

-- Daphne Xu

Welcome to BC :)

Welcome to BC. While I haven't read any of your stories yet, I'll make sure to check out your stories.

Erin of Wis <3