I need to tell you about Nick B.
He's had a bit of a mishap with a circular saw, which came very close to taking his thumb off. He's perfectly alright now, but he's been told in no uncertain terms not to do anything to a) keep his thumb safe and free from infection and b) to allow it to heal properly.
So all wood working is out (which is what got him in this pickle in the first place), as sadly is washing up, making the bed and his favourite pastime of cooking.
In the meantime, he's hoping to get some writing done, which may mean more added to Lost Girl, but more importantly, to complete the rewrite of Cruisin', which he's made into a third person narrative, expanded upon and really hopes to get finished. Also waiting completion is The Sight, which includes Second Sight to a complete, finished novel. A friend of his has created some bespoke artwork for the cover, hopefully to give him the impetus to get his arse into gear and get on with it.
Some encouragement in that direction would probably do him the world of good.
Thanks to all,
Lady E
Thanks for the news
Myself, I could not type without using my thumb. :) I'm ambidextrous so I use BOTH thumbs typing.
Get well soon, Nick.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Depending upon which hand it was
something else might not be allowed for the foreseeable future, but then it's supposed to make you go blind anyway. C'mon Nick, pull your finger out (no not your thumb, it might not go back on again) and do some writing. Oh and get well again soon.
Greetings from damp and dreary Dorset.
The best use for a piece of timber in the immediate future is a whack around his ear with a piece of 4 x 2 to concentrate his mind on something more constructive, like getting those stories finished.
Bed rest is not necessary. Nose to the grindstone over there!
Look after yourself, Nick.
There are table saws that sense touch and shutdown
No such thing for a hand saw though.
I for one am glad of the silver lining in this near tragedy. Please be careful Nick!
Thanks, Lady E
Thanks to Lady E for posting that and thanks too for the wonderful replies and well-wishes. They are a great pick-me-up.
I have just been told that I may have to wait longer than the fifteen days (18 Dec) to have the 12 stitches out of my thumb and after they have been removed, I still won't have full use for some time, which means I maybe desk bound until well into the New Year. I don't mind, but Pen's pulling her hair out at the prospect.
Hopefully, I will get some writing done, but it's all a bit frustrating, as when I try and type, my hugely wrapped thumb keeps getting in the way, tapping out keystrokes that I neither wanted nor expected. So I am currently spending more time deleting superfluous characters than I am typing words.
I will however, be giving it my best shot.
Thanks again, Peeps,
Dragon naturally speaking?
At least as a first draff?
Dragon naturally speaking
I don't think so. I already get funny looks for talking to myself, so that would probably get me committed!