I have a TG fan fiction I wrote that takes place after the events in the movie Serenity, which was the sequel to the televisions series Firefly. I was wondering if there might be interest here, although i will say that there are spoilers embedded in the story for those who haven't seen the film yet.
Anyone interested?
I for one would be interested. The series was well written and I really liked the movie. Besides I like the stuff you've written. I even say I'm looking forward to it!!! :)
I would be
But I reserve the right to whine piteously to you in PM about it being canceled in the first damn place! I'm a Big Damn Browncoat.
Remember, folks... June 19th is Serenity Day! If you don't own a copy of the Firefly series and the Serenity movie, go that day to buy them... if you do, go out that day and buy copies for a friend that needs to be introduced to it!
I've seen some of it, does that count?
I was going to say if you want a Firefly fan ask Randalynn then I see this is your post, Randa.
Damn and I was going to look so cleaver, un clever,
John in Wauwatosa back from the WGS Gem and Mineral show.
P.S. Was helping Dad get his rocks off.
WHAT, no laughing? That is a GREAT rockhound joke. Philisteens!
John in Wauwatosa
Post it
It might help, since I've never heard of either of them.
I want to be Inara Serra when I grow up
Please post it Randalynn. I love everything about the Firefly / Serenity Universe. A fan fiction which containes TG elements would be great reading. As long as you have a Spoilers warning to those who have not viewed the series/ movie in its entirety then it should be fine.
I look forward to reading it!
All my hopes,
Sasha Zarya Nexus
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
Was that the one?
Was that the one who was bald with the blue skin, or the kinky-looking blonde with the sort of gothy look?
Karen J.
* * * * * * * *
Change We Can Believe In - Barack Obama
Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I think you'll find . . .
That was Farscape
Ben and Claudia turned up later in Stargate--we have yet to catch up with those.
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
The actress that played Inara turned up in the final season of Stargate SG-1, too... as the daughter cum villainess of Claudia Black's character.
And Jewel Staite (Kaywinnet Leigh Frye) is now regular cast on Stargate Atlantis.
And Summer Glau (River Tam) is a Terminatrix.
Blue.... Blonde.... Andromeda?
Karen, are you thinking of maybee andromeda? Becca was a gothy blonde, Trance was at various times blue or purple... But neither of those descriptions fit anyone onboard Serenity....
-Piper :P

I actually LIKE image SIGs!
She was thinking
of Zahn, from Farscape (played by Virginia Hey)
I knew it wasn't Andromeda, that's the only one that got semi-decent air time. The other shows were always being bounced around, different nights, different times, so I was never able to get into them. The similarity in names didn't help. So this (Firefly) was the one with the junk freighter and the Han Solo-type captain? I saw more of the other one, but still not enough to make sense of.
Karen J.
* * * * * * * *
Change We Can Believe In - Barack Obama
The change, it had to come,
We knew it all along
Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
As good a description
As any for Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds. "Han Solo-type" would actually please the guy that originated the series - Joss Whedon, the same guy behind the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series.
The Firefly-class freighter, Serenity had/has/will have a crew of 9
Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
Former Sargeant for the Independents (or Browncoats) in the War... the Independents lost at the climactic Battle of Serenity Valley
First Mate Zöe Washburne
Served under Mal in the War, followed him after the end of it
Pilot Hoban Washburne
Best Pilot in the 'Verse...
Weapons Jayne Cobb
Former Mercenary, Mal hired him out from under the guys holding guns on 'em
Ship's Doctor Simon Tam
Booked passage with a secret, agreed to be Doc in exchange for staying
Mechanic Kaywinnet Leigh "Kaylee" Frye
Found under their genius mechanic, turned out way better than he was
Tenant Inara Serra
Registered Companion... that is a Courtesan-style guild member who rented one of the 2 shuttles
Tenant Shepherd Book
Mysterious, but dedicated to bringing the word of God to the Rim, and to watch over the crew of Serenity -- he booked passage and never got off
Tenant River Tam
Simon's little sister, massive ability in just about anything, psychic... made into a weapon by the Alliance
Becca a gothy-type? I always thought of her as an attractive woman more along the lines of Dog the bounty hunter. "Screw the questions, just shoot!" Guess Trance was blue at first, I missed the earlier shows. But Andromeda with those blue streaks in her black hair, now her I'd like to grow up to be!
Karen J.
* * * * * * * *
Change We Can Believe In - Barack Obama
Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
re: Becca vs Farscape
Sory never saw more than 5 mins of Farscape so was trying to make the descript fit in with what I knew :P
I actually LIKE image SIGs!
The show y'all are talking about, Firefly, I can only vaguely remember, think I saw maybe one episode. I recall it had all the buzz, but I'd look in the TV schedule and it would be on at like 3 AM.
And that would be the only drawback to fanfics. Usually you have to know the show pretty well to enjoy a fanfic, and didn't somebody say this show was only on for one season? Kinda limits the audience.
Karen J.
* * * * * * * *
Change We Can Believe In - Barack Obama
Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
This is Inara Serra!
This is Inara Serra!
She was a Companion, a high-society courtesan that rented one of the shuttles of Serenity.
