Well it's been a more interesting day than i'd planned but certainly not the worst.
So from the top, I did have stuff to unwrap that I didn't buy including from my offspring.
I did have my Christmas lunch - that's where things went a bit awry! I lost my power and heat just after starting to cook so I ended up cooking on a tiny camping stove! When the electrician got here he quickly identified the problem - my cooker is no more - oh joy, at least the freezer and microwave are still running.
I have spent several hours writing - a Christmas tale in two parts and from two different aspects. The first part is done, part two will be completed tomorrow and I hope to get them posted over the weekend.
Hopefully tomorrow won't have as much drama and I might get as far as writing more Gaby too!
What is it about this time of year
that it seems to have more than usual appliance implosions? It shouldn't be overheating weather. It's good that you were able to improvise, and that your muse took pity on you.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Hope you had a great Christmas! I spent most of yesterday writing (and soon, Chapter 2 of New School, New Girl will be up...).
TGSine --958