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It all started innocently just with a little bet me and my girlfriend Jenn made over some show in television we were watching some time ago. I don't even remember what was it all about anymore. She Said that if she wins I have to let her choose our costumes for comic con that will be held in city we live in. That was month ago and I totally forgot all about it. She on the other did not. Oh I forgot to introduce us. I am forgetful am I? I am Lukas 20 years old student of advanced cybernetics. My girlfriend Jennifer is 21 year old and she studies to become teacher. She is stunning brunette. We met on one comic con. One thing went with other and we ended up together. Lucky day that was. Saturday after lunch the day when con was held she came to house where I lived with my parents holding huge bags. I guessed she had costumes in them and then it clicked inside my head I remembered that bet.
"Let me see Jenn Please!" I whined. It was to no avail. I was deep in trouble now. Not only I forgot about that bet but Jenn had wicked smile on her lips which was a hint of fact that things to come would be embarrassing.
"Just drop it! You will see them in right time."
"Yeah sure when it is too late." I grinned at the irony.
"I hope it isn't anything embarrassing." I kept fishing.
"That is a secret!" She said with raised finger and wicked smile. Which should have been enough for me to tell what she hinted at but I wasn't able to in my present state of mind.
"Jenn please!" I whined again. What is she planning? Why so secretive? I will have to try to avoid any surprises that is for sure and just to be safe any future bets too.
"Just get in your room and boot up Playstation I'll be right there I just need to talk to your mom for a moment." She kissed me and then hurried to look for my mom. I still thought about what was in those bags. Shoot! I thought to myself when I walked up the stares.
I turned on play and Jenn came in few minutes. Then we played for a while. I felt like sitting on nail bed thinking about her plan. Which made me play worse than usual.
"Hey Luke by the way I invited our friends to make it more like a double date." Said Jenn and giggled.
"Who exactly?" I asked with eyes on the screen in suspicious tone.
"Peter and Amy. They will drop by to pick us up at 19:00." She winked at me which I missed because I concentrated on the game.
"Great, that might be fun." I replied with my eyes still glued to the TV screen.
"About those costumes of ours. We should start preparing soon so we are able to make it in time."
"No problem just help me finish this boss. By the way What costumes did you pick for this year?" I asked in hope she would tell me in heat of the battle.
"Well after last years Stargate Atlantis ones when you went as Sheppard and I had to go as doctor Keller I made some changes."
"I thought that you will be glad she has same name like you Jenn." I teased her. She smiled a bit at that.
"I am glad but I hoped for something more exciting. Therefore I will give you few clues for our costumes and you can guess. It makes it more fun for me."
"Alright hit me!"
"Orange flowing hair and dagger with long blond hair and sword."
"I thought for a moment, then a moment more and then it dawned on me. This description could fit only one anime she liked and that was Slayers. Orange hair and dagger Lina Inverse and blond hair and sword Gourry Gabriev." I got sick feeling all of the sudden. Why is Jenn so secretive about this. I thought.
"That is not so bad I can deal with long wig and swords are kind of cool. I expected something worse since you were so mysterious." I said as we nailed the boss.
"That is excellent Luke Long hair it is than but it is more like dagger than sword. You will be the one wearing dagger on your hip." She replied with almost evil shark like smile on her lips. At this my jaw dropped right thru the floor.
"What? Hip? Dagger? I can't go dressed as Lina! I will look stupid and specially since our friends go with us. No way Jenn I'll go as Gourry please!" I whined.
"Doesn't work that way. We have a deal remember? Also costumes wouldn't fit vice versa. You are smaller than me. Gourry is higher that Lina it just wouldn't look good." Jenn tried to beat me down with facts. It really wasn't fair. So what. I was a bit short for my age but Lina? no way.
"Thanks for reminding me I am smaller than you. Jenn please I will be laughing stock." I whined once more but she would have none of it. Which left me with goose bumps all over.
"No you won't and I already spoke to your mom and she will help us." She tried to assure me which in reality scared me even more.