Serenity (The Ship's Name and the Movie title) was the Firefly (TV Series name) class starship captained by Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds.
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
Goin' on a year now . . .
. . . I ain't had nothin' twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries!
GO for it!
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
I can't know that!
I saw several
I saw several episodes of Firefly, which I liked quite a bit.
There is heavy competition for the TV in my house... it's the only reason I haven't seen more.
I love Firefly
Sorry, but I still think it was the best show ever.
In fact, I too wrote a Firefly/Serenity Fanfic. I DIDN'T think we
were allowed to publish fanfic's on the site? Am I wrong about that?
Something to do with Erin not wanting problems?
Sarah Lynn
You have to click on the roller under permissions saying you as author take responsibility. I'm nearly judgement proof since I own almost nothing except these computers and a dog. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Erin: Bad Enough
Bad enough to sink the computer and have all these
people mad at me, but to have your dog pissed at me
too, would be too much for me to take.
Sarah Lynn
It's a quote . . .
From Kaylee Frye
Not me, I don't do such things, I'm innocent me.
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
so was mine...
The reply from Mal
Shame on me Edeyn
. . . And I have only seen the film twice. I completely forgot that bit. Probably focussing too hard on the battery operated appliance . . .
It's alright, I'll just go and sit in a corner somewhere and sulk!
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
And do... what... exactly...
in that corner?
Do you really want to know?
I don't even know, but I guarantee, it's not what you're thinking.
Shame on you
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
Oh, c'mon
You're a Browncoat, but not a Garibaldi fan? Sit in the corner and watch Daffy Duck, of course!
Bugs - - Edeyn, Bugs
I prefer bugs bunny--or Roger Rabbit (he, he), unless Ivanova isn't busy of course . . .
I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
But Daffy ...
is the Egyptian or is it the Babalonian God of Chaos, truely worthy of worship.
That scene in B5 with Garabaldi and the Narn Abbasidor vsiting his quarters was a gem.
Oops, that's to Firefly. Saw a little too. Was scheduled to death here as well.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The reason that there was only one season is that they decided to make movies instead. Farscape finally ended in a movie where every plot line was tied up. Andromedea can still make another season if the cast wants to.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Actually ...
... the reason there was only one season was that Fox had absolutely no idea what they had, so they put it in a timeslot where it was constantly preempted because of sports, showed the episodes out of order, and refused to air the two-hour pilot FIRST. Naturally, that was the episode that set up the show and put everything in context, so of COURSE they'd show it LAST, after the show had already been cancelled.
In short, Fox killed it slowly and painfully -- but the show's fans loved it so much, they lobbied, and they fought, and they BOUGHT. Eventually, the DVD sales of Firefly went through the roof, and Universal decided to take a chance, buy the rights to make a feature film, and give Joss Whedon the chance to bring most of the storylines together while telling a cautionary tale about faith and love and family and the need to believe in something.
So there may have been only 14 episodes of the original series, but DAMN, they were good. And still are.
Sorry for the fangirl rant, but fan IS short for "fanatic." *smiles* And i LOVE this show.
P.S. I also have every episode of Farscape AND the movie on DVD -- "John Crichton, phone home!" *grin* And yes, Babylon 5 too.
Could be fun! I love Firefly, and the universe could be a lot of fun for a TG character. Just do us all a favor and don't do one for Lexx: I hated that show :p
...was the reason that I never watched Firefly That and a couple of other awful shows
on the Sci-Fi channel made me write off this whole new batch of outer-space series'.
From the comments on Randalynn's fanfic I've obviously missed something really good.
I guess it's off to Blockbuster for Season One (and Serenity etc.) now 'cause
I don't do spoilers. Y'all are costing me money, grumble grumble...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Farscape and Firefly are so NOT like L.E.X.X.
L.E.X.X. was thinly veiled soft-core porn. Which is why it was kept around, of course... people voting with their gonads.
Farscape was the last thing in production that actually had a personal touch by Jim Henson in it. Well, he designed the character 'Pilot' years before, for another project, but it turned out to be perfect for Farscape.
Firefly is just hands down the best sci-fi ever. Georgie and Steven can go suck lemons, Joss has 'em beat.
I love Firefly, but I have to say I think Invader Zim quite possibly trumps it as the greatest Sci Fi ever. Nowhere near as deep or engrossing, but it really proves that people are people, even if they're aliens. Also 'cause Gir is the cutest robot EVER.
Melanie E.
You believe what you want to believe
and I'll know the truth! *grin*
Hey, where's the next part of "Oh, Cheers" anyway?
Lexx did get better as it went on. It just always reminded me too much of Red Dwarf, which was a much better show. (They both are sci-fi comedies featuring a dead guy, an animal-person, and the last man in the universe (an incompetent boob) cruising around in a gigantic spaceship.)
And as sci-fi sex comedies go, say what you will about Lexx, but at least its satire was light years better than Tripping the Rift's. And when Lexx switched actresses for their sex slave, it was an improvement. But there is no way that Carmen Electra is an improvement over Gina Gershon.
I watched only one broadcast
episode of Tripping the Rift. I was disappointed in the choice of voice acting for the girl. In the pilot that was running around the internet in the late 90s (yes, they'd been trying to sell the show that long), the voice was Terry Farrell - Jadzia Dax from ST:DS9. Way better.
I wouldn't touch it with a...
You get the picture. Then again, I'm one of those prudes who thinks sex shouldn't be broadcast on television anyways. And you know, now that I actually think about it the premise of Lexx could make for a very good TG story. Hmmm.
Melanie E.
your fan fic
your stuff is so damn good, i really wish you would continue the wash and wier saga. i have read your serenity-firefly series twice. i enjoyed it both times. i think your work is as tight as the original, and i really, really want you to continue the saga. i for one like your firefly and the center stories the best, and wish you would do more of both. please!!!???. the sadest part is, it was the best that fox has ever done, and they handled it like a redheaded step child. you treat it so well, i wish you would addopt it. warm regards, redman
There's another story ...
... on the way, so don't fret. I haven't abandoned my precious Browncoats. *smiles* Lots more stories in the Verse to tell, after all.
Thanks for reading, and commenting, and making me feel that folks are still reading!
i just realised i confused you with another writer on the centerverse stories, and am not sure you ever wrote one. still wish you would, you are really good and i do like that fanverse. it doesn't change the fact that your firefly/serenity fan fiction is absolutly top shelf, to coin a phrase, or pardon the pun, whichever. so, while i am embarassed, about the error, i still am hoping that you continue to guide firefly through the black. redman
They didn't "decide" to make movies, it was the only choice left to them.
Firefly was cancelled because Fox uses only the most conservative Nielsen ratings, so when a show isn't whitebread, the chances of it surviving on Fox is slim.
Farscape was cancelled for similar reasons, also from Fox, but Fox caved to the fan response to tie up the loose ends. Joss Whedon wouldn't let Fox NEAR his baby again after they cancelled it. So he got a feature film with Universal instead of a made-for-TV one with Fox! :)
Andromeda just went off the air.
I say you should gorram go for it!
Firefly was the absolute best sci-fi series ever! Contrary to what others say, it wasn't canceled because they wanted to make movies, it was canceled because the network never gave it a chance. Here's what Joss Whedon said to introduce the pre-release screening:
"Hi, I'm Joss Whedon. Ah, before we begin this special screening, I have a little story I want to tell you. Um, it's about a TV show called Firefly. Firefly, ah, went on the air a few years ago, and was instantly hailed by critics as one of the most canceled shows of the year.
It was ignored and abandoned, and the story should end there, but it doesn't. Um, because the people who made the show, and the people who saw the show, which is roughly the same number of people, fell in love with it, a little bit -- too much, ah, to let it go. Too much to lay down arms when the battle looked pretty much lost.
Um, in Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, ah, quixotic, obsessive. Um, in my world, they're called brown coats.
Now, whether you watched the show or saw the DVDs, or never set foot in the Firefly universe before tonight, the fact that you're here means you're part of something, something that's a little bit remarkable. This movie should not exist.
Failed TV shows don't get made into major motion pictures, unless the creator, the cast and the fans, believe beyond reason. That's what I've felt, it's what I've seen; in the, um, the DVD sales, the booths at the cons run by fans, the websites, the fund raisers. All the work fans have done have helped make this movie. It is, in an unprecedented sense, your movie … which means … if it sucks … it's your fault. You blew it. Ah, you let us down, but let's not dwell on your failures, because I have to finish making it…."
Well, Serenity didn't suck, and neither did the series that inspired it. I see so much on TV that's trash, and yet this show, something witty, exciting and very poignant, was never given a chance to shine.
To quote from Serenity:
Inara Serra: I've just seen so many sides of you, I wanna make sure I know who I'm dealing with.
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I start fightin' a war, I guarantee, you'll see somethin' new.
Don't make me start fighting a war, Randa. In case that isn't clear, I vote an enthusiastic, POST IT!
-- Moliere
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy
http://genomorph.tglibrary.com/ (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
I loved Farscape (although I hated the movie), but Firefly has to be my favorite sci-fi series of all time. Josh Wheden is a genius. Great casting, great characters, great plots, great lines. Damn shame it wasn't continued, and a disgrace that FOX couldn't see what they had.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
The cast of Firefly
All of them. They waited as long as possible for each of them before moving on to projects that would tie them up completely, because they were all hoping to go back to Serenity. The only one I've not seen elsewhere now, is Ron Glass (Shepherd Book), and according to Summer Glau and Jewel Staite, the 10 of them (cast plus Joss) still get together as often as possible. They've sort of become extended family.
Done and done!
Chapter one is posted, and the other four chapters are already written!
Hope you all like readin' it as much as i liked writin' it! *grin*
You are very cruel..
...to have all five chapters written, and to only post them one at a time. It's like you don't want us to sit at our computers for hours on end, reading it in one sitting.
Please keep the chapters coming regularly, I'll be checking much too frequently.
I watched the series, bought the DVD. Saw the movie, bought the DVD, All were excellent! I'll read your fan fic.
Mr. Ram