need some insight

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okay need some help. You see i have 2 stories on the go. One is almost done and should be ready to post, but the other is giving me issues in the stupidest way possible.

You see it centers around one of my favourite creatures: a naga. A boy angers his girlfriend's grandmother who turns him into a snake. THe girlfriend is horrified and tries to change him back, but she only knows one spell: change-into-girl. So the result is a naga made of two different kinds of magic. This is my excuse as to why he can't simply be changed back.

Now, what's been eating me about this?

How would a naga go to the bathroom? I mean there is no split in the thighs, they're just one solid mass so how would this even work? I know it's the stupidest thing to get caught up on, but i can't help it. I don't like something that doesn't make logical sense in my brain.

For those confused, a naga is a person who is serpentine from the hips down. In the case of my girl she also has a few snake like features above her waist, like yellow slitted eyes, a forked tongue (Much to the delight of her girlfriend) and patches of scales.

So...can anyone help me with this or any other insight. Please? I have cookies!


Snakes have a vent

Angharad's picture

through which they pass waste which is usually liquid. Been crapped on by a slowworm that didn't enjoy being picked up.


mermaids and nagas

laika's picture

I ran into this same problem when creating my mermaid world. I looked at fish anatomy and gave them a hole thru which they "peepoo" somewhere about where the backs of their calf muscles would be. I don't know why I put a vent on their dorsal and not their ventral side, maybe it's their Atlantean human heritage. I also figured out why Disney's little mermaid has such a skinny waist. Their intenstines and liver and such are down in their fish half. The human spine passes thru the conical bottom of the pelvis and continues on, more like a snake's spine in composition than a fish. If humans have a 4 chambered heart, and fish a 2 chambered heart, I figured 3 chambers for these hybrid beings would make sense. I haven't worked out the whole respiratory-circulatory system, but they breathe air or water through lungs, which are probably larger than ours. They have a floatation bladder like a fish, and they mostly stick to the strata of the ocean that oceanographers call the sunlight zone. "Wildmers", the savages my civilized merpeople fear and distrust, live farther down in the twilight zone. Travelling from one zone to another takes a slow acclimation process, where their deep ocean explorers have to set up camp and wait a day or so lest their bladders explode. For reproduction, even though they lay eggs (and then nurse their young) I looked to dolphins, and put their "egghole" (something mermaids call each other as an insult) at about where their knees would be. It's not real visible, my minutes-old transformed heroine only discovers she has this gap in her scales when she attempts to kneel before the mermaid queen, and feels it against the floor. She also discovers she doesn't have knees as such. It bugs me when artists draw mermaid tails that look there are legs with knees inside, because I figure they'd be more serpentine. The mermen are like dolphins, they have a penis but for hydrodynamic reasons it only deploys when needed.

I know mermaids aren't nagas, which I only know from pictures of them at DeviantArt, and I'm vaguely aware that they're part of manga/anime mythology, but I suspect there would be some parallels in their physiology. I hope there's something you can use here..

Now I gotta get back to it, these fishgirls aren't gonna write themselves
(although sometimes they seem to...)
hugs, veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

The Monster Musume No Iru

The Monster Musume No Iru Nichijou manga/anime has a kind of naga in it ( including a harpy, a female centaur, a spider with an female upper body, ...). Seem to remember a few scene's in it that could be useful ...


PS I say kind of Naga because

PS I say kind of Naga because the South East Asian version (origin of the term Naga) has a specific mythos that isn't similar to manga/anime/games for the most part except the general look > half human half snake.