"Even mom? I always had this feeling that she would love to have a daughter one day. The way she treats you and all. I will never live it down! I'll rather run away from home than dress like a girl. Do you even know how embarrassing this is and she wears pink!"
"No you won't!" Said dad who stepped in. Thru the door I forgot to close fully.
"Dad?" I said in fear.
"What did you hear?" I looked like deer in headlights at him.
"I just went by when I heard you two. You promised it to Jenn and that is all that matters. So be a man and take your medicine boy. It isn't that big deal you just have to bet more carefully next time. This will teach you that." He smiled wickedly.
"Dad I just can't it will ruin me if word spreads around about this. I thought you of all people would support me."
"Jenn put a lot of work into this not to mention the money so you will go. What if I ruin you if you don't go! I will cut your allowance for a 2 years."
"I can deal with that." I smiled.
"Ok then what about me destroying your lab in the cellar and store wine there like I always wanted."
"No fair! Anything but that! I will go then. We have a deal anyway. Don't we Jenn?" I gave up.
"Good choice son. I guess I'll never get that cellar." Dad joked. He seemed to be pleased and went about his business.
"You might get a chance at the cellar yet. When I'll burry myself alive in the disgrace which this might bring to me." I stammered a bit.
"What do you know. You might even enjoy yourself." Mused Jenn. As she put her hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah right if I was invisible!" I muttered under my breath when Jenn went for those bags with costumes. She was there for ages. I guess she had to talk to mom again or maybe my dad. When she came back she laid my costume on the bed. It was rather complete and very accurate costume. She gave me can with nair, soap and shampoo.
"Here you go Lina." She teased me. Which caused my eye to twitch. "Already in character are you?" She laughed.
"Why this stuff?" I asked about the stuff she handed me.
"You need a bath. Nair is for removing your hair. Arms should be enough but I want you also remove them from your chest, underarms and legs. Soap is one I personally like you can't use yours it just wouldn't be it. For shampoo goes the same. Oh and this little box is special nair for face. You need to use it on your beard. Lina with stubble just isn't right. When you are done come back in bathrobe. And Luke try to enjoy it as much as I do." She handed me those things as she smiled and then she pushed me out of the room. I followed her instructions. There was no point in further arguments. When she sets her mind on something she will get it. That is what I like about her. First I washed my hair. I knew this smell it was how Jenns hair smelled. She gave me her shampoo. Next I tried that nair. I sprayed it over me and waited few minutes as those instructions on the can said. I knew I'll lose my hair but I almost cried when I washed it away. Soap she gave me smelled flowery and really girlie. When I dried myself I could feel the difference having no hair on my legs and hands. I put the towel around my waist and tried that beard remover or what she called it. It left my face really smooth I would be unable to shave this perfectly. I looked myself over no beard, stubble or shadow. Most of my body hairless. What did I let her get me into. Ok it is too late now anyway. Damn! I put on bathrobe and headed back to my room. Where was Jenn ready waiting for me.
"Come here and put this on!" I closed door as she handed me yellow panties with matching bra and some plain color panties like garment which she told me was gaff.
"I can't wear that. I can wear boxers it doesn't matter in this getup anyway!"
"It does, so hurry first gaff then panties. You have to kind of tuck you know... I will turn but it isn't like I didn't see all that before." I struggled for a while and when I finally got it right my crotch was flat.
"Umm Jenn how do I put this on? I know how to get it off you but how can you clasp it on your back?"
"Men. You are so resourceful when you want something but the other way around you try to be dumb." Jenn said. as she turned the bra around on me.
"Now clasp it and turn it around again. Then get your hands thru the straps." I did as she said and it worked.
"Now we have to fill that bra. You don't show anything in that costume so water balloons will do. They will warm soon you just have to deal with them being cold for while." She handed me maroon tight pants and over them went something like an yellow leotard. Those pants fit so smugly that I was afraid to sit down.
"Here!" She threw maroon top with white lining and then yellow tube bandeau bra on me. Than two belts with dagger strapped to them. She handed me pair of high, white boots with little bit of heel and green gems on their hem. Costume looked really good and very precise the jacket had even little green gem on the collar. When I put it all on it created really shapely figure. I had now narrow waist thanks to those belts and that jacket that went lower created a bit of hourglass figure. I ran my hands over smooth fabric down along my waist and further down. It was really weird there had to be some padding in that costume for me to get figure like this.
"You look great Luke I hoped it will give you nice figure like this and in case you wonder. There is no padding." Jenn said amused. She was like a mind reader. I just looked at her with look that said don't go there.
"I think we are good follow me." She then grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to my parents room to mothers vanity mirror where waited my mom ready to torture me. She smiled as she saw me.
"You look lovely dear. Sit down and let us start!" Said mom and smiled like I never seen her do before.
"Yeah I look like a freak. Just look at me!" I crossed my arms the only way I could. Under my fake breasts.
"Nonsense you look great and you will look better after we are done here with you. No worry we are professionals." That moment father snuck in with a camera and started filming my predicament.
"Glad to see that you take it like a men son." He smiled. And took few pictures. Needless to say I was embarrassed like hell. My own father and making fun of me like that? I thought he respected me more? My face was starting to get all red. Mom saw this.
"Hey Tom get out of here we can't have him blushing here it will ruin our job." Mom exclaimed.
"Ok, ok I am going I just take few more pictures before and after so we have something for our family album. You will thank me one day son." Said smiling dad. His smile could rival in mischievousness with Norse god Loki when he headed out of the room.
"Oh sweet lets start!" Jenn exclaimed clasping her hands.
With that mom went to work on me and Jenn just guided her how should I look like. It was long and painful process. They even went as far as shaping my eyebrows a bit. Then Jenn put hair cover and a wig over my head. It was orange long slightly curled wig and it smelled like strawberries. Jenn put black bandanna over my forehead adjusted wig and touched up my make up.
"Ok but there is still something missing." She said with her index finger hanging in the air. I looked myself over to see what she meant. I knew it was bad but the whole picture scared me. They had me really dolled up I couldn't recognize myself. Red contact lenses pinkish lipstick really vibrant eyes and even orange colored eyebrows. No sign of my usual self was left. I was interrupted by sight of Jenn closing on me with a pin and potato.
"You got to be kidding!" I yelled and dodged just in time. My hair swished around as I moved. It was weird feeling.
"Hey I just fool around we don't need to pierce them we have clip ons." She then hooked two golden orbs on my ears. She splashed me with good dose of perfume which left me smelling really girlie. My senses were stretched to their max or so I thought.
"You look fabulous. If I had daughter I would wish she would look like you now." Mom said to add to my embarrassment and she topped it off with hug that squeezed the daylight out of me. I just looked at her with mix of surprise and anger.
"Perfect. We will finish you before we go. Just go kill time for a while before I change I'll be right there."
I opened the door to head to my room as I was blinded by the flash of fathers camera.
"Hey why did you do that you are worse than some paparazzi. Leave me that little dignity I have left and stop this please." I said covering my face from another possible flash.
"They did great job on you I would not believe you could look that good. Almost like real girl. But look at you! Son just look at it from my perspective we will all have a good laugh one day looking thru the album."
"That doesn't mean it has to be at my expanse!" I said mighty pissed.
"I am doing this for you. I don't mean it badly. You will see when you are older."
"I hope you are right or I'll leave you in the old folks house when you get old. On the other hand, I might as well let it go and try to have fun."
"Great that is my girl. Now could you please pose for me a while Lina?"
"That is it! I am out of here!" I stormed to my room and slammed door behind me. Why the hell he had so much fun with this? I sat on my bed and thought about what am I going to do now. There is a chance I might die from shame when Amy and Pete come to pick us up. I tried to get my mind off this so I looked my shelf over and tried to pick some movie to watch in this time I had. I went thru my DVD collection and I accidentally dropped Slayers Motion picture from my shelf. Is this an irony or what. I thought as I looked over that cover. I Bought this DVD because of Jenn but to be honest I liked it a lot to. I liked Lina as a character. I never expected to dress up as her. On this cover it was younger Lina in different outfit that she wore before the one I was wearing now. I put the DVD to the player and watched for a while. Then I heard familiar voice.
