Earthqake here last night

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for me, it just felt like a tractor-trailer rig hit the building and made it shake.

4.3-4.8 on the scale, no damage reports even at the epicenter 20 km north of Victoria.

and it was apparently 42 km deep.


That's Life on the Pacific Rim

laika's picture

Here in Northern Nevada we had a bunch about that size around midnight on Christmas Eve. I was calling them, then looking them up on line and was surprised that I was assessing them so accurately:
"That one was a 3..."
"That little roller was a 2.something..."
Thinking uh oh, these are just warming up for the BIG one...
It was the long jumping 4.5 that finally woke my sister up: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?"

I'm always afraid that what felt like a small one here has just levelled San Francisco, and I turn on the news real quick...

Growing up in southern California I would have laughed off a 4.something quake but when you're a homeowner they suddenly get scarier. Not so much fearing for your life but what's this gonna cost me? The epicenter was right under us, our trailer-trash casita is up on blocks and our plumbing is plastic, our gas shutoff is waaaaaay under the house where it's all frozen muck...

When the house starts shaking it's in the lap of the gods, all you can do is enjoy the ride. Or you could move to a less seismically active area, but honestly I think I'd rather have earthquakes than tornados...

Huggles, Veronica.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


dawnfyre's picture

living on the pacific rim means quakes, and with the way the San Andreas is on the BC coast we are looking at a mega-thrust big one when it hits.
Tsunamis hitting east coast of Japan, China and west coast of Vancouver Island, likely a drop in elevation for my area. I spent 2 years in Toronto, I know I don't want to live anywhere else.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

I believe that Vancouver

I believe that Vancouver (island) is next to a totally different fault line than the San Andreas.

I think it's the Queen Charlotte fault up in Vancouver area.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

yes and no

dawnfyre's picture

It isn't called San Andreas, but it is actually the same fault line. It runs from near Anchorage down to Mexico, only coming inshore from California south.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

The San Andreas fault is a

The San Andreas fault is a right-lateral strike-slip transform fault.. The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault System is also a transform fault, but it's a merger of three fault systems, and combines strike-slip with thrust - it's a subduction zone.

The difference? California is mostly 'moving', and stays the same level. Vancouver is going up and down from the collision, with not as much lateral movement. Also, California is -one- fault, and Vancouver is part of three.

They're definitely _not_ the same fault. They're on the same plate, but not the same fault. It would be like saying that because two roads connect at right angles, they're the same road.

BC has had 15 earthquakes in the last month -

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

The Special

We're offering a two for one special here in Oklahoma - Tornados and Earthquakes! May not be the big earthquakes like the Cali people get, just 4.5 to 5.something, but we can almost guarantee EF-4s and EF-5s to make up for it. Much prefer tornados myself, they can be dodged!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Hm.. How about the Gulf Coast

Hm.. How about the Gulf Coast Special.

Mosquitoes, Tornados, Hurricanes, Sinkholes, and Swamps. Pick your poison!

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Arrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh No!

not Pumpkins.
The rest I can live with but those [redacted] just bring me out in hives.
If there was one thing that I'd like to go extinct, it is the sodding Pumpkin.

As for that Coffee Shop who gave me a pumpkin flavored drink when I specifically asked for a plain one may the rest of those plagues rain down upon you for a million years.
Saying that 'everyone has flavored drinks in October' just does not cut it. If I lived in the US they'd be on the end of a very big lawsuit.

Where I'm spending the New Year has had close to 40in of rain fall since 1st November. Now that is serious precipitation.

East coast has 'em too

Only 3s though but still felt like a subway train coming into the station or rocking around in a pickup truck bed.