Our Cat Buddy

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2005 - 2016

He was hit by a car speeding through our neighborhood - only yards away where our dog Harley was killed last year. Our neighbor came over and let us know. I was in the middle of the street to pick up Buddy and I got bumped by another car coming from the opposite direction - just a bruise from his side mirror.

And tomorrow I have to call my son in NYC with more sad news. I know you understand, dear ones. Thanks.


I am so sorry

Wendy Jean's picture

to hear of your loss.

Any chance you can talk the city into letting you put up speed bumps?

Oh No!

littlerocksilver's picture

That is one reason our cat's are not allowed outside, as much as they would like to explore. I am so thankful that you were not seriously hurt. It might be time to get the police to do some monitoring, if they would. As mentioned, speed bumps may help. So many drivers are so inconsiderate. They shouldn't be allowed to drive tricycles.


Sad to lose a friend

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

These aren't the good kind of tears

laika's picture

that your stories give me. This just sucks. No way to put a positive spin on this.
And I was just hooraying that at least you still had cats a couple of days ago.
SHIT!!! I grieve with you and for you and for beautiful buddy whose serene
sleepy contented smile made me so happy when you pm'd this pic to me.
Love and hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


All four cats from the same litter...

Andrea Lena's picture

are named after their mother Soda. Sister-in-law has (Pepsi) Pete and Sprite. Buddy was Seven Up and his sister (Coca Cola) Cuddles is asleep in my son's room. She's purring.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

So sad

BobbieCD56's picture

My heart goes out to you hon.
Having lost all too many furry family members through the years, I know how it hurts. The picture of your Buddy looks all too much like our remaining cat, Buster. Thankfully, he never goes out. (He is literally too much of a 'fraidy cat!)


that is why I always slow down in areas with houses.

MadTech01's picture

you have to watch for anything running out into the street, so speed equals danger.
we used to have some morons in the area who liked to use the snakelike turns on our dead end street to race, until the morons hit a deer that weighed over 80 lbs. their cars did not come out well, one fool flipped end over end. the drivers survived with no long term injuries, and then they decided to find somewhere else to race their cars.

the people who live out here drive slow, animals and people are always watched for. I was coming home 10 years ago on a moonless night and almost hit a black steer standing in the middle of the road, because I was doing the speed for an un speed posted road of 35mph I was able to stop and not hit it.. I let it move and went home and called the sherif.

We have lost cats to coyotes, and as such stopped keeping them. The dogs always stay in a group for safety. I live less than an hour outside of a major city and I have to always be on the look out for animals on the road. Opossums, coyotes, rabbits, foxes, Deer, wild bore, not counting the domestic variety of dogs and cats.

The fact that someone did not have the curtesy to slow down with a pedestrian on the road concerns me, plus they nicked you with their mirror, if they did not stop that counts as a hit and run. I question at times now wanting to move to a more densely populated area.

"Cortana is watching you!"


Frank's picture

Sorry for your loss Drea. Always hurts to lose a furry friend.





joannebarbarella's picture

For idiots who have no sense of responsibility and who don't even value life, whether animal or human. I just wish you had got a number plate and could report them, not that it would bring your Buddy back.