"Lukas Anderson I knew you had it in you." My eyes shoot to the door where I saw Paige. She is friend of mine next door we were really close as kids like brother and sister. I froze. I just sat on my bed stunned while she came closer to inspect me.
"So many times I tried to get you to crossdress and you resisted even thou you have perfect figure for that. I couldn't believe Jenn that she can dress you up as Lina but I was wrong. If I didn't know better I would think girl sits there." She was really amused as she closed door behind her.
"I...." I tried to say something but she didn't give me chance. She hugged me and dragged me down on the bed.
"Nice perfume Lina." She teased me. Looming over me.
"It is not what you think. I know how this looks like but..." She put a finger over my mouth.
"Shhhh. You don't have to explain. You know Lina I kind of like you like this you look better somehow." She laughed. I tried to get up but she had me pined on the bed. I really have to start some serious workout soon. She was stronger than me and she was only 2 years older.
"What is this?" She poked my chest which bounced a bit. I tried to cover my chest so she would leave me be.
"My my you even grew some breasts. Not big but effort counts. I wonder how much of those hairs she get you to shave off." She said examining my hands.
"How did you get in or knew that I am here for that matter." I tried to avoid answering that question about hands.
"Jenn told me she will dress you up and it was too good to pass on that. Your dad opened door for me and told me you are here and to call you Lina." Paige said laughing.
"Paige please would you mind getting off me? I can't breathe." I said defeated.
"Sure. Sorry Lina." She sat next to me on my bed.
"Thanks, that is much better. It is a long time I saw you so childish an cheerful." I pulled myself up and clearing my face from few strands of hair.
"I am just in good mood. Not every day your friend gets treatment like this." She winked at me.
"So Lina you are watching slayers I see. To get in the role maybe?" Paige pursued that matter.
"Paige please don't call me that."
"What should I call you miss Inverse?"
"Just old plain Luke will be enough thank you." I said irritated.
"But Luke doesn't fit such lovely girl." She teased even more.
"God why you hate me?" I looked up. I was expecting lightning to strike me since my luck was so low.
"Why so blue Lina?" Let me cheer you up. She started tickling me. She knew that I am really ticklish and she used to take advantage of that lot of times when we were younger.
"Da......dd....Damn. Paige stop it." I managed to get from her. I had to admit that she knew how to cheer me up.
"Ok now serious. Can I take picture with you?"
"Why not but only if you promise not to show anyone."
"I will try not to Luke. Trust me." We took few photos and she looked satisfied.
"Paige are you going to the con with us?"
"No I am mad about it but I can't. I already have something that I can't avoid. I really regret not going. Seeing you there like this on con would be priceless." She said.
"I See." I said bit saddened.
"Anyway I have to go now. It was nice to see you take care Luke." She said as she closed the door behind her. Then after while I heard dad talking to Jenn and photographing her to. so I wasn't only one he was teasing. He really cared. He wanted us to have memory. Then they knocked on my door. I opened. When I saw Jenn or rather really convincing Goury Gabriev I was stunned. Paige just giggled from behind them.
"Is that you Jenn?" I blinked once, then twice and felt a bit weird like I was intimidated. I felt a bit weak comparing her to me now looking like lanky dainty girl and my sweet Jenn like strong swordsman. It was really messing with my head.
"Hey Lina I finally found you." Said smiling Jenn. Then she embraced me in her arms and kissed me. My eyes went wide as dining plates when she did that. I didn't know she had this in her. By that time dad was at photo rampage. I bet I had to blush like mad that moment. Mom just stood there and smiled. Then doorbell rang and woke me out of my daze. My knees felt weak like they were made of jelly. It must have been Peter with Amy. Mom rushed to let them in. Jenn pushed me to my room and threw me white gloves with medallions on them and helped me to adjust those huge shoulder pauldrons and style my hair with cape attached to the pauldrons. Cape was basic black with violet inside. It all looked so well crafted and real. It looked like lot of effort went into making this."
