Misconceptions Reign

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As some of you are aware, I have posted "A California Saga" on Amazon.com. A good friend who worked for me in the Air Force more than thirty years ago has read all the stories (not from this site) and was quite complimentary. I guess she was one of my Beta Readers that included my daughter, wife's best friend, sister, and all you wonderful readers here at BCTS. The Saga now has it's own spot on Facebook where she was kind enough to write a very nice review. She is right of center as far as her religious leanings are. Here are her comments: "A stunning achievement! While I do not always agree with the life choices of the characters in these novels, Tim's sensitive handling of these controversial issues is beyond reproach. Definitely for adults only though." I certainly appreciated the unsolicited comment; however, it struck me about her mention of "life choices". Like so many, she doesn't understand that it is not a choice. Why would anyone choose to go through what we go through. Hopefully, others who read my books will begin to understand that it is not a matter of choice.



Right of Center

My own family is either very Right, or extremely Right. They know as much as they are forced to about theology, and think science is a tool of satan.

Far right of center

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I often refer to myself as a walking, talking oxymoron. I class myself as a far right-wing Republican and conservative, fundamentalist Christian, transgender cross-dresser.

I have personally taken on the study of the scripture to see what the other fundamentalist Christians are talking about when they say that God doesn't approve of "men" wearing women's clothing.

I asked an individual who has a Doctorate in Theology to find scriptural basis for that opinion. He pointed out that one passage is not enough to base a theology on. He could only come up with on four line scripture. I'm sure that anyone who's come into contact with Bible-thumpers know the scripture well, so I won't quote it. In short, scripturally, they don't have a leg to stand on.

I attend and am very active in a mainstream church, known for its conservative, fundamentalist theology and I'm on good terms with the senior pastor, who knows of my need to wear women's clothes. While he thinks it's something I should seek God on, he's willing to let me sort it out with God. And I have, God doesn't really care what I wear, he cares where my heart is.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

By their logic it HAS to be a choice...

laika's picture

...because God doesn't make anyone gay or transgender.
Such a notion is unthinkable to a certain type of Christian,
and I assume other religions and political viewpoints as well.
He made us all cisgender and heterosexual, because only good
and normal things comes from God. Not sin and deviance. Which is us.
Some of these folks actually do love us, and treat us as decently according to
the principle of Agape love and to the golden rule, but even they can't "approve"
of our "lifestyle choice", and they "know" that we "know in our hearts"
that it's "wrong" and "against God". To see us any other way would
invalidate a large portion of their worldview.

Even with all the love in the world and the best of intentions
there is something infuriating about someone telling me that
they know what I know + feel better than I do. I have to confess
that the more I hear this viewpoint being espoused
the less tolerance I have for it.

Sigh, I guess I'll never be a totally accepting saint...
hug, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Not A Clue

I was unable to find you on Amazon, and you are not on the very short list of BC authors. But that isn't a surprise, very few are. So, how you are listed there and a link would be nice.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

Amazon Byline...

is Tim Blewett. You can find Amazon links to each of the novels (along with pictures of the covers) in earlier Littlerocksilver blog posts.


If I have to listen to a family member use that phrase...

one more time I will be inclined to treat them like a light stick; snap them in two and shake them until the light comes on. There's only so much ignorance a person can tolerate. The ignorance wouldn't be so bad if they didn't take great pride in it.