My muse is resting at the moment, but she might kick in next year. I have a lot on my mind right now. I'm trying to find a professional agent for "A California Saga". I've been going through those listed on the "Predators and Editors" web site and have found several that look acceptable. I started at M's and am through the R's at this point, I'm contacting only those that work through email. I've sent queries to around a dozen so far.
I have a glimmer of an idea for a story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Not even close to putting anything in print.
I noticed something rather interesting. All of my postings here show a level of interest at the beginning and that interest gradually drops off. For my last story, "Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight", it was quite different. The number of kudos increased as the story developed. The story was a bit complicated and based on an Austrian opera. I feel the readers developed an appreciation for what was happening as the story developed. I felt the story was one of my better ones for the series although it garnered only half the kudos a couple of others in the series did.
Happy New Year everyone!
good going
People seem to be following you more and think Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight is a very good story. You should not be surprised.
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
having read what I think is the entire series of California saga and the cynthie series including the redhead and the mp. I want to say I don't know of any stories I enjoyed more than these. keep up the good work.
I Guess
... that was correct at the beginning; however, MP became PM. Thank you very much for your stamp of approval.
I might add..
that you grow more adorable day by day! :)
Love, Andrea Lena