Yes, it is a US holiday, though a few other countries celebrate something similar on other dates but I think it is kind of a universal theme. We all need to take a moment out now and then to be thankful for what we have.
I'm thankful for the community we have here that stepped up and met our goals for the month with gifts. I'll update the Hatbox box later.
I'm thankful for lots of other things, too. I hope everyone has a lovely day. :)
You too...
I hope you have a lovely day too. Unfortunately the UK does not have an event like this (of which I am aware of). Although would like to thank everyone for the great and supportive community we have here.
- LKPridgeon
Thank you also
Thank you for the care you give the authors and the community. Thank you for putting up with me.
Thank you SO much for providing the space for this community to coalesce.
I feel that any culture that lacks a day of gratitude is depriving itself.
While the particular date is irrelevant, I think Canada has a better idea celebrating the day when travel is not as daunting... due to length of daylight and general weather in the northern latitudes. Still, the U.S. idea of a Thursday holiday - often with the adjacent Friday off to allow for long travel - has merit.
...let's not even mention Black you-know-what-day, except to say God bless those who work retail. The great under-appreciated.
I am most thankful for the BCTS community and the angels who make it possible.
There are no words.... :-)