Hi everyone
I believe we should all give a minute of silence in support for all those who died in the Paris, France terrorist attacks today.
It was a horrific attack on the people of that lovely City and I am sure was an attack upon all those who desire to live peaceful lives around this world.
Take care all and PEACE in your lives always.
Janice Lynn
Yes, bow your heads in prayer for the victims.....
And their families. This is a time when we all must gather together and show support for the people of Paris.
But it is also a time when we must stand tall and draw that line in the sand - the line that states unequivocally to all fanatics that this is as far as we go and no farther. This is the point we will not cross, the point where we make our stand for all of humanity. This is the time for all people to band together and fight back against those who would use terror and the deaths of innocents to further their political aims.
Now is the time for Orwell's "rough men" to step forward so that others might sleep soundly.
Yes, pray for the victims and their families, but cry out for vengeance and justice in the same breath.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
And pray for those "rough men" as well
Because they will go out and do what we can't or won't, to let us sleep safely.
Anne Margarete
So sad...
It breaks my heart that people can be filled with so much hate that they will kill innocent people for their cause. I pray that the families of all those murdered can somehow find peace during this trying time.
Anon Allsop
Sadness, Yes, But Vengeance Too
The horror that came to all those people and their friends and families on a Friday night's enjoyment is unimaginable. The animals who did this should be hunted down...not just the tools who were killed in the act....but those who organised and sent them on their despicable missions and think they can make us submit (word used with malice aforethought) to their barbarous interpretation of their religion.
I do not want my grandchildren to grow up in a world dominated by these fanatics.
Sadness, vengeance and knowledge
Sadness cannot be avoided. Vengeance must be given. However, it is the knowledge that makes the vengeance effective.
The perpetrator of these crimes is the terrorism. The terrorists are merely zombies who obey its will. It is important to make the distinction: the terrorists are people, while the terrorism is ideology. Fighting terrorists only and not understanding that the cause behind them is the terrorism is as stupid as it would be for a doctor to fight his patients and not the illness they suffer from. (Imagine a psychiatrist who works with paranoid patients and you will see the parallel clearly.)
Fighting an ideology is quite different from fighting people. It requires not searches and arrests, but open word against that ideology principles. Showing to its potential victims that this is not a road to heroism, or honor, or anything good. That it is a road to being a nutcase, a wretched zombie, a sub-human who deserves not fear, but compassion for his health and medical treatment. And many other things...
And it also includes fighting against the straw men the terrorism uses as a rallying enemy. Against the hate and fear mongers on your own side. Against the extremists and the bigots, even if they appear to support "our" cause. Remember - where there is no "good" and "bad", where there is only "us" and "them", the evil rules and plays both "us" and "them" against each other, to its own victory.
Why I am mentioning this? Not many of us can go to war against the terrorists, because of age, health or many other reasons. However, everyone here can go to war against the terrorism. Refuting its tenets, mocking its "values", showing its potential victims what they fall for, pushing back its straw men. In this battle every soldier counts, and every single word is a weapon.
Darkness cannot be won over with greater darkness. Darkness is won over with light.
Nicely put
Cowering and using only safe words to describe this, refusing to look at the root causes and the people behind it because it might hurt people will only ensure that that the leaders of ISIS, Al Qaeda and others keep gaining support. It also lets the extremists like neo-nazi's and other hate groups, gain support in Europe and North America, when they say no one is doing anything to keep people safe. We can see this happening in Germany already.
Unless we want to see a mutual bloodbath, we'd better start speaking up and demanding real action very soon.
I find it utterly reprehensible that this is how Islam is being presented. Islam itself is NOT a sexist religion. In the Islamic state of Mali in Africa at one time a woman had one of the highest offices in the land before Hillary Clinton(in the 19th Century if I remember correctly). So at points in time Islam was very progressive and cherished learning. Islamic countries, for a long while, were the only one who sterilized tools used in facilitating a woman giving birth which resulted in a much lower number in infant mortality.
Any, this is a group taking very niche points in the Quran and making them into more central tenets. It is more a reflection of the sexism and being backwards in their society/culture than Islam. Look at Korean women and how they were dressed in the past, consider that it strongly resembles a Burqa. I ask you look at their origin for emigration. It's not a coincidence that this Conservative Korean dress resembles a Burqa.
People who are scholars of Islam and practice it themselves must call nations like Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates and others out on their deception.
Last we must not allow the term Isis to become the new Swastika(is considered a Buddhist symbol of peace in Asia). Isis was not just an Egyptian Goddess but one that emerged later on as a monotheistic practice, a WOMAN who created the universe. Isis: Weaver Of the Universe. "The Golden Ass" by Apulius speaks of this. As it stands this cherished idea is being wiped by their usage of the term more then the Catholic Church co-opted the idea with "The Virgin Mary". Stand up and shout out that Isis means the idea of the Goddess who created our universe, without any man.
You are right
The terrorism can use any religion as a cover. Anders Breivik used the Christianity, some Israelis use Judaism, other people use still others. All of these are in this case just guises used by sociopaths to hide the terrorist ideology behind them - the ideology that "my whims justify the suffering of the others". This is the only true religion of the terrorism.
If you don't agree that the terrorism and the Islam are the same thing, speak it! Tell the people that it is not so. Speak both to the non-Muslims who are afraid of every Muslim around, and to the Muslims who are brainwashed into believing that their religion requires them to murder and cause suffering. You have a voice - the only weapon that does not hurt the people infected with terrorism, but hurts and kills the terrorism itself. Shed light.
I taught some Chinese Muslims English and they were great people. And from studying history for quite a while Europe was the backwater wasteland and the Caliphate was a source of civilization. But since around the turning of the 20th century, the extremest side has taken over. The more we kowtow to them and refuse to challenge the hate that 'they' spew out to the masses the worse it will get for both sides.
Well that would explain.
Why Turkey said there will be only one religion in this state and marched the Armenians out to the desert to die in the early part of the 20th century.
Keep in mind...
I'm not a Muslim. I learned these things while taking "African History", known as "West African History" at the uni I transferred to. I must say it was one of the most informative and interesting history classes I ever took.
Actually, I'm more a Daoist than anything.