... about a gender confused boy who when turning 18 finds a rather domineering girl friend who quickly convinces him he should try being a woman, which she feels he is better suited. Her father is a tattoo artist and her mother is an MD who starts him quickly towards his friend's and his? goal. Did I miss something or is the story just wallowing towards incompletion. I don't remember the name or author. I'd like to catch up. Any ideas out there?
I think...
...you might be looking for Birthday Blues by Shauna.
I'm pretty sure that's it
Thank you
remembering a different story
I remember a story about a teenage boy who walks into a mall boutique to apply for a job and is mistaken as a girl by the manager but the boy isn't aware of her mistake although she keeps changing his wardrobe and hair on a daily basis. Eventually with the discreet help of his sister he accepts his femininity.
I guess this is "A new look
I guess this is "A new look at life" by Shawna Stimple at FM - http://www.fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyI...