The Wrong Side of the Bed

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I ran into another unfinished story. Thought I was being careful and checked the date on the last chapter without looking at the end. Posted three years ago so it has to be a completed storyline. Negatory there Blue Leader, the author never tied the tail on it. A beautiful unique story, all warm and fuzzy. Excellent writing is a saving grace. But unless it was a teaser to get us to by the book my disappointment takes top tier.

For all of you who can handle unfinished stories, this one is certainly worth the read. Be prepared to add a finish to it in your own mind or understand it is what it is. Anistasia Allread did an excellent job as far as she went. She didn't go far enough.


Healing a Princess

Is another one of her unfinished works. Perhaps she just got too busy with RL? She's a great author, though this work is not TG. It makes me sad that the minds of the fauna here are not broad enough to accept Non-TG stories.

Still Hoping...

...for the payoff to HaP. Based on a past PM, I think there's just one encounter remaining before they reach their destination and we find out who the healers are and what kind of cost, if any, there is for the process. A Book Two would (or would have) described the trip back home.


I Haven't Communicated With Her... some time -- somehow I missed it when she posted a story a couple of months back -- but from what she told me in a PM at the time (and, now that I look at her page, a blog entry also), she'd reached a point in Wrong Side where she had at least a couple of significant plot decisions to make. I think RL caught up with her before she decided which way to go. Even though it's been two years (not three, FWIW) since the most recent episode, I wouldn't give up on it yet.
