Alive depressed as $@##

A word from our sponsor:

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Things have been really shaky since my last post. Even though we have a housing voucher we were hit by a double wammy of two big rent increases with no warning.
Then we have had problems with a downstairs neighbor who pounds on our floor (his ceiling ) blaming us for the noise in the building. The two have sent my PTSD up over the top. Two weeks ago he pounder again on our door screaming insults at me and my skanky children making noise, I had been complaining to our apartment manager who knew me from the time we moved in. Never has there been any noise problems with us. The night of his screaming fit I refused to stand down and he ran away calling me pcycotic, my repply is You haven't seen pcycotic yet bub.

The complex finialy did something as he has behaved him self recently. But due to another management change ( 3 this year) our housing voucher has been threatened. All of the old people are gone and we have a twenty something hot shot from corporate that when he smiles I see shark teath.

I have been writing, a lot but added to this mess our Internet company has been shut down so Now I am using my phone to stay in contact.

I continuing the stores I hope soon , so my loyal fan don't dispaire.

Love to all



I'm really sorry about this

I wish there were something besides sending you positive prayers. I would say to come down to Portland, but we are facing the same sorts of rent increases. People are leaving California and the Dakotas like rats off a sinking ship.

Much peace
