Alan Rickman died today.

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One of the best British actors has lost his fight with cancer aged 69. He got a BAFTA for his Sheriff of Nottingham against Kevin Costner's Robin Hood, where acted the American off the screen. Most of you will know him as Professor Snape from the Harry Potter films, where he played a brooding dark character to perfection. My own favourite was Truly, madly Deeply, with Juliet Stevenson, which was where I first saw him and fancied him like mad.,_Madly,_Deeply


Another Role

Besides the Harry Potter's, I liked him in in Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson & Kate Winslet.

You have taste

Ang , Maybe Alan Rickman did not have the classical good looks of some of the less talented movie stars , But he more than made up for that with that marvelous personality and sheer acting ability , If you add into that his voice (and what a voice ! ) you have for me the perfect leading man ... He will be sorely missed actors of his talent and breadth of work do not come around that often ...


Don't Forget

Alecia Snowfall's picture

Don't Forget the first Die Hard movie and Dogma. He was versatile. Drama, comedy, action. He will be missed.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Truly, madly, deeply…

Rhona McCloud's picture

… is on my list of films worth re-watching, I think because of the casting of Rickman and Stevenson who could both show a flawed nature that retained an attractive humanity.

Rhona McCloud

Grumpy Angel

I loved him as the grumpy Angel Metatron in 'Dogma' with the disbelieving Linda Fiorentino.


He also did Westerns

Playing the awesome villain, Marston, in Quigley Down Under.

- Leona

The Hero is Always cheered.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

But it is often the Villain that makes the story, and often requires the real talent.

May he rest in peace, he will certainly be well remembered.


We Brits do the 'Bad Guy with

We Brits do the 'Bad Guy with Attitude' roles so well.
What will Hollywood do without the likes of Alan Rickman eh?

I find it really spooky that

Raff01's picture

I find it really spooky that both he and David Bowie died, a week apart. Both at 69 both from Cancer and both were from London. Are there any other bid British stars, that turn 69 or are 69 and were born in London? If so let's keep them safe.

I forgot about Quigley down under. Haven't seen that in years. But every Christmas I watch him fell to his room in L.A. it's not Christmas until I watch Die Hard

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel had many nice things to say about how Allen made things easier for the younger actors in the HP movies. Said he was one of the nicest men he had ever met.

Farewell Allen, you will be missed!

69 y.o Londoners

are becoming a bit of a rarity.

I must fully endorse Ang's comments.

But not to exclude him from plaudits for his very many varied roles.

I regret 'twill not be so easy to include Alan titles or quotes in my writing. I shall endeavour so to do however.

Very sad to see him go.


A tragic loss

Alan Rickman held more Charisma than the likes of Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves. True he never had the looks of these two or other actors such as Christain Bale. But the one thing he had an abundance of was acting talent. This is something that British actors seem to have over our own American actors. I've not seen any Harry Potter movies so I can't comment on those. As the Sheriff of Nottingham he was absolutely amazing on one hand he was pretty cruel even psychotic. At the same time there was a gleam in his eye and he was comedic. But for me it was Love Actually and Jane Austin's 'Sense and Sensibility.' I loved him playing Colonel Brandon simply said it was his best ever role he turned my legs to jello in that.

All I can say is my thoughts and prayers to his family and Rest in Peace Alan Rickman
