Yes, it's true: I'm eight years old today, as far as any of you know.
My first post, in fact, was sent in by telegraph, back when the world-wide-web barely stretched past Pittsburgh. Every website was still all black-and-white, and all the pictures were cut from linoleum blocks.
Oh, but those were the days!
Anyway, it's been amazing to be here with all of you. I'm sorry I don't have all the time I had eight years ago, when I could spend hours a day reading and writing and exchanging notes.
As it happens, though, I've got a lot of vacation right now, so I'm hoping to knock out a short series. I've been working on it every day. It's so nice to have time to get some momentum. I won't start posting until the whole thing is done. No "(never) mind the gap" blog entries, I promise.
Thanks to everyone for reading and writing and contributing to the site. Thanks to Erin and the others! If it weren't for this site, I never would written as much as I have, and I doubt I would have improved much as a writer.
You reminded me of something.
I have a couple of linoleum block Christmas card images, the actual blocks, they were my Dad's.
Oh, And...
CongaRatz! Heep writin.
>i< ..:::
More Maizie?
More Maizie?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It all depends on time. I have notes and stuff for another Marcie story, but time when I'm free to write is hard to find.
thanks for asking.