How is a story listed as solo

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How is a story listed as a solo? It seems I have to ask for someone to change the listing when I post a story and there is no intent to add chapters. I'm guessing there is that "weight" thing I read about in another blog when a writer kept having her chapters list out of sequence.


You would choose option(s)

Frank's picture

Under the "Publication" tab. To pick multiple items if needed, hold down the control key on your keyboard while making multiple selections.



no "solo" tab

BarbieLee's picture

I found a "complete" tab but no solo tab as the very last tab in publications. Is that the same as "solo".

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

after posting it

dawnfyre's picture

when you view the story, go to the bottom and there is a ... in the information across the bottom of the story.
click that and it changes it to a solo

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

Information is data about HTML coding

BarbieLee's picture

At the bottom of the page is an information link which moves one to a couple pages of what HTML coding does.
I have been out of programming for too many years to want to learn it all over again.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


dawnfyre's picture

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that is the line, and the ... just switches to solo when I click it.
I just checked on your latest chapter of Horse Talk

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

look for

Wendy Jean's picture

the three astricks ***, and click on them.

thank you

BarbieLee's picture

Wendy, that was the ticket. Finally labeled it as a "stand alone".
Must be an insider secret? Have to hoover the mouse over it for the instructions to pop up.
Hugs Hon and thanks a million

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl