Felix, Katie's boyfriend, reports that they have the heart arrhythmia under control and the blood tests back so they can start fine-tuning the antibiotics. Katie's blood gases are better but that's after they put her on a breathing tube. Her kidneys are working so that's good. She spiked a temp yesterday and during it tried to get up and leave but they talked her back into bed.
Still very serious condition but the doctors believe they have things in hand and she should be getting better from here on.
Hugs to all and thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts,
My Prayers go out to one of our long time members and long time author . Little Katie get well soon . Hugs , Prayers & Kiss
get well
After spending my own time in the ICU this year, I hope you are well and able to leave soon. You know, been there, done that!
I know that there are lot of us who against the Affordable Care Act, but this means that Katie should have health insurance of some form. I would hate to think about what her situation would be if she did not have insurance.
Thank you!
Thanks for the update on Katie's condition, and I am quite positive that the BC Family sends along continued wishes for her speedy and safe recovery so she can get back to what and who she loves!
Please send our love and
Please send our love and support to Katie.I hope that she heals well and take all the time she needs to recover.
And please send a hearty "please take some rest" to Felix. Having a loved one take ill that badly is just as taxing him, I hope he is able to find the time to rest and rejuvenate so he can be by her side as she recovers.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Glad she's doing better
Love and prayers and special hugs to all of you. I know this is a scary time.
Gillian Cairns