"Thanks Jenn I guess. I bet you had to work hard on all this." I said humbled and still blushing.
"Paige. I am sorry you can't go with us. We are in bit of rush." Jenn said smiling.
I'll be going guys I just wanted to see you and especially Luke because I wanted to dress him up for long time but he wouldn't let me." Paige said as she left the room again this time for real.
"Bye." Me and Jenn said in unison.
"By the way Luke you are right. It is costume made by few friends of mine that work in props department in movie studio. Speaking of movies. Is that Slayers you are watching?
"Yeah you see I was looking thru my DVD collection before Paige came and they fell from the shelf so I picked them to kill some time."
"Really? Or did you just want to study the character before you play it?"
"Don't be ridiculous of course not."
"Anyway... Lets go so Peter and Amy don't have to wait too long." Said Jenn as she dragged me out of my room. I barely managed to turn off TV.
When I walked I almost stumbled because of that heel those boots I was wearing had. Don't get me wrong there wasn't that much of heel but it was enough to throw me out of balance. At the stairs I almost fell over. As I moved so much I could feel those balloons in the bra shift and bounce like Jenns breasts often did when she ran. I touched my chest and it felt warm to. As I regained my balance I saw our friend Amy who was dressed like Sailor Jupiter and Peter as male version of Ranma Saotome.
"Hey guys." Amy and Peter called.
"Nice costumes. Jenn you look stunning as Lina." Amy commented.
"I am here." Jenn proclaimed.
"Then Luke is...." They all laughed and I struggled to keep my balance on those stairs.
"You did it Jenn you did it." Complimented Amy and pulled out 10 dollar bill which she handed to Jenn who grinned.
"Hey men you look smoking good in that getup." Pete extended hand to me
"Thanks I guess... Are you hitting on me?" We did our school palls handshake. It must have been funny because dad didn't stop recording. Whatever I thought. If I don't like it I can always delete it. I only hoped he doesn't upload it to the cloud.
"So I think we will be going. Thanks for your help Mr. and miss Anderson." Jenn said her goodbye.
"Our pleasure." My parents replied in unison. Dad handed me camera and spare cell and with memo card. I tucked it to the back pocket and kept camera in my hand.
"Here you go son, document it you are best photograph we have in family." He made gesture like he always does when he is proud of me.
"Thanks dad I won't disappoint." I was moved by dads caring a had to hold back tear in the corner of my eye.
Goodbye ms and mister Anderson. Amy and Peter called on my parents from front of our house and we were on our way. Behind closed door mom and dad smiled at each other.
"So Tom they look like they will have lots of fun."
"Yeah I feel kind of bad forcing my son to do this but he might have good time and he can't die from it can he?
"We have free evening?"
"Let's use it well then!"
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Messed up
Please could some admin erase this. I messed up with posting a story and dont know who I should contact exactly.
pretty good overall
Just clean up some spelling and grammar errors and this will be a beginning of a fine story .
Heck, for the next or later con switch over to the MAU universe for expanded fun. You can even get Luke's parents into costumes for the cons.
Yeah i have that cleaned up
Yeah i have that cleaned up but problem is that i messed up the file. I picked old one (I have them in same folder) and i messed up.
You should be able to go to
You should be able to go to the story and edit it. Just click on the link and you should see three tabs at the top of the story: View, Edit & Outline.
Just click on Edit and you can replace the whole thing with the revised file.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Hi thanks for advice. Maybe I
Hi thanks for advice. Maybe I am dumb but I can't see those tabs there. I see only this while logged in which is the same thing when I am not logged in.
Hmm. Maybe they haven't
Hmm. Maybe they haven't enabled that yet for you. I can see that you're logged in. I assume you only have one login for here, right?
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Yeah I have only one. I think
Yeah I have only one. I think the same thing. I just don't have the rights assigned yet.
A nice start to what appears
A nice start to what appears to be an interesting story. Will be looking forward to the next chapter.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas to you too
Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for kind